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Everything posted by Overwhelming

  1. Quote: Originally written by Archmage Micael: Crimson Editor is much better. Trust me. I downloaded this one - and I didn't really like it. But then someone named... ***GREMLINCHIEF***(Won't put their real forum-name down) showed me the URL for Crimson editor. Check this out! Now that's a lot more helpful - especially since it's got a line counter. You should try THAT! Crimson Editor Download Page It's a nice editor. Someone already told about it in this topi, and it's in Spiderweb's links. But I think PN is a little bit more user-friendly (at least for newbies like me ) And it has a line counter too... Anyway, both are very similar. And tell me if the color coding and the project folder feature don't help alot.
  2. Quote: Originally written by Crunchy Frog: Eh. I don't find this too useful. Colouring is helpful and the project feature could be useful I guess, but it doesn't do anything else I want it to. In particular, if you select a block of text, and press tab, it doesn't indent - it replaces the text with a tab character. Logical, perhaps, but I find it much more intuitive to press tab to indent a selected block than Ctrl-I or whatever weird shortcut key. Oh, and if word wrap is on, it won't jump to lines correctly. Blech. Nor will auto-indent work correctly. I'll stick with Textpad , thanks; it has shareware nag screens, but it's almost perfect for my uses. Find is mapped to weird keys, but other than that it's much nicer. It has colouring, too. Takes a small bit of fiddling to get it working, though; you have to make a new document class; Configure -> New Document Class, call it AvernumScript, use C colouring, and enable the class for *.txt files; then you have to go and delete *.txt from the Text document class to make it happy. Oh, and PC only, sorry Mac users. Aham... There's an "ident" icon there (one to ident forward and another to ident back) (look the icons to the right of the binocular, they're greyed out because there's no selected text)
  3. FYI, in your previous HLPM version, the run that gave you 30000 gold coins stoped working after some uses... Do you know why?
  4. Tell us what doesn't work. Only certain charachters dialogs don't work? Which nodes, then? And so on...
  5. Quote: Each dialogue script can have up to 200 nodes, numbered 0 to 199.
  6. Quote: Originally written by The Creator: Just let the player know what kind of party you're expecting them to play with. They don't have to use it, but if they don't, all problems become their fault. That would be a solution.
  7. It looks great, I'll wait for the windows version. Can we switch between 2D/3D mode? If true, it would be very useful: we could preview our map's look in the editor. Plus, it would make easier to build elevations, etc.
  8. Quote: Originally written by Blank83: Crimson Editor has color coding as well, and it can be easily customized... you just need to make an spc and key file for the language. IT comes with 20 or so languages, so there are plenty of examples to look at, but I can't really decipher how they work. Otherwise I'd make one for Avernumscript. I didn't know that editor. Looks interesting, in the same line as Programmer Notepad. Cool.
  9. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: He wasn't talking about your post, he was actually describing the program itself as "bloated". It's a fairly common term among programmers to refer to a program with more features than anyone will ever want, and it's a fair bit more constructive than "that program has no use". Then my apologies. Anyway, we were talking about its use with Avernumscript, the features I told about: color coding, project folder.
  10. Thank you both. My question was answered. Of course I won't ask about gender, as the only thing in the game that tells you're a female or a male character is the picture you've chosen. So this can be tricky, if you're planning a scenario for a male main PC.
  11. Quote: Originally written by Shining Lightbulb: Unlike some people, I don't need to have my code highlighted all pretty colours in order to be able to understand it. I think no one needs the colouring to understand. It just makes easier and more organised. It's a matter of preference too. Not a matter of ability.
  12. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: I believe that Kel was pointing out that you invited opinions, and that UA (Shining Lightbulb) gave you his, and that you went snarky at him for it. I know. That's why I said I was just joking. About the other comment, it wasn't suited for what was asked. A comment like: that program has no use, I don't like it, I prefer the one I'm using, etc would be better, than just commenting the way I exposed the product, no it itself.
  13. Use the ANSI C hilighting. You can customize the colors (like I did and you saw in the screenshot). Very cool.
  14. Quote: Originally written by Just Call Me Kel: Quote: Originally written by Overwhelming: Let me know what you think. Humm... How should I interpret this? That you'r empty headed or that you don't think at all? Edit: just joking, mind you.
  15. Quote: Originally written by Shining Lightbulb: It's amazingly bloated. I just wanted to share what I found, and contribute to the community. Thank you for your kind reply.
  16. Well, it's not for Boa but can be used for it. It's a program that can substitute notepad, but that comes with many, many other options. Two of them, my favourite, are: - Colour coding (check this screenshot of a BoA script: ) - It can group text files in groups. So I can have a group/folder in notepad for each scenario/town/outdoors/whatever you want scripts. So I just have to open the program, open the folder and there are all scripts for my scenario. No need to browse for each file. You can get the program here: Programmers Notepad - the free, open source, text editor with special features for coders . Let me know what you think.
  17. I noticed that one too. There is another that I thought it was an error, but I wonder if it's me who's not understanding. I'll copy here for you to judge.
  18. I've been reading the doc and I've found some errors. I don't have it with me right now, so I'll post later the errors I've found. But here's a sample: It is explained that the engine solves mathematical expressions from right to left, instead of the normal way (left to right), so "9-3-3 is 0, not 3". Let's see: 3-3=0, 0-9=-9. It's -9, not 0. Or am I missing something? But this example is an harmless error, there are others that will make us confused (until we try it). There's some other errors, let's debug the doc (we have it in .doc format, so we can then make a reviewed version )? Anyway, let me just say that for a 110 page document, it's well written. At least the first 70 pages i've read.
  19. Quick question: Can we add our own music? And can we add a sound/music with an event (change the music when the player steps a specific space/area, for example)?
  20. I don't know if this could help, but here a map of Valorim, at Rache's Avernum 3 Site: ]http://rachea3.tripod.com/avernum3/id161.html
  21. Quote: Originally written by Dyng: Code: beginstate 11; reset_dialog(); add_dialog_str(0,"Do you wish to leave the scenario already?",0); add_dialog_choice(0,"Keep Fighting"); add_dialog_choice(1,"Chicken Out"); choice = run_dialog(1); if (choice == 1) end(); if (choice == 2) set_state_continue(12);break;beginstate 12; end_scenario(0);break; I didn't start reading about scripting, so I might be saying no-sense, but I noticed the following in your script: You give two choices (0 and 1) The "if choice" part refers to choices 1 and 2, instead of 0 and 1... It's just a mater of logic but, as I said, I know no scripting. So I'll let someone who knows to tell you. edit: I checked the VotDT script for fort talrus, and it's just like you have there, so i'm wrong... hummm...
  22. #%$%! After printing all 110 pages in 55 sheets, I noticed I mismatched the pages (page 1 has page 110 in the back, page 2 has page 109 in the back)... I'm printing again, this time 4 pages per sheet.
  23. Just wondering... Anyone of you printed the editor doc? Just out of curiosity.
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