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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. There's no way to decrease skills, but you should be able to delete and replace a character in the Edit Party window -- click on the button that looks like four little vaguely upright blobs.
  2. Whoops, I accidentally downgraded all of the spells by 0.5. Thanks for catching that.
  3. Originally Posted By: Lilith Hey, you know what monsters I miss from the original trilogy? Hydras. Where did all the hydras go? Were there ever hydras in Avernum proper? I don't remember any, but even if there were 1 or 2 isolated encounters in X2, it's probably safe to assume that they were obliterated by the chitrach infestation of A4.
  4. In the short term, i.e., during the summer, it often works wonders. In the long term, it varies, and according to the professors who do studies on these children, the single most important factor is the outside environment: gains made are most likely to be maintained, compared to data from before the summer, when caretakers and referring schools/agencies are invested and available, and they are least likely to be maintained in the opposite situation, or when the kid lives around heavy gang activity, etc. Having worked with them (and in some referring agencies and schools) for six years now, I've seen enough kids maintain significant gains over time that I'm sold on it. Of course, it was seeing the changes that happen, often quite suddenly, in situ that sold me first. But as I see it, the point of the program isn't change in specific ways of adapting to the world, so much as expansion of worldview. When it comes to coping with trauma, the best thing kids have going for them is their resilience and openness to different experiences, but their biggest problem is their lack of different experiences. If things have always sucked because of factors X Y and Z, well, as a kid it doesn't really occur to you that things can really be different. Intellectually you might realize that, you might see that other people don't have those factors in play, but it just doesn't seem like a real possibility. So seeing that things can be different FOR YOU, even if just for a few brief days and only after you struggle and writhe for two months, well, that plants a seed.
  5. The amount of time grad students work varies widely depending on what kind of school they are in and for academic grad school, I imagine it also varies based on field. I went to a hardcore research university and I didn't know any grad students who worked that much on a regular basis, and very few who worked more than 50 or 60 hours per week. Medical residents, now that's a different story. SoT -- I work at an unusually intensive short term treatment program for severely emotionally disturbed children.
  6. Quiconque

    Animated Avatars

    I think the more accurate statement is that nobody is aloud in General.
  7. It does sound a lot like Ecco, with 12 years of graphical advancements inserted into it. I downloaded it and am going to try it sometime soon, so I guess I'll see.
  8. Quiconque

    Animated Avatars

  9. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity The 120-hour full-steam week isn't what anyone could sustain for very many weeks, or what many people are ever motivated to do. But it's possible. And it's what people would do, if they knew that if they could keep it up for a few weeks they would cure cancer, or save a loved one's life, or become very rich, or end a war, or otherwise shatter time and bring back the dead. This. Five out of the last seven summers, I have disappeared from the internet and worked 15 to 19 hours per day (what rare breaks there are I haven't included in those hours) for two months straight, with five 24-hour periods off during those two months (and the last two summers, I worked during parts of those days off too). That ends up being very slightly less than SoT's assertion, but only because of the five days off, so for as much as 2 weeks at a time it almost precisely meets his description. The work is pretty demanding both mentally and physically. Each summer, 120 to 160 other adults have done it with me, and another 400-600 have applied and been rejected, even though the money sucks. Why? Because of what SoT says above. It isn't a cult, but it is such a critically meaningful and developmentally provocative experience for people that it might as well shatter time and bring back the dead.
  10. Having an OPTION to increase the view beyond 9x9 would be great. However, keep in mind that this would (visually) break some old scenarios that assumed the player would never see more than 4 squares away from him.
  11. I encountered this on mac, though only by using cheat codes to remove fatigue mid-round and repeated Adrenaline Rush. I can confirm that it exists and strikes at 32 AP. I'm impressed you got it to work without cheats.
  12. If you want to be really technical about it, you could turn crystals into items in one place in G1. Crafting itself wasn't new in G3, but it was significantly expanded, and the enhancement items were totally new. Important, no. Amazing, no. New, yes.
  13. What new graphics? Do you mean the fyora? The graphics were almost entirely identical to G2's.
  14. Originally Posted By: Lilith One thing that can help is casting Slow on him; for some reason, he's only level 2, so he'll very often lose a turn if he's slowed. Wait, Slow's chance of removing a turn depends on enemy LEVEL?
  15. Something else Steve Jobs and Jeff Vogel have in common: having creations with the same names as their daughters.
  16. Also note that the bonus you get from spell levels, Spellcraft, and Mage or Priest Spells is multiplied by 75% (at least for damage spells, not sure about buff durations). The instructions omit that part.
  17. What brought you away from Australia?
  18. Oh, Quickdraw. And Hyperscript. And the Macintosh Toolkit, and all of their friends... where have you all gone?
  19. The data you have absolutely does not support the conclusion that any of these skills increase its damage, aside from Lethal Blow. (The data on LB seems to be in accordance with my estimate of 40% increased damage, though its hard to know since you didn't separate data for LB activations and regular hits.) Forget any fancy statistical analysis -- obviously, increasing Intelligence isn't going to lower the damage, so we can automatically discount any variation of less than 3% as statistical noise -- which makes a lot of sense given that the range of our control data is nearly 50% of its own mean! The only part that makes me wonder is the 8.5% increase from raising all skills except LB to 40, since that is higher than any other increase (aside from those for LB). The most likely explanation is, I would think, that Anatomy is impacting it, although the 20 Anatomy data looks a little odd then.
  20. "Damage done is unaffected by your weapon or melee skill or the strength of the enemy's attack." I assume you also did something to test this assertion, like comparative tests with different weapons, skill levels, and stronger enemies... right?
  21. Actually, X pretty definitely derived from a persona on talk.bizarre, Mr. X of X Industries.
  22. Yeah, it sounds like either overheating or battery failure, but since you have a desktop we can rule out the latter. We know the Avernum 6 puts a LOT of demand on your processor, more than most of us seem to expect. Do you run any other programs with comparable processor demand?
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