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Everything posted by RCCCL

  1. I've got Windows 7 64 bit on my laptop, it runs Geneforge just fine. The only Spiderweb games I've had problems with are the Exile series(much to my disappointment).
  2. Great stuff, I'm just sorry I had to leave before it was over. Especially the missed chance to brag about starting the bar fight. Oh well, there will be many opportunities Wednesday, doubly for curing Kurex.
  3. The delay might cause me a problem, I'm being called into work tonight, I told them Ok, but I'd likely be a hour late. That way I would've been able to finish this gaming session. An hour later means I'm going to have to cut out of the game before we're done. Someone will need to cover Josun when I do. I don't have a problem with that, just hate leaving before we're done. This being the case, I may actually go ahead and get to work when the actual shift starts(10 pm CDT), to get that extra hour of OT, which means I'd need to stop at 9:30 or so.
  4. Smells like Fudge! I'm assuming the Letters were the PCs? They aren't labeled.
  5. I would agree, I was rolling quite well, then I went and helped you, I think your jinx was contagious. I had a spate of bad rolls after that. Originally Posted By: Ephesos I don't think I'll be splicing in the ten dozen side conversations everyone had tonight. Unless people really want to hear the story of How Josun Ticked Off A Guard. I guess I can try and work some of 'em in. I was thinking more of my adventure inside the bar.
  6. I'm pretty sure they were down right pissed.
  7. Just wait till the log is put up. I think there was some interesting side stuff as well.
  8. Originally Posted By: Samael101 I actually think this particular game has Wound down as a ranged damage spell for Clerics. As for Scry Monster, I thought I'd try bending it to the spell-level thing the game has going. The more Magic Points you put in, the higher the spell level. So for every level of Scry you cast, you find out more details about it, like it's current HP, Max HP, etc. Mostly, I've been wondering about how to handle Quickfire in a more traditional game. I mean, does that fire ever go out on it's own? Quickfire will be very hard to implement, I may not be recalling correctly, but I don't think there was anyway to put it out once it was cast(other than leaving the area and coming back), just block it off with barriers. Trying to use it like that will obviously cause lots of problems, if you want a Quickfire type of effect, you'll have to add a duration or limit. Originally Posted By: Samael101 No problems there then. The only trouble I -might- have is that there seems to be very little information on who or what people worship. The system I'm using doesn't have Domains like D&D 3.5 but it does have the favoured weapon kind of rules. Are there any gods to speak of in the setting or is it more or less anything goes? I don't remember anything about any actual deity/s in Exile/Avernum(It's been a while since I've played the Exile or early Avernum games). However, since you're going to have to make changes regardless, you can add some deities, or you can just base the worship off of concepts, like the Anama or the Church of the Divine Lucre. Originally Posted By: Samael101 Well, I might alter them a touch. Should the party have a Cleric or Monk, they're more likely to be friendly but Mages are going to get a lot of scorn. Considering that from what I've read, they pushed a Mage Academy out of business and, as such, crippled Bigail's economy (leaving room for Skribbane farming to take up the slack) and I think the players are going to be pretty wary around the Anama. In terms of mechanics, I MIGHT give people who agree to join a bonus to their Power attribute (which, in game terms, increases Spell Points, Luck, Mental Resistance and Fate Points which are used to get rerolls when things go badly). Maybe even entitle them to a couple of decent Cleric spells. If they break their vows, however, or use enchanted items (not blessed items or potions), they lose their membership, the bonuses they got and their status plummets with folks from the Church. Would that seem reasonable? Some of that seems good, however, if some of your party joins while others refrain, it could create conflict within the party, which, in my experience, can quickly lead to ruin in terms of the game itself and possibly amongst the players themselves.
  9. Welcome to Spiderweb! Leave your sanity at the door. Adapting Exile\Avernum straight to a table top RPG may well be impossible(or at least somewhat unplayable) with out having to make tweaks. 1) Unless you have a lot of people, ie; more than 7 or 8, three different race should be plenty, this way, you won't have to try and come up with various bonuses and penalties for other races. On this subject, you might have to tinker a bit to make the three a little more even, experience penalties are going to be hard to track and handle, so if you do away with them, playing a human has no advantages. 2) Some spells are easily done, others, you'll have to modify them a little if you want to use them, like Scry Monster and Capture Soul\Simulacrum. You could also include some of the more quirky ones, like Wound. 3) In this setting, some things should definitely be in short supply. Boats and Horses, definitely, Good quality metal products should be a bit rare as well, including plate mail. 4) Mage Priest differences seem to correlate pretty well. Mages can't wear armor, spell type differences seem good. 5) For monster toughness, unless you want to do some major research, or unless some one on these boards has stats handy(this is readily possible), just use your memory to work out stats, things don't have to be exact. Even with the stats handy, you'll have to do some tweaking. 6) This is a spot where you'll have to take some liberties. Non magic users could possibly find some nice magical gear in the Tower, and no says the Tower of Magi couldn't offer some of the more Mage like Priestly spells. Like some of the summoning or damaging ones. The Stone Circles can offer a stat boost of some kind. 7) The Anama can almost be directly be implemented. Though it seems unlikely your players will be tempted to join. More likely that they'll end up in a bit of conflict with them. That said, you might try going that route from the outset. Well, those are my opinions.
  10. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Also, lest I forget, Josun gains a free spell: Break Enchantment (Attempt to dispel an enchantment or curse) Somebody needs it, and he's the only one with Abjuration This actually reminds me, Ephesos, you left out the prideful part of my character, who it now appears will have another reason why he's so great and important.
  11. When will you do the character reveal?
  12. I think you did a good job! You've never DMed before?
  13. I still play Diablo II myself from time to time. Likely about in the same vein as yourself.
  14. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES I resent your character, too. Actually, Slarty, if you play, you may end up doing just that.
  15. Originally Posted By: Tirien, Master of Waffles I blame the first Avernum trilogy, hunting down all those secret passages really messes with your head.(And gave me carpal tunnel).. Buh dum tish! Tunnel....get it. Anyway, I've avoided mmorpgs, mainly because I know I would play for a good while, then grow bored, and not play for a long while. Then any thoughts of resuming later on would result only in me feeling like I've missed so much grinding and looting time, having not played for a bit, that I would be so far behind any of my friends(guild members, companions, whatever you want to call them), and I would only end up feeling frustrated. I choose to fore-go this experience. Besides, I enjoy spending time with real people in real life.
  16. I've resent my character with changes based on you suggestions.
  17. I've submitted a character, I just hope that my schedule doesn't conflict with everyone else's.
  18. Originally Posted By: Dantius That's still quite cheap compared to actual drugs. I don't think anyone would have to resort to theft or murder for $70 a year. The best drugs for dealers are those that are cheap and hook your clients fast. That way you'll have more people able to purchase them, and they'll quickly come back for more. My girlfriend has mentioned starting WoW back up now that she's got some income. I am trying to prevent that.
  19. Originally Posted By: Cairo Jim I wasn't even aware there were jokes about us Queenslanders. Then again, I haven't step foot out of here much ever. Probably a joke in of itself! Most Professors I've known like to be called by their first name(not that I've known a whole lot of them). I recall two that liked to be called Professor, one was just very strict on protocol, the other always just came off as a pompous ***.
  20. Too much meat can be bad for you. One of the causes of Gout is eating to much red meat. Originally Posted By: Arch-Mage Solberg I saw on my local NBC news a few months ago that some Vegan guy was promoting his views by saying that that was how it was first done in the Bible. Before the Flood, people ate only fruits and vegetables and lived for hundreds of years. It wasn't until after the Flood that God allowed humans to kill animals for meat and subsequently the lifespan of man shortened to just a few decades over the next 1,000 years. This was what the Vegan guy said anyway. I wonder what possible scientific basis he has for this, actually I wonder what basis he has for this in general. I don't seem to recall anything of this sort being mentioned in the bible. Almost wished I had one handy to refute this claim.
  21. Actually, I always thought that the name Ironclads, was sort of a play off of or hint/joke having to do with the old Ironclad ships from the civil war era.
  22. If a dinosaur wants you to refer to it in a certain way, you better get with the program, or deal with an angry dinosaur!
  23. Originally Posted By: Spidweb The four joinable character in Avadon are like Greta and Alwan, but much more so. They have lots of dialogue, banter, issues, etc. I'm enjoying writing them. This should be very awesome then!
  24. Originally Posted By: Goldenking That's what he did with Alwan and Greta during Geneforge 3, so that seems altogether likely. Also, he'd sometimes insert their comments into conversations or events. That was definitely one of my favorite things about G3, so I wouldn't mind seeing that come back. Especially if they also interact with each other as well.
  25. I also like Ra. I like the way the bidding chip you used goes to the next auction winner. Another game I like, that doesn't see much play, is Shadows Over Camelot. It's a game where everyone works together, but there may or may not be a traitor amongst the players.
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