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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. Really? That's unfortunate. Because this was an exploit that actually made the game MORE balanced and less annoying -- very unusual for an exploit!
  2. I don't think the connection is that hard to see. Sigh. I've gone from facepalms to sighs...
  3. Yep, not sure how I left that off the list -- thanks Mike.
  5. That would be pushing it. My doubting you was pretty rational so I see nothing to apologize for. I will, however, say thank you for helping to uncover these atrocities. Thanks!
  6. Okay, WOW. The PC version, even 1.03 on the website now, has a lot of debug codes that are not in the mac version. I assume their inclusion is a mistake since at least one of them is deprecated by Jeff. item X -- gives you item number X gold X -- gives you X gold stat X Y -- increases stat number X by Y points afct X Y -- gives you Y levels of status effect X expz -- same as iwanttobestronger heal -- heals bles -- blesses debug -- acidifies lead character amap -- not sure fear -- fears party invl -- not sure reload -- reloads tsnd, kill, kill2, dmgkill, dbugkill -- not sure but presumably they kill things For items, making a list is totally unnecessary. The item definitions file is fairly straightforward. The "item" and especially "stat" codes would be EXTREMELY useful for testing! I wish we'd known about these months ago.
  7. Originally Posted By: Gilgamaln Alternate Itemsgalore with Itemgalore, that helped me. This is really starting to sound like one of two things. 1) There is a serious bug with the code entry dialog box, or 2) The dialog box, like Exile conversation prompts, will accept "itemsuperfantastic" to signify just "item"
  8. If "iampoor" took you from 25000 to 30000, then it sounds like there must be a bug involved. Even problems with variable signage wouldn't account for turning a 500 gold gain into a 5000 gold gain.
  9. BRUTUS Let 'em enter. [Exit LUCIUS] They are the faction. O conspiracy, Shamest thou to show thy dangerous brow by night, When evils are most free? O, then by day Where wilt thou find a cavern dark enough To mask thy monstrous visage? Seek none, conspiracy; Hide it in smiles and affability: For if thou path, thy native semblance on, Not Erebus itself were dim enough To hide thee from prevention.
  10. Originally Posted By: The Ratt 1. There is a significant class of people who are well off and either worked hard, or didn't work hard, to get where they are, who want it to stay that way. Possibly not considering what the government provides for them, or what other people are going through. This is nothing new and doesn't bug me this much. 2. There is a large undercurrent of racism/anti-gay/antisemitic in the population of America which is currently being ignored by popular culture. This is a large problem assuming that you support everyone in America having equal opportunity. Really, neither one of these issues is new, or restricted to America, although the exact form they take depends on the time and place at which they appear. There has always been SOME kind of aristocracy, resources have never been equally distributed, and when people feel stressed they have always looked for somebody else, some other group, that they can blame.
  11. Thank you. Given that we know these are not beta testing cheats and that they do not exist on the mac version either, and given how often Jeff adds entirely new game functions after beta testing (read: never), and given that it has been a good number of years since Jeff has added to the cheat list in any way, I think we can safely assume this is a fabrication. The screenshots above were presumably obtained by editing the item definitions file.
  12. Pardon my eternal skepticism, but can anyone other than Dantius or a user with less than 5 posts verify that this works on Windows A6?
  13. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Since A6 is still relatively new, there are bound to be a few stray bugs, so there's a good chance Jeff will get to that when he can. *blinks* A6 has been out for almost half a year now. And that bug isn't restricted to just A6, either.
  14. Is there any reason -not- to let the OS handle those things?
  15. Dedede has a robe. Not quite a cape but definitely more X than a cape, where X is pretty much anything
  16. De-de-de-de-de Inspector Trinity De-de-de-de-de-de-de hoo-hoo
  17. There once was a physics professor from... no, see, it already breaks the meter. not nearly as cool
  18. Dodging is harder on Torment than on Normal, so difficulty level is relevant. The games where Essence Armor helps you dodge also make it easier. So, it is viable on Normal with old Essence Armor, and it is not viable otherwise. You can often get it to work for short segments especially early on, but it won't last. Note that the dodging bonus from Dexterity and most other skills comes at 5% per point initially, but then at 5% per two points between 11 and 20, and 5% per three points above that. So it's very tough to keep up with enemies whose hit rate rises for free with their level. The display numbers are not perfect, especially (or at least) at the extremes. I posted about that a few years ago and we never figured out what was going on. My best guess is that the cap for the message is at 1% while the cap for the calculation is at 5%.
  19. I am fairly sure I have the complete list of all debug box codes (aka cheat codes) taken directly from the game data, and that is not on the list. It is taken from the mac data, though. Can anyone else verify this works on the PC version?
  20. The difference is that Geneforge makes it clear that even basic shaping is an incredibly complex task requiring years of study. Given that Geneforge directly references the concept of a genome in-game, this makes a lot of sense. Magic is billed in the same direction but not nearly to the same degree.
  22. I had to really restrain myself not to type that, too.
  23. Quiconque

    Thank You Diki!

    Originally Posted By: Untrammeled Excellence He's also perversely glad that there are now four black names in the top ten posters. I noticed that too, but was glad more for the color symmetry than the quantities.
  24. This is not a bad topic. This is a topic that merits discussion. Unfortunately, this isn't a good place to discuss it (refer to the Code of Conduct), so the topic has to end.
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