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Posts posted by Kelandon

  1. Er, this may or may not help, but from the walkthrough in the forum header:


    "Walk along the path, ignore the wheel, then make it to the lever. Pull it, and pilot it out to the water area, and take the upper path. I'll let you figure this out, but it's not too hard. Then just keep pushing the block up the stairs. The block won't fall off the cliff either. Move back onto the rune, and uh oh! Just push it south through the secret door. Jump down after it, and move it back onto the rune. That's it."

  2. 1. The call set_state is pretty much only useful in a creature or terrain script. There, it will run the state on the next turn. In any other script, as far as I know, it just ends everything.


    2. I don't know. I wouldn't count on it.


    3. As far as I know, it's 10 total.


    4. As far as I know, it spawns in the same place as the original creature was placed. If you want to place a monster that doesn't do that, use place_monster.

  3. Raise your hand if it took you until just now to figure out that "Ash Lael" is the other half of The Creator.


    In other news, we don't really keep anyone from playing BoE, although it is a way of finding the best scenarios made so far. It only fits half the "secret club" designation.


    But, er, yeah. This post really has no point. I'll try to be more useful in the future.

  4. Note that this doesn't actually allow you to write dialogue, though. If you want to do that, you have to make a dialogue script for the town and set the creature's memory cell 3 (assuming you're using basicnpc) to the number of the first node that the creature is using (the first one will be 1).

  5. Two things:


    empty_skins == 0;


    This doesn't work. You need only one equals sign ("empty_skins = 0;").


    has_special_item(1) == empty_skins;


    This doesn't work for two reasons, one of which is described above. The other is that you can't set a short the way you can set a variable. Use an SDF or another variable to hold this value if you need to hold it.

  6. Note that run_dialog is a SHORT, not a VOID. That means it's a number. If you want to make it do something, you have to do something like this:


     choice = run_dialog(1);if (choice == 1)     end(); 
    If you want something that responds when the party searches, use the script specobj.txt, which is included in virtually every scenario released so far.
  7. Nethergate is quite good. I've been toying with the idea of a Blades of Avernum-Nethergate crossover — since you can make scenarios that would look a lot like Nethergate using BoA — but I never really had any idea how such a thing would work. Maybe someday far down the line.


    Anyway, Nethergate is worth your money to buy. It's one of the community favorites, even though it didn't sell as well as the others.


    And, er, welcome.

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