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Posts posted by Kelandon

  1. No, there really isn't another way. Bahssikava does this at one point, and the way I handled it was to end the conversation and begin the cut scene after the party takes a step, just as you describe.


    We have wanted to request an END_TALK_STATE, but it hasn't happened yet.


    EDIT: Same time as TM.

  2. In theory, yes. It's not supported, and you either have to replace the default graphics or make a custom graphics file that only works for one scenario -- TM is doing something like this, I think -- and both methods have their problems.


    But yes, it certainly is possible to do, and The Louvre has at least one set of graphics (the vahnatai PC) that will do it.


    EDIT: The gray dervish will do it, too.

  3. If I'm not mistaken, if you actually can emulate a Mac OS, all you need to do is download GF3 from the Spiderweb site and try to run it. It doesn't need to be converted in any way.


    If you need something converted, you don't have something that can really emulate a Mac OS.

  4. In retrospect, I think A2 was the best, but I liked A3 the most at the time.


    Lessee... do we have an old one of these threads lying around that I can link to?




    No, I can't find one. Was it really so long ago that it got deleted in the last prune? Strange.


    Anyway, usually the line goes, if you want to start from the beginning and enjoy the story as it develops, start with A1. If you want to play the one with the best plot and some nice added features, play A2. And if you want the one that is the largest (by far) and has the most stuff in it, at a small sacrifice to the overarching plot, play A3.

  5. Another one:


    * A creature whose graphic is set to the wrong size in the scenario's custom objects script (i.e., a small graphic with cr_small_or_large_template = 1) causes even Mac-BoA to crash and quit without an error message when the creature dies. This falls under the heading of "looking for a graphic that's not there."


    GF3 for Mac is out -- shall we send this now? I can edit in the few additional bugs into the above list, if we want.

  6. Khoth is the one to talk to about Alint.


    Workarounds for the char_take_item bug tend to be heinous. Some combination of take_all_of_item, take_item, destroy_char_item, reward_give, and char_give_item might be able to get you what you need.


    I admit I haven't read your script, so I have no idea what you would need to use, but these were the calls that I mucked with while trying to work around the bug in LP.


    EDIT: Have you, in fact, checked that string code in BoA and made sure that it works? I've never tried doing such a thing.

  7. Oh, yeah, if you want them that red, there's no way icon adjustment will do that for you.


    Er, unless you want them ghostly. Then start by inverting the colors and work from there. The slith ghost chiefs in Bahs are an example of what I'm talking about.


    Otherwise, yeah, custom graphics are your best bet.

  8. Fatman: 1) is what we all want. 2) seems possible if he steals more from the GF engine than I'd like him to, but otherwise... I don't know how he'd do this in a way that wouldn't annoy me. 3) seems very likely, given what he's done lately. 4) was already done in E3/A3, so it's probably coming back -- unless he does something annoying borrowing from the GF engine and eliminates the concept of time. 5) also sounds much like E3/A3. — But not much like GF, which makes me wonder. I'd like to see this sort of thing too.


    Tohubohu: the land inherited by the Avernites is awfully small... it's maybe 10-20% of Valorim, if that.

  9. Additionally, you can only get the same node once per set of conversation options, which means that if he has other dialogue options, you would have to exhaust them every single time you wanted to buy him another drink, or you would have to end the conversation and start it again.


    In that case, it may be less annoying just to make different nodes.

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