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Posts posted by Kelandon

  1. Toenail: oh, nothing. It's just more monsters, and blah blah blah.


    It's worth seeing. wink


    EDIT: And here I am assuming that E3's easter egg is the same as A3's, but I believe that I have heard that it was.

  2. Okay, so, to clear up any misconceptions:


    GF3 has already gone through beta. It started beta a while ago (December, I think), and Jeff discreetly sought beta testers via a form on the web site proper. I think usually he uses most of the same people for every game. The beta testers also sign a non-disclosure agreement, which means they can't say anything about the game to anyone based on their beta knowledge, so it's no good asking them about anything.


    And no, I'm not a beta tester. I have moderator status because Stareye judges me reasonably trustworthy and knowledgeable about board policies and procedures. That means I know no more about GF3 than anyone else here, except what we've seen from other games.


    Spiderweb always released for the Mac first and Windows second, usually 2-3 months later, and so far, the creation of new forums for a game has meant that the game is coming out within the next day or two. As far as I know, Jeff keeps to regular business days, so a release on the weekend is unlikely.


    That means that it will probably come out -- eh, if Ash is right, then on Monday or Tuesday, and I may have to lock a topic or two if "OMFG WHEN WILL IT COME OUT I LUVZORZ THE GENEFORGE" posts become too common. Making a sub-forum for a new game a week in advance is unusual for SW, but certainly not unbelievable.


    I've been refreshing the GF3 page constantly since yesterday, just because I want to know as soon as the thing comes out, but my waste of SW's bandwidth is probably unnecessary, because Spiderweb likes to make announcements (in the Announcements sub-forum) when they release games.


    For anyone new, that's what we know. If anyone else has any other useful information that they are able to share, feel free.

  3. There is a limit. With 40 levels of Riposte, my character was Riposting about 80-90% of the time. I have no idea what factors go into this, but I think the damage that it does is related to level ratios or something, because I was doing pitiful damage with it.

  4. In advance? I'm hoping very few, since there's kind of no point.


    To get past the artilas, you have to use the new spell KABOOMIFY, which does 5d30+75. coolcoolcool


    At least, that's the sort of response that I'm expecting people to give.


    Seriously, though, it might be useful to lay some ground rules for help topics. If your question is how to get past a certain combat, you probably want to include what your characters are, shaper classes and creations -- so if you were asking for help for the snow ambush screenshot, you would say, "I'm in [whatever location] and my party consists of a Shaper, a Guardian, and an Agent with no creations, and I'm trying to defeat a vlish and a gazer. How do I do this?"

  5. I found Dragonlance really to start sucking after about the eighth Weis and Hickman book. From Dragons of Autumn Twilight all the way through Dragons of Summer Flame, I thought it was the greatest piece of fantasy ever written, and then they came out with that War of Souls garbage, and I decided I probably wasn't going to read any more Dragonlance.


    I don't know what happened, but the War of Souls trilogy just struck me as idiotic. The characters were horrible, the plot was far-fetched, the writing was bloated, and resurrecting Tas yet again just struck me as wrong.


    But Legends is probably my favorite fantasy trilogy I've ever read.

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