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Posts posted by Kelandon

  1. Is this still going? If so...


    The call town_status always returns 0 (or possibly 1, I forget).


    The infamous enter-combat-end-combat bug: you can get placed in totally nonsensical locations. If you enter and then end combat immediately, you get placed one space forward. This allows you to skip special rectangles extremely easily.


    The call move_to_new_town can't be called from an INIT_STATE, a START_STATE, a creature script, or a terrain script, even if you distance the call from the state with set_state_continue, run_town_script, or run_scenario_script. This is exceedingly irritating in cut scenes.


    Beam projectors malfunction wildly in close quarters, next to walls, in varying heights, etc.


    I made a utility scenario to demonstrate a bunch of this, in case anyone wants to see it. I sent it to Jeff a while back, and I recently played it again with BoA v1.1.1, and sadly, it still demonstrates bugs just as effectively as it did before.

  2. As much as this threads offends my sense of taste, I can't find any specific reason to lock it, so it lives.


    And XK, it's actually not spelled "Slithzerakai," but slithzerikai.


    There are those of us who are trying to break free of the racial stereotypes in the Avernum world via BoA scenarios (my Bahssikava), but it is a losing battle, I fear.

  3. It's been a while since we've had one of these. I'll just get the obligatory remarks out of the way immediately: a number of people make nigh on identical posts about the same thing every now and then, and virtually none ever get any response. The threads just die.


    Learn to script. It's not that hard. If you have any specific questions, post them.


    The last time we talked at length about collaboration and why it doesn't work appears to be here .

  4. You may very well be in some trouble. Two things:


    1) You don't have to beat the golems before going through the Keep of Tinraya.


    2) Always back up your save file before mucking with it in the editor. There's a reason it tells you to do that.


    That said, let me see if I can find a solution to this. I'll edit this message in a little bit.


    EDIT: If there is a way, I sure can't find it. It looks like the portal is handled by an SDF, which means you can't enter it more than once. I don't think there's much you can do from the point that you're at. Do you have an earlier save file at all?

  5. Awesome.


    Well, okay. To give a more elaborate answer: I think we have plenty of mindless hack-n'-slash already. If you want heaps upon heaps of fairly monotonous combat, play Demon Island I or II. Doing something new is good.


    Also, as I mentioned over in the HoF Banter board in the Lyceum, some people have gotten really good at traditional Exile combat, and I think they're bored with it. I think that Thuryl is one such person (hence Roots), and so is the Creator (hence Areni), and TM, too (hence NTH — one would expect him to get bored with traditional combat after playing 200+ scenarios of it :p ). Since they make scenarios that they would want to play, they adapt the combat to be different from traditional Exile combat.


    The developing skills of players has affected the style of designers, which is part of why I think that the really outstanding players who haven't designed much (Imban, Bruce Mitchell, and until recently Thuryl, among others) are important to the community. They force designers to design differently. Then it's up to the really terrible players, like myself, to keep their influence in check. :p


    At any rate, new and different combat that stretches the limits of the BoE engine is good, since that's probably the only thing that will continue to keep BoE alive and healthy as BoA starts to gain ground.

  6. Just because the previous post made it seem otherwise: no, that doesn't always happen. Most people can play through GF2 without ever having a problem with over-sized text. It's something specific to your computer or operating system or something. There may be a way to fix it, but I don't know what it is.


    Jeff might. If you e-mail Spiderweb and tell him as much of the technical specifications of your computer and operating system that you know, and if you tell him specific text boxes where this happens, he might be able to help you.

  7. We told Jeff about this when he was going to make the upgrade from v1.1 to v1.1.1, and I thought he was going to fix this. Oh well.


    I've found some bugs lately, too (with beam projectors in particular). I say after GF3 gets released, we push for another bug-fix for BoA.

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