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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. Motrax's Eye is a gem. It is in Myldres. One character there wants you to steal it from another character there. It isn't required that you do so, but it doesn't require going out of your way at all.
  2. A few comments. Battle creations did not suck horribly until G3, because in G1 and G2 all melee did 1-8 damage per level instead of 1-4, and particularly in G2, damage from magic and breath attacks used lower dice. G3, however, was hardly the nadir of shaping -- it was, along with G1, the peak! The stat-bonus rule wasn't broken like in G1, but Vlish -- due to not being rebalanced while most everything else in the game was weakened -- were completely broken. A shaper could steamroll the entire game on Torment.
  3. Most of the negative comments about Parry refer to the fact that it is much weaker than in all previous Spiderweb games. This is true, period.
  4. The conditions listed in the scripts mostly seem to rely on reputation/leadership (and not much reputation is required if you have moderate leadership skill, so this is not a relevant factor) and on the status of certain quests. I know there are a few like the shredbugs that can be an obstacle for certain faction switches, but in most cases faction switches should be possible, even if it is possible to mess up your chances.
  5. A fairly consistent trend emerges from the ten entries so far that rank all five games: Average rank (#1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th) 1) G1: 1.6 (7, 0, 3, 0 ,0) 2) G5: 2.4 (2, 5, 0, 3, 0) 3) G2: 2.7 (1, 2, 6, 1, 0) 4) G4: 3.7 (0, 2, 1, 5, 2) 5) G3: 4.6 (0, 1, 0, 1, 8) Additionally, people tended to cite the same favourite things about each game: G1 - the atmosphere, story, characters, and freedom G5 - the game engine G2 - the factions and freedom G4 - the game engine; the "grittier" plot received both positive and negative comments G3 - people disliked the island/boat system and the story What's interesting about this is that the results are WAY more uniform than when people have been asked to compare all the Avernums, or even just the three Exile games.
  6. I'm fairly sure that's not the case. I'm fairly sure you can, for example, join Astoria, then leave her to join Alwan. Somebody who's played through the whole game can confirm his.
  7. Exile (and other applications of its era) will not run on more recent OS X releases. I guess you have an old copy of Stuffit it tried to open, which had the same problem? Your best bet is probably to download BasiliskII and get it working, which takes a bit of effort.
  8. That's not really true, at least not here. A3 is frequently bashed in the same breath as E3 is praised, so it's not about the plot. The most cited issue is atmosphere and presentation.
  9. I assume the Anama Hunter's skill becomes power for that action, and not permanently, right? A very interesting combination of roles.
  10. You keep bringing up that silly game. I'm going to start calling you Alorealmz.
  11. Pokemon's mechanics are actually very different from Geneforge's. Yes, you have disposable PCs, but the ways they are obtained and used are entirely different. (I would also venture to say that Pokemon's battle system has a lot more strategic depth to it.)
  12. Jeff mentioned a novel source? Really? One thing Jeff has made clear, is that Geneforge was originally written as pure sci-fi. He later injected copious quantities of fantasy elements to make it more marketable. That's why the game has swords and javelins and stuff. Think it's a complete coincidence that those batons are six-shooters?
  13. Possibly. However, help files and in-game help have had numerous errors in almost every SW release, some of which seem like bugs and some of which seem like purposeful changes.
  14. Perhaps not "most", but certainly more than zero, and those people might will tip the balance in favor of G1. I guess the counterbalance would be the possibility that the later games have gotten better exposure (including from people who start in the middle and don't go back to the beginning).
  15. So here's a follow-up question. How well do you think the five Geneforge games have sold? G3, for example, has been towards the bottom of most of these lists -- not due to being hated, just due to not being liked as much as other games -- but I think Jeff said at some point that its sales were quite good.
  16. As long as there is no 'Cordelia' thahd...
  17. Not being against an idea, and actually supporting an idea, are two very different things. I stand by my words.
  18. CM, you posted started this thread to find out what other people thought. I think it has been successful in that regard. Not one person has expressed agreement with you that the existence of multiple wikis is a critical problem that needs to be addressed.
  19. GRAPHICS. Notice all those video memory problems windows users are hitting with G5? Having more sprites and a greater variety of them eatings up graphics processing power. Jeff chose a moderate limit to put compatibility first.
  20. Originally Posted By: Lawful Duck *shifty glance* It takes at least a year for Jeff to program these games, and the sales wouldn't be that great. This is patently untrue. Nethergate: Resurrection is EXACTLY what is described here: Nethergate (1997) remade with BoA's (2004) engine in 2007, and that took Jeff something like 4 months IIRC -- AND it didn't delay his regular schedule of 1 brand new game every 12 months, so it was essentially a "bonus" and had no need for jaw-dropping sales figures. The #1 way for people to get irritated with you, Duck, is to post your guesses about something but talk about it as if you know the truth and are 100% sure.
  21. More to the point, the damage multiplier of the War Trall's ranged attack MORE THAN DOUBLED between G4 and G5. I think its native attack strength increased, too.
  22. G1: the freshest, the most interesting, with the best atmosphere, and by far the best exposition of plot. (Probably the best, in that last regard, of all of Jeff's games.) After that I'd put G4, G2, G5, and G3, in that order.
  23. That's the point, the Internet is FULL of pointless redundancy. Complaining about redundancy on the Internet is like complaining about somebody having a stupid opinion and broadcasting it on the Internet (the original strip).
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