Originally written by Kurojutsu:
Originally written by The Great 4808: Unfortunately, good town design takes a lot of work, but if you want your scenario to be interesting, you have to spend a lot of time on them.
Says the person with no scenarios to his name.
I'll put it bluntly- towns aren't necessary. A passable town will function just as well or almost unnoticably poorer than a well-designed town would. If a town isn't heinously ugly, it should take two hours at most to churn out. I don't play for towns, and I don't feel that anyone else does either.
Actually, I agree with Ben. Well-drawn towns ARE essential to scenarios, as are plot, interesting characters, and well both -thought and -written dialogue.
Sure, it doesn't matter if some backwater villages (the generic ones ^^) are just bundles of houses built close to each other, but try to do that same with a hi-populated capitol.. Towns are important. Not the most important part of design, but important, nevertheless. At least for people like me who ENJOY exploring interesting places. ^^