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Posts posted by Kelandon

  1. Try to give slightly more information when you need help, please. I'm having a horrible time figuring out what you've done.


    So is the graphic actually numbered something between 500 and 600 in your custom graphics file? Does your script now match up to that? Is it a properly formatted graphic (bmp on PC, PICT resource on a Mac)?

  2. So...


    * In corescendata, Augmented Giant (creature 135) ought to have the line "cr_which_sheet_upper = 1618;"


    Black line on the Rakshasa image? I don't see one.


    And are you saying that it_missile_anim_type doesn't work? If so, that'd be the first I'd heard of it.


    Also, I can't reproduce the put_stain_on_space bug. As far as I can tell, the call works.

  3. There is a workaround -- change_blocked prevents the party from landing on a space when ending combat, which can prevent the skipping effect, which I think most recent scenarios have done for major special encounters, but it's still kind of annoying that it happens at all.

  4. That's what I did. Are you sure you understand the location of the door? It's actually on the space that it opens into.


    Or, in a related point, does it work for anything else other than doors? If you put specobj on a box, does this create the same problem?

  5. Quote:
    Originally written by Dahak:
    You do not need to be next to a terrain script to search it, and therefore execute it (i.e. doors).
    I'm having trouble reproducing this. Can you describe to me a situation where it works? Everything I've tried indicates that you do have to be adjacent to a door to close it.

    EDIT: Not sure that this is technically a bug, but items don't stack when given via char_give_item and presumably all the other calls. This is annoying when you're trying to give several potions or something like that.

    EDIT 2: No, they do in fact stack when given via reward_give, just not when given with char_give_item.
  6. Time for another incarnation of this topic. (Old incarnations can be found here , here , and for a previous version of BoA, here .)


    Why revive it, you may ask. I think that keeping a current list of known bugs circulating helps designers, since it helps us know what the limitations on BoA are at the moment, and also it will help us when we need to tell Jeff about these bugs later.


    I can make a small scenario to demonstrate a number of these bugs if it should become necessary, and I may create a page on my web site or modify the Appendices Wiki in order to make this knowledge more accessible.


    Known bugs/problems in Mac-BoA v1.1.2 or Win-BoA v1.0.3:

    * Set status switches bless/curse and shield/weaken stats when is_forced is one.

    * Internal varables such as "shop" or "pay" should be listed in either the Documentation or Appendicies.

    * Items don't stack when given via char_give_item (so if you give three potions of the same kind, the character ends up with three different potions). This doesn't happen with reward_give or other item management calls as far as I know.

    * Outdoors signs don't work sometimes. (Does this still not work? Jeff claims that he fixed it for v1.1.2.)

    * If cursed items are placed on ground/in a container in the editor, they lose their cursed ability.

    * The town status calls don't work as described. The void set_town_status and the short town_status apparently work as follows: if and only if the town passed is -1, the calls work for the town the party is in, or, if outdoors, the town the party was in last.

    * Enter-combat-end-combat bug: you can get placed in totally nonsensical locations when ending combat. If you enter and then end combat immediately, you get placed one space forward. This allows you to skip special rectangles extremely easily.

    * The call move_to_new_town can't be called from an INIT_STATE, a START_STATE, a creature script, or a terrain script, even if you distance the call from the state with set_state_continue, run_town_script, or run_scenario_script.

    * Beam projectors malfunction wildly in close quarters, next to walls, in varying heights, etc. I have a small utility scenario to demonstrate a number of ways in which this can occur.

    * When a PC is next to a spot and you look at that spot, you search the spot. As far as I can tell, if the joined NPC is next to a spot, however, you don't search the spot. (This turns out to be trivial to fix -- Jeff would have no trouble doing it.)

    * On Win98, crashes have been observed when monsters use missile attacks.

    * Sometimes searchable terrain breaks. For certain terrain with the searchable and container attribute, they are only searchable if there is something inside the container. (I'm not sure that this is a bug, per se.)

    *The call char_take_item (originally described as bugged here ) still doesn't work. It doesn't give an error message anymore, but it still does nothing.

    * In corescendata, Augmented Giant (creature 135) ought to have the line "cr_which_sheet_upper = 1618;"

    * The default rakshasa image needs realignment -- it has a black line on it.

    * The slith avatar, in order to match Avernum 1, should not have the graphic of a gorgon, which is what it should have now. Two calls need to be added: cr_which_sheet = 1532 and cr_icon_adjust = 2, as Bahssikava does.

    * The call put_stain_on_space sometimes does nothing when attempting to remove a stain. This is a bit unpredictable, but most of the time that I've tried it, it does nothing. It also works fine putting a stain down, just not removing it.

    * Putting a town border right next to the edge of the town causes weird behavior: you can't exit the town, the town doesn't match the edge, etc.


    Various things cause Unhandled Exception errors on Windows that cause BoA to quit entirely without giving a proper error message. These are extremely hard to debug for Mac designers, since they do not reproduce in the same way on a Mac, except for a few that are noted. Among them:

    * Using a terrain or floor graphic that doesn't exist. This is a problem with wallsets that are not complete, for example: if you place a wall with a door from a wallset that doesn't include a door (ie, cave wall), this causes an unhandled exception.

    * Setting a creature facing a direction greater than 7 -- ie, set_character_facing(6,8).

    * Running the death animation of a creature with cr_small_or_large_template set wrong -- that is, if the creature's graphic is small but cr_small_or_large_template = 1 in the scenario's custom objects script, then BoA crashes without an error message and quits. This happens on Mac, too.

    * Over-running the string limit. I got an unhandled exception in Vasskolis when I tried to display a message from the text buffer that was longer than 256 characters. I'm not sure if over-running the text buffer itself was the problem or if trying to display it was the problem, but either way, the over-long string didn't give the over-long string error like it does on a Mac.

    * If you try to use a string variable while nothing's in it (i.e., you forgot the get_buffer_text call), BoA dies. On Mac-BoA v1.1.2, it crashes, gives no error message, and quits. I got this with a message_dialog call, but I imagine a print_str or text bubble would give the same response.



  7. Quote:
    cr_summon_class (Defaults to -1) - Determines whether a creature can be summoned by summoning spells. If left at -1, no. Otherwise, the higher the number, the more powerful a spell it takes to summon it (5 and above means it is very, very difficult to summon).
    (From the docs.)

    That is, only creatures specified as summonable can be summoned. If you clear out the entire creature when over-writing it, then it's no longer summonable, but if you just add on things, it still is. You can easily make something not summonable by using the trick to change default things and setting its class to -1.
  8. You might want to post the area of the script near line 114 (say, from 100-120) so that we can see what's actually going on. BoA's error messages are often less than helpful.


    There are only three dragons in E3: Sulfras, Athron, and Khoth. Khoth is male and the other two are female. (Athron is the one with babies.)

  9. That wasn't the problem with my script, as I recall. Moreover, I don't uses braces every single time I use the if-else setup -- look at the early towns in Bahssikava. I don't think that's the problem.


    It's possible that species_in_party is bugged, or something bizarre is going on with the syntax here.

  10. Every time you post something here, I get excited. Would it be possible to summarize the status of the project as of right now? You've been working for a couple of months, and I was just wondering where things stand.


    EDIT: Well, talking for a couple of months, working for a few weeks, I guess.

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