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Posts posted by Kelandon

  1. You know, that question has been done before, but we have not actually discussed it in recent enough memory for it to be annoying. We've made references to our own opinions (I think the Blades community overall leans towards liking E2/A2's story the most, with individual variations), but we haven't really discussed why.


    Certainly the overarching plotline of E3/A3 is a bit stupid: the vahnatai? Monsters plagues? Because of vengeance? Still? Jeez. Perhaps if E3/A3 spent more time developing the vahnatai's attachments to their crystal souls — show us why they care so much — then it would perhaps be more reasonable. But as it is, it seems forced. The vahnatai seem crazy. Their fight seems largely groundless (less so if you've played E2/A2 lately, but still), and the monster plagues seem cliched.


    That said, the execution of the plotline is pretty good. Each dungeon was really, really fun. I just think the greater narrative could've used some work.


    Meanwhile, E2/A2's narrative is generally fairly reasonable, in that each of the three quests pretty much logically follows, and we're not asked to swallow too much when the vahnatai make their initial mistake and then afterwards side with the exiles. E2/A2 structurally seemed like too much of a copy of E1/A1, but it did well as far as greater narrative.

  2. As you have undoubtedly noted with your precise wit, neither Exile 3 nor Avernum 3 actually came with a scenario editor. The game with a scenario editor was separate. No one actually knows yet if there will be some sort of Blades of Geneforge, but it seems rather likely.

  3. Generally, head southeast to the South Workshop and then north and east through the Front Gate and into Trajkov's headquarters.


    There's a canister of Create Drayk in the Patrolled Dell a few spots east of you. Er, and another one in the Sealed Lab, which is on your way to Trajkov.

  4. To get into Inner Gazak-Uss, you need three broken crystal pieces which are in Benerii-Uss Holding (NW), Benerii-Uss Shaping (SW), and the Geneforge (E), according to the FAQ at the top of this board. As I recall, none of them are too hard to find.


    You cannot use the Geneforge yourself.

  5. From what I understand, the closest scenarios you'll find to E3 in BoE are At the Gallows, Spears, and Adventurer's Club 3. Those are huge, sprawling epics with lots of towns, outdoors, fighting, dungeons, etc.

  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Me, Myself & I:
    Please reply to this and say I will delete this topic. IF I get 5 DELETE THIS TOPICS, than I will delete it.
    I suppose it goes without saying that this makes no sense. I feel like saying it anyway: this makes no sense.

    I think you were trying to say: "Please reply to this if you think that I should delete this topic. If I get 5 replies of that nature, then I will delete it." Unfortunately, your request was worded poorly, you abused caps lock, and you used "than" instead of "then," one of my personal grammar pet peeves. Also, sadly, you are not capable of deleting this topic; only a moderator can do that, and they almost never do.

    By the way, triple-posting will earn you no friends around here. Edit your previous post if you have something to add soon after posting. Oh, and one more thing:

    If I posted it on the previous topic it would be totally off topic. HELLO, have you people ever been to elementary school?
    You're responding to posts in a particular thread. Therefore, your response would be on-topic in that thread. Get a clue.
  7. You need a dialogue script. There are a variety of ways to deal with this. Reading the docs can be useful, particularly Chapter 2.14 - Creating Dialogue. The basics: every town has a dialogue script. The script's name will be the same as the town script's name with "dlg" stuck on the end: the dialogue script for Fort Talrus in VoDT is "t0Fort Talrusdlg.txt," because Fort Talrus's script is "t0Fort Talrus.txt." The docs will tell you what calls are available in a dialogue script.


    Arenax made a dialogue editor, too, available here . I've never used it or heard from anyone who's used it, so I can't vouch for it, but it exists.

  8. Oh, as another point: I don't think very many of our suggestions that we will make from now until the release of GF3 are going to be implemented. Jeff seemed to indicate that the GF3 engine was pretty much done, and all he's doing now is writing in more areas and dialogue and such.


    So posting any improvements for GF3 that are more than "I'd like to fight against a creature that has a script that does [x]" is probably useless. But it is fun to dream, still.

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