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Posts posted by Kelandon

  1. I don't know why I'm doing this after your response on your last topic, but whatever.


    Generally, proceed clockwise. The first secret passage is in the middle of the north wall. The second one is in the middle of the east wall. The third one (in the room with the ruby skeleton) is just south of the middle of the east wall. The final one in the room full of undead is in the southeast corner. That portal will take you out.


    EDIT: And again, no reward necessary or even wanted. Especially since I wrote the thing that you linked to. And I use Silver's maps as much as anyone.

  2. From the FAQ in the forum's header:


    "Strength: Choose either your fighter or your priest to do this one. Go in and hack everything to kibbles. There are 2 springs hidden here which'll give you a few HP and MP if you need them. There's also a very nasty ruby skeleton, which is why I recommend taking the priest. Search for secret doors and eventually you'll finish without hassle."


    "Speed: Choose whoever has the highest tool use skill or your mage to do this one. There's lots of quickfire, which is a pain. A few locked doors bar your path, and you've got to turn a wheel to open a gate. Take the lower path and ignore the goblins. If you've got enough resistance you can just ignore the quickfire and instead grab all the treasure to the north (it's nothing great)."


    No reward necessary or even wanted.

  3. 1. get_energy

    2. A PC's special ability? No. Can't target a space, can't target a creature, as far as I know. Should be able to, but can't. We have a request in for a new call that would allow it to, but it can't right now.


    You can save as .jpg in a lossless fashion. You have to check the right options in your imaging program, but you can do it.


    Be patient. If you don't get a response within 24 hours, then bump the thread with a new post, but not if you don't get a response within 1 hour.

  4. What you might do is e-mail the same description of the bug that you gave us to Jeff Vogel, attaching your save file and the scenario, making sure to mention what operating system and version of BoA you're using. Since this seems to be BoA misbehaving, he might actually take a look at it and let you know what's going on. If you gave him Stareye's e-mail (which he has, but probably doesn't have memorized), then he might e-mail Stareye, too, if he tracks down the problem.


    He checked out an error for me once when I was making the HLPM. He might do it again.

  5. It would help to know which room you're in. But whatever.


    In the first room, stand on the white mushrooms and then walk south.


    In the second room, push a crate onto the rune where you started.


    In the third room, walk S S E E S S E S S W W W W N N through the danger.


    In the fourth room, step only on the sixth room (lighting all of the lights).


    There's more, but I don't want to post a walkthrough for the entire dungeon. If you have more difficulty, ask a more specific question.

  6. I can see the picture. And of course if you make good custom graphics for BoE, you can make them available however you see fit. Since the BoA graphics are freely available anyway, I don't think it would be a problem if they were based on those, either.

  7. Why not take out the "if" part of the calls? Putting a field on a space that already has a field does nothing harmful.


    It may just be a matter of when BoA reads the fields as disappearing: if it erases fields after the START_STATE, which I think it does, it would take an extra turn to add a new field. Getting rid of the "if" parts might fix this.

  8. Don't spam. Posting three topics in the same boards in close chronological succession is known as "spamming" and frowned upon here.


    Shanti had to die because the plot wouldn't've worked otherwise. You had to become a free and independent shaper to choose whatever side you wanted. I guess.


    I was a little thrown off by the fact that Shanti died so early in the game. I thought it would've been interesting to have her around for longer.

  9. Nor would any of the other Slavic nations. I'm having a little bit of trouble tracking down what language that is, exactly. It's Slavic, but what, I don't know.


    It does explain the total lack of respect for the law, though. There seems to be something in the political climate of the countries formerly part of the Soviet Union that makes their citizens believe that law simply does not matter. This would make an interesting discussion topic, although this thread is not, I guess, the place for it.

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