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Posts posted by Kelandon

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by +t:
    Have you logic? {that isn't kind of offense, i'm realy curious.}
    If you're really asking that question, that means you're stupid enough not to realize that a person could not conceivably answer no. If you're not really asking that question, then your parenthetical was a heap of excrement. I'm not sure which I believe more.

    Generally copyright law and intellectual property are respected pretty seriously throughout most of the developed world. Yes, you would have to be in a fairly bizarre country for copyright law not to exist or be enforced.

    Also, copyright law is respected on these boards, as they are the company's official boards — think about it. Since you are such a paragon of reason, I'm sure you won't have any trouble figuring this out.

    Your question has, by the way, been answered. Khoth answered it already. He and Isaac are the two who have been doing the most tinkering with the BoA Editor, so those two would know, and you got an answer from one of them. What else do you want?
  2. Well, the license does have a clause about not reverse-engineering the code in any way. It would in fact be a violation of the license, which is a legal contract that you agreed to by purchasing and using the software. Hence, you would be in breach of a contract, which is illegal.


    But you don't exactly seem like the most reasonable person in the world, so I'm not going to say too much more on the matter.

  3. The scenarios are, obviously, .bas files. I would think that would be fairly obvious just from looking around at the files that come with the demo. But perhaps we didn't make this clear:




    EDIT: And, come to think of it, might get you banned from these boards.


    EDIT 2: But #2 on your list would be a really good idea and should be encouraged.

  4. I have no idea what you just said except that you're talking in some way about mucking with the BoA Editor to make a new version. If you want to do that, I strongly recommend trying to port the 3D Editor to PC. The 3D Editor is probably one of the major reasons that all of the scenarios that have been released so far have come from Mac users.

  5. There is no 3D editor for OS 9 or earlier.


    Notice that what you downloaded was the editor source, as in source code, as in the C code that still needs to be compiled in order to become a program. That C code, when compiled, would become the OS X program that you could download in the link above the one you clicked on. It only exists so that people can modify it and make their own custom editors. However, it does no good for you unless you know C code and own something that will compile C.

  6. I'm not sure which room you're talking about. You probably have to use a stairway from the upper level. The only significant secret passage is the first one, in the northeast of the first room in the lower level of the Slime Pit. After that, you have to go back up to the upper level and find other stairways to come back down.


    After you've killed five slime pools, you'll be able to get into yet another room, too.


    EDIT: As always, my info comes from Avernum, not Exile, but it should be the same.

  7. This is listed under the call add_item_to_shop.


    0 - 499 - item

    2000 + x - mage spell x (x is from 0 to 19). how_many is the highest level of the spell that can be bought in the store.

    3000 + x - priest spell x (x is from 0 to 19). how_many is the highest level of the spell that can be bought in the store.

    4000 + x - alchemy recipe x (x is from 0 to 19). how_many should be 1.

    5000 + x - skill x. Each purchase gives the character 1 level of the skill. how_many is the maximum number of levels of the skill that can be bought.

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