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Posts posted by Kelandon

  1. There are any number of ways of doing things. One way is to use erase_char and set_flag. That gets rid of the character in the town for the moment, but as soon as the party leaves and re-enters, the character will be back. To fix this, check that flag in the town's INIT_STATE, and if the flag is set, erase_char again in the INIT_STATE, so that the party will never see this character.


    There are lots of other ways, too.

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Webrat:
    hey, almost every topic has been made before. would u prefer rising old topics just because someone has a different question?
    This was an identical question, though. No harm done, but I figured it would be more efficient just to link to the old thread about the same thing.
  3. The only kind of script that gets called between moves in combat is a terrain script. If you put this in a terrain script's START_STATE and set the script's mode to 3 (so it would be called every turn), then this state would get called between every single PC move — but even then, I don't think it would get called between every monster move, so I don't think that would help much.


    Eh, no. I don't know how one might do this effectively. A warning, especially if you can make it plot-related and in-game sensical, might be best.


    EDIT: Oh, duh. Put it in the START_STATEs of the creature scripts of the creatures nearby, too, so it will be called on every monster move also. That should cover all of your bases.

  4. 1) This should not be in Tech Support. It should be in Avernum Trilogy.


    2) Double-posting is bad. Note that there are two of these threads that say the same thing. Don't do that.


    3) I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about (Portal H?), but I'm pretty sure that this page can help you.


    I'm pretty sure you have to go through a secret passage in the northeast and touch the rune at least once in order to change the destination of that portal.

  5. 1) This should not be in Tech Support. It should be in Avernum Trilogy.


    2) Double-posting is bad. Note that there are two of these threads that say the same thing. Don't do that.


    3) I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about (Portal H?), but I'm pretty sure that this page can help you.


    I'm pretty sure you have to go through a secret passage in the northeast and touch the rune at least once in order to change the destination of that portal.

  6. Download a new demo. Then e-mail Spiderweb. Tell them the name and address (I believe those are the two things they want) under which you registered before, and give them the number corresponding to the new game that you downloaded. They'll send you a new key.

  7. I already told mistica in another thread that answering a question that has already been answered or other useless posting is considered spam and is bad, so I think we need not heap it on here.


    Since the question that caused this thread's existence has now been answered, I think we are done here. Move along, people.

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