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Posts posted by Kelandon

  1. May I suggest that if you did not find what you were looking for on the main web site, you were not looking hard enough? You have a question about one of the games, so click on Our Games . Then, since you want to know about Avernum, click on Avernum . At that point, you have a question about a technical issue, so you are looking for support, so click on Upgrades & Support . Scroll down, and you will find this:

    Reactivating the Character Editor

    You can turn off the character editor permanently. Should you have done this and want your character editor back, this is how to restore it (written backwards for extra secrecy): fI gnisu a hsotnicaM, worht yawa eht "munrevA sferP" elif ni eht secnereferP redlof. fI gnisu swodniW, eteled eht "tad.munrevA" elif ni eht munrevA ataD redlof. Please note if you have registered the game, this might unregister it. If your game becomes unregistered, contact us for a new key by calling 206.789.4438 or emailing spidweb@spiderwebsoftware.com. There is no charge for this but please include the name you registered under, which game you need a new key for and your current registration code (located in the lower right hand corner of the title screen).

    Note also that a quick search of this forum on "editor" will find you two other topics on the same thing.
  2. Three things:


    1. Don't revive topics uselessly. This topic revival was useless because the topic was intended only to answer one question by an individual user, and that question was answered a long time ago.


    2. That canister is not, I believe, on the way to Trajkov from where he was. I only listed ones that were nearby.


    3. Using more than one smiley in a row makes you look like an idiot.

  3. As I've menntioned before, my favorite ending was unaligned, when I killed every leader of every faction (the three drayks, Barzahl, Zakary, and Learned Pinner), destroyed both research centers (the Magus Complex and the Radiant College), and destroyed the Geneforge. Oh, and I killed Stanis to avenge Shanti, too. I basically killed and destroyed everything.


    I think I called that save file, "Obliteration." :p

  4. Wikipedia on Hades mentions, "In Roman mythology, an entrance to the underworld located at Avernus, a crater near Cumae, was the route Aeneas used to descend to the Underworld. By synecdoche, 'Avernus' could be substituted for the underworld as a whole." In fact, Avernus is so significant that it gets an entire page devoted to it.


    That's pretty neato. I didn't know that. I thought Jeff just made up the bit about it being a name for the underworld.

  5. Er, deleted it? I assume you mean that you deactivated it, in which case there's a help page for you.



    You can turn off the character editor permanently. Should you have done this and want your character editor back, this is how to restore it (written backwards for extra secrecy): fI gnisu a hsotnicaM, worht yawa eht "munrevA 3 sferP" elif ni eht secnereferP redlof. fI gnisu swodniW, eteled eht "tad.3munrevA" elif ni eht 3 munrevA ataD redlof. Please note if you have registered the game, this might unregister it. If your game becomes unregistered, contact us for a new key by calling 206.789.4438 or emailing spidweb@spiderwebsoftware.com. There is no charge for this but please include the name you registered under, which game you need a new key for and your current registration code (located in the lower right hand corner of the title screen).
  6. Yes.


    Well, I suppose you want more of an answer than that. You need three broken crystal pieces, one in each area of Benerii-Uss. The FAQ in the header to these boards has info on each crystal piece in the entries on each area of Benerii-Uss.

  7. From the Blades of Avernum docs, Chapter 4.1 - Basics of Custom Graphics:

    "Figure out what number your sheet will be. Save your image as a bitmap with file name 'G[number].BMP'. (Example: For sheet 539, save the file at 'G539.BMP').


    Copy the bitmap into your scenario folder. You’re done."


    You can see examples of this in every scenario released so far, including the ones that came with BoA.

  8. I'm trying to figure out how to make a PC attack himself, or at least how to simulate it. I talked with TM, and he had some good ideas, and then I went to put it into practice, and I realized I'd forgot something.


    Assassination, Anatomy, and Lethal Blow: I have no idea how these skills affect damage. I was wandering through Walker White's Advanced NPC, because he did some work with this, and he says that accuracy is determined by:


    Dex + Melee/Pole + Blademaster


    Percent chance to hit is 30 + 5 * (Accuracy - Total Defense), where Total Defense is presumably Defense + Gymnastics.


    I think I've established that pretty well, unless someone else knows otherwise. But damage has me stumped.


    I know that Strength, Melee/Pole, Blademaster, Anatomy, Assassination, and Lethal Blow play into it, but I don't know exact specifics. Does anyone know specifics or a way to estimate damage done?

  9. I think it ought to go without saying that a nine-month-old topic based on a question from a community member who seems to have departed should be left alone. I haven't seen spyderbytes in a while, and this question was so old that you should've left it alone anyway.

  10. I think that Anaximander doesn't respond to certain events that seem significant. Don't expect too much out of him.


    Don't muck with the Stuff Done Flags, because no one knows which flags correspond to which events and you can seriously screw up your game with them.


    If you got into the Bunker and can see Erika, then it sounds like you're doing fine. Are you having any problems with anything?

  11. I direct you to this page . Or, if you are too lazy, I will copy it here:


    Reactivating the Cheat Codes:

    You can turn off the cheat codes permanently. Should you have done this and want them back back, this is how to undo the change (written backwards forextra secrecy): fI gnisu a hsotnicaM, worht yawa eht "sferP egrofeneG" elif ni eht secnereferP redlof. fI gnisu swodniW, eteled eht "tad.sferPFG" elif ni eht egrofeneG ataD redlof. Please note if you have registered the game, this might unregister it. If your game becomes unregistered, contact us for a new key by calling 206.789.4438 or emailing spidweb@spiderwebsoftware.com. There is no charge for this but please include the name you registered under, which game you need a new key for and your current registration code (located in the lower right hand corner of the title screen).

  12. I didn't talk to Berra (didn't realize I was supposed to) until after I'd finished the slimes, roaches, troglos, giants, and golems. That didn't turn out to be a problem, so I know that's not the issue here.


    As far as I can tell from the FAQ, you can visit Erika after investigating the New Formello murders, so that shouldn't be a problem. Also, all the evidence from Berra is only important to help you figure out who is causing the plagues (you get three choices, and the evidence from the golems provides you with the conclusion), so as long as you've figured it out anyway, the evidence doesn't matter.


    And figuring out who is responsible is only important as far as getting one weapon, which you don't need to use in order to finish the game. I didn't use it the first time I beat the game, and it doesn't make it too much harder.


    Anyway, nothing you've described sounds like a serious problem. Just keep going.

  13. It does work, but there are a handful of caveats.


    • The damage done seems to depend on the damage received by the party member; that is, if a creature does 40 damage to me, I can't do more than 40 damage back to it.
    • It only applies to melee combat.
    • The damage done appears to be magic damage, meaning that if you're fighting a magic resistant creature, the damage will be reduced (although I'm not 100% sure of this).
    • For reasons I can't entirely ascertain, the damage also varies wildly based on other statistics, possibly including the relative levels of the PCs and the monsters.

    But yes, I have gotten it to work with an excessively high amount of the ability (it_ability_str_1 = 100).

  14. A couple more things:


    When a PC is next to a spot and you look at that spot, you search the spot. As far as I can tell, if the joined NPC is next to a spot, however, you don't search the spot. I'm not sure if this is a bug or just an intentional stupid thing.


    As far as I can tell, if you have two dialog choices via add_dialog_choice and the party clicks on the second one, run_dialog always returns 2, whether the call used to make the second choice read add_dialog_choice(1,"Choice 2") or add_dialog_choice(2,"Choice 3"). (The latter normally returns 3 when chosen.) I just discovered this, though, so I may be mistaken.

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