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Everything posted by Overwhelming

  1. I've announced it in the site. Btw, I would also like to know if there is a PC version in progress. Anyone (*cough*Mortimer*cough*)?
  2. On the other side, these instructions would have to be run only once (when the town changes to the cloned own. The problem is to take information from one town, and copying it to another. I mean, in the editor, you can only load one town. In the game, when you exit a town, the variables are reset (i think). So I presume that when town A disappears, all its information disappears too. So if Town B replaces Town A, the later's information would be lost. Even if the scaning the town for items would be no problem, how would I tranfer them to another town? Where in the game's memory would that information be stored while the engine's switched the towns? I guess it's impossible. Hum... I'm just going to check in BoA if the game remebers where I droped items, even after exiting and reentering the town. If it does, then that information is somehow stored in the save game and the engine's memory. So maybe some kind of solution may be reached for my problem. Edit: it remembers. That information must be stored somewhere. Somwhere where I could store Town A's dropped items and then copy to Town B (cloned town)... Maybe that's an impossible quest.
  3. Quote: **** OUR #1 TOP PRIORITY **** 1.1 void add_dialog_pic(short which_pic) - Puts a dialog picture in the upper-left corner of the dialog. Why top priority? Sure it would be cool, but I think there are other much more important calls. The dialog box call can be emulated, while there are other calls that don't. And those would open many paths in scenario design, like missile animations, cast_spell, time calls and the light calls.
  4. I guess limiting it to a limited area (a container or two) would do it. Hummm... But I'll try fiting everything in a single town first.
  5. Go here here and get Erik's guide. Among other things, it offers a tutorial on how to make dialogue.
  6. Go here here and get Erik's guide. Among other things, it offers a tutorial on how to make dialogue.
  7. I don't know. The sheet includes other seven squares, also fliped but with no shadow tweaking. Maybe I'll empty them out, then post it in my site and, after that, to the Louvre. Or tweak the other squares first, but that will be for later.
  8. Nevermind. I've figured it all. What do you think about the altar's new orientation? I've also tried to change the shadowing, but I'm not sure about the results: First version. Tweaked version. The code for the terrain: Code: begindefineterrain 500;clear;te_name = "Altar";te_which_sheet = 500;te_ed_which_sheet = 501;te_which_icon = 6;te_ed_which_icon = 4;te_can_look_at = 1;te_special_property = 41;te_move_block_n = 1;te_move_block_s = 1;te_move_block_e = 1;te_move_block_w = 1; As you can see, I had to use another sheet for the editor icons.
  9. Thanks. I've already noticed I was scripting in the wrong script, but I still have the problem. Here my roussadata.txt script: Code: beginscendatascript;begindefineterrain 500;clear;te_name = "Altar South";te_which_sheet = 500;te_ed_which_sheet = 500;te_which_icon = 3;te_ed_which_icon = 3; The editor doesn't display the right icon and only shows part of it. It doesn't even appear in the game. The sheet has the right measures (56 height) (I've jus edited one existing sheet, from Data/Terrain Graphics/).
  10. I did. Didn't find anything. I've already saved it as G500.BMP. Don't know where to place the te_which_sheet 500. Tried in the town script, under begindegineterrain; but nothing...
  11. How do I insert the custom terrain? How do I make it appear in the editor?
  12. This is stupid. There is only one altar pic, facing east. That means that if I want it facing south, i'll need to edit it with a picture editor? Or is there a way to rotate it?
  13. It looks good. Quote: I'm going to create an unlit version to be replaced by it in the daylight And how would you make it, so that it lits automaticaly when it's night?
  14. Yeah... I thought so. I was hoping someone would know a solution for this problem...
  15. Much better: Erik Westra made the BoA Editor Cookbook. From pages 70 to 79 (in PDF version) you can find a list of all items, with their graphic and number. A similar list existes for all creatures/NPCs. You can get the link in my site (check my signature). You should really pay attention to Erik's work. It's excelent indeed.
  16. You mean the NPC's portrait? That can be done in BoA.
  17. What do you mean with "Dialog Box"? Doesn't BoA has a dialogue system?
  18. Looks interesting. I've announced it in my site. Which one is to download? PyXML-0.8.3.win32-py2.1.exe 853686 1475 i386 .exe (32-bit Windows) PyXML-0.8.3.win32-py2.2.exe 854912 3321 i386 .exe (32-bit Windows) PyXML-0.8.3.win32-py2.3.exe 856860 11189 i386 .exe (32-bit Windows)
  19. Nice. Added it to the site. Included the docs in the zip file too.
  20. When can we expect an annoucement about scenario's entries and the contest results?
  21. Sounds cool, but I'm on PC. I'll wait a couple more reply posts before adding it to my site (to be sure that it doesn't has nasty bugs in it ).
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