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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. It would be interesting to also know the results for 1/1 and 19/19 as points of comparison.
  2. This sounds like the issue someone experienced with the Final Gauntlet. In that case, I believe it turned out to be corrupted data. They fixed it by backing up their saves, uninstalling and reinstalling. They might also have had to revert to a previous save -- I'm not sure. The fact that this is affecting multiple dungeons doesn't bode well on that front.
  3. Try clearing your cache and see if that helps. If not, let us know what browser you use and we'll poke further.
  4. 'kris' was very plausibly part of the naming inspiration for Herbert, but even then it's really more of a literal descriptor than a reference.
  5. They could also encode multiple variables. Some of the other letters don't look like that at all, but it would explain why the 9th letter in particular has (1) such scattered letter options, and (2) multiple options for the same observed variable.
  6. Awesome to hear, Locust! Would you mind sharing (just for our edification) 1 - about how many programs did you previously have running in the background? 2 - about how many tabs do you typically have open in Firefox?
  7. Which again prompts the question: Locust, can you describe very specifically what you were doing in-game the last couple of times this happened? 1) How recently had you clicked or typed to interact with the game? 2) What was the last thing you did-in game (moved around, entered a command, talked to someone, used a skill point, sold items, etc. etc.) 3) Were you on the overworld map, or in a zone? 4) Were you in combat mode, or walkabout mode? 5) Was a dialog box of any sort up (talking, inventory, character status, etc.) This isn't because we think you did anything wrong, of course This is to try and identify (or rule out) what's going on. Even if you don't see a pattern, the more you can share here, the more helpful it will be.
  8. Are there any specific triggers for this behavior? If not, can you describe what you were doing the last couple times it happened?
  9. The PC/stat system in each iteration (Exile, Avernum, Avernum Remakes -- we're discussing the latter here) are completely different. Luck does different things in each iteration. It will no longer save you from death.
  10. TriRodent, are you thinking of the original versions of Avernum and not the remakes? It sounds like you're describing the old skill point system.
  11. If you're interested in endings: https://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/topic/22176-geneforge-1-ending-chart/ https://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/topic/22188-geneforge-2-ending-chart/ https://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/topic/22196-geneforge-3-ending-chart/ https://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/topic/22197-geneforge-4-ending-chart/ https://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/topic/22201-geneforge-5-ending-chart/
  12. No, in original G1 it was pretty much assumed you were going to use canisters. Whether or not you used the Geneforge had a big impact on the ending, though. I would expect the same thing in the remake -- but who knows! Sounds like plenty of other mechanics are changing, too.
  13. You can and should buy Cave Lore points with money instead of training them. You can buy 8 of those, and there's also one free point from a quest, so you really only need to train 3 points in it to max it. (You don't need more than 12 total for anything.) Of course, spending those last 3 points isn't required either.
  14. I appreciate the positive approach, ADoS. That said, let's try to practice some good boundaries as well. Please do not insert personal conflicts (even friendly attempts to resolve said conflicts ) into threads that have nothing to do with them. PM is probably a better venue. Thanks. (IMHO, that is particularly good advice for handling this conflict, since poor boundaries are what caused it to arise in the first place.) Locking this thread since the original topic seems to have run its course. If someone has more to say about window-closing or any other flavor of face-smashing , please feel free to start a new topic.
  15. The concept of any name being a better use of letters than Shanti's. Really. And of course you get a prize, cowboy.
  16. Those 16 names are accurate, as is Randomizer -- what better name to choose when the letter order is randomized, and when I consulted his lists to review a few names -- but your list of remaining letters is not accurate, I'm afraid. You have two letters missing, and one added in excess. Not sure where along the way that happened. What you should have left at this point is: AAA D H II M NN R S T The two remaining characters are both definitely important -- each to their game. One is closer to the beginning, and one is closer to the end.
  17. This is the right place Locking as this topic exists 2 topics down.
  18. I think at this point the onus is on you to re-work the puzzle in solvable form, and not on us to ask for hints. There's simply not much that can be done here.
  19. This is a known issue, unfortunately, and you're right that it was caused by the IPB forum software update. The admins are in touch with IPB to try and get it resolved. In the meantime, you can right-click and open in a new tab/window in order to change pages (or like posts). This is a pretty bad workaround, but it's the best option till this gets fixed.
  21. No, I was talking about non-Slith Kyass. It's been a while since I've played, and I remembered that Kyass was pro-nonhumans, but I guess the slith-sounding name did me in. Honestly, Ess, I think this one is borderline impossible. You could give me a curated list of every Slith in the games and I still would find it borderline impossible. The standard for who gets included is simply... very, very low. I can see arguments for or against this random quest-giver or that craftmaster or that slightly-more-memorable-than-most dungeon boss. But beyond the obvious ones, I don't know how to even attempt to reason out which ones are and aren't included. And there's too much of an overlap in letters to eliminate names with any confidence. And 30 is just a large number. Take away the 10 most obvious (which I'm not even sure is easy to agree on; the 6 most, maybe), and you're still left with a massive pool of sliths and a massive pile of letters. I think you're going to need to give some more clues. x political figures, x quest-givers, x mages, x from a particular game, I dunno.
  22. In the interests of helping this process along, I'll play Vanna White for you, Triumph. AAAAAAAAAAAA, EEEEEE, IIIII, OOO Y, W, LLL, RRRRRRRR, HHHH C, DDD, G, MMM, NNNNNNNN, P, SS, TTTTT, Z Names pulled out: Trajkov (1), Goettsch (1), Zakary (2), Barzahl (2), Khyryk (3), Alwan (3-5), Greta (3-5), Litalia (3-5), Ghaldring (4-5) 9 names + 1 member left There are now more single letters (#thanksbeyonce?): C - Monarch? G - Greiner?? Agatha?? Hoge?? Gnorrel? W - Rawal? Y - Rydell? Y and G - Taygen? Y and W - Diwaniya?? P - Learned Pinner?? Phariton??? Z - Eliza?? The lack of remaining letters eliminates some other possibilities: Shaftoe, Heustess, Lankan, Mehken, Akhari Blaze sPidWeb, randomiZer, slartY, edGWYn
  23. I still have a hard time believing there are actually 30 sliths who interact that meaningfully with the party. I have a feeling there will be a few that no one comes up with. But let's begin. I don't think it's reasonable to do this one non-comunally. Letter sort: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IIIIIIII OOOOOOOOOO UUU YYYYY HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LLLLLLLLL MMM NNN RRRRRRRRRRR CCCC DDD GGGGGGG KKKKKKKKK P Q TTTTTTTTTTTTTT VVVVV ZZ SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Ess, clarification please: I assume that "All sliths listed have some important interaction with the player" means Sss-Thoss is excluded -- he's a major figure, but he's dead before X1, so he never interacts with the player. Also, you said you took names from the non-remakes -- does this mean Kyass is excluded? So. Really obvious sliths to use (I've underlined these letters above): Pathass Sss-Thsss Legare Khrez-Yss Ghavassa-Oss Ess-Kalyn Questionable: Kyass (?) Thissa Ssschah Sss-Schai Sss-Bahss Sss-Voss Assotho Ahsoth Aktitoss Shath Gleth-Sss Malachite Hossiko Pelin-Ath Gless-Thsss Seleeass General Zhavress Hrramen-Drayssa Breck-Drayssa I don't have my dumps of the scenarios or later games anymore, so I probably missed a bunch there. Also, my money is firmly on Kelandon being the SW member Ess has chosen to include. But we'll see.
  24. Oh my god, you actually did this. ...time to get to work.
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