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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. That sounds about right. The largest gap probably is between G2 and G3 anyway, given that there needs to be enough time for Litalia and Ghaldring to do stuff. Something I left off G5 is the wars with the natives. They were 200-300 years ago depending on what part of Western Terrestia. Interesting as among other things, it means Rivergate Keep in Dillame is younger.
  2. I can't find *any* suggestion that Wingbolts were created a year before G4, sadly. Since the war had been going poorly for the Rebels for about two years, and Kyshakks were created two years earlier, I think it's reasonable to guess that Wingbolts were created 1-3 years before G4.
  3. Geneforge 1 - "When the Shapers were here, when I was created, these ruins were already ancient and already infested with ghosts. The Shapers had just begun to explore them and try to learn their secrets when this island was Barred." - "Even though it was built several centuries ago... a Shaper training hall." - "These thick books contain a detailed ledger of supplies which have passed through here. You find one interesting thing. The dates indicate that this area was abandoned almost exactly 200 years ago." - "Then, about two hundred years ago, the island was Barred." - "This was once cramped workers quarters. Oddly, they don't look as old as the other ruins you have seen. Your best guess is that this place was built and used about a century ago. That is long before the outsiders came to Sucia Island and long after it was Barred. It's clearly Shaper handiwork. Who could have built it?" (not sure what this is from, it appears elsewhere re some tunnels.) - Goettsch came "months ago." Geneforge 2 - Captain Takena has been here "a long time. Years and years. I have been here almost as long as the colony has." - "Forces were sent to deal with the situation. Some people were taken off the island. Some were killed. And Barzahl and I were sent to help with the cleanup." - "They were loyal Shapers. They killed Goettsch and took control of the island." - Zakary and Barzahl came to Drypeak "about five years ago." - Ellhrah died "two years ago." - Zakary and Barzahl schismed and Zakary reported Barzahl's death "about a year ago." - Drypeak Village troubles started "about six months ago." Geneforge 3 - "Dhonal's Isle was the first of the Ashen Isles to be settled, over a century ago." - Isle of Spears "was charted about a century ago when the Ashen Isles were first settled." - "Lord Rahul and I came to this island thirty years ago." - "Who is Khyryk? An apprentice of mine and Lady Anjali's long ago." - "My part in this story began a decade ago, when I arrived on Gull Island." (Khyryk) - PC came to the school "years ago." - Hoge met Litalia three years ago." - Efforts to undermine Agatha began "about a year ago." - Gretchen "was thrown out of the school a few weeks ago." - "Not long ago, the monsters appeared on this island, on several of the Ashen Isles, if not all of them. This happened here about the time your school was attacked." - Agatha rebelled against a few weeks after that? Geneforge 4 - "Rivergate Keep. This fort was built about two centuries ago." - "Think of the drakons, who did not exist a few short decades ago." - Kyshakk "Only started appearing on the battlefield about two years ago." Geneforge 5 - PC found by Drypeak and taken to Rawal nearly three years ago.
  4. IMHO it was quite clear. The verb "to rebel" does not imply exactly the same thing that the noun "rebels" does.
  5. Had you recently removed an item, like a belt, granting +1 Int?
  6. *facepalm* Just because you find a name on google does not mean it has anything to do with the character's name. And I thought hte Jeff cameo was E2 (eas ter egg). Was there an E3 one as well?
  7. Astoria and Alwan both come off rather more caring in the ending, than in the game.
  8. Quentin and Xerxes. That was Gorey's solution anyhow.
  9. Cordelia the character predates Cordelia the infant, though. (I think. Right?)
  10. Wait -- it *accomplishes* all three quests, or it just makes all three disappear, because some are completed and some are removed? I would be very surprised if releasing the Agent fulfills the 2 quests to destroy it.
  11. Sounds kind of like the Mao Te Ching.
  12. Jeff put in a cheat code designed specifically to fix the shredbug issue.
  13. So in the course of googling groups of names from the same town together, I think I've discovered the major source Jeff uses for random names. News. Despite the fact that I've never googled anything but names, I frequently get in the top 5 results an article from a Seattle newspaper that mentions all of the names I am searching for at some point. They may be first or last names, they may be together or seperate; frequently they are part of a list. This happens with other news sources too, but the fact that Seattle comes up more often than any other location can't be a coincidence. It also makes sense given the number of names we see, that immediately call up a strong association to a particular celebrity or historical figure, but which we aren't used to hearing otherwise. Winslet. Tycho. I haven't recorded any of these instances because the name sources are essentially random and uninteresting. This method does not seem to have been used much in the Exile days, which makes sense; most of the random, whitebread townspeople had random, whitebread names. Some of the more memorable characters seem to have come from the talk.bizarre usenet group. Finally, major characters appear to have mostly unique names. This is obvious for, say, Khyryk or Litalia, but it appears to be true of older ones also. Exile 1 is unclear here, as Solberg and 'X' come from usenet and some others, like Linda, are suspicious. Take a look at the first post if you haven't lately -- LOTS of updates.
  14. Originally Posted By: Uberdhizon I still think that a rotghroth doing 1-9 damage is a glitch; I've never seen anything doing that much. Where did you hear this? It's baloney! Rots do the same melee damage as almost every other creation, 1-4 per level. They do slap acid on, but the acid damage is applied per round and maxes out regardless of how much there is or how many times they are attacked. 1-9 is nonsense. A number of creations do 1-8, 1-9, or 1-10 per level before resistance is applied _with their missile attacks_. War Tralls, Drayks, Drakons, Ur-Drakons, Gazers, Wingbolts, etc.
  15. Do they really de-fang enemies completely? Everything I've looked at has suggesting cursing just gives up to a -4 penalty to levels of damage (& -20% to hit) which isn't much when we're talking about, say, a rotghroth which will have 30 or more levels of damage per hit at minimum. But I haven't experimented with vlish much so I could be wrong about this.
  16. Last month you argued against this kind of build. Honestly, DV, your romanticizations of builds are wonderful and compelling but they are not strategically compelling. Vlish are nothing like they were in G3. They are still powerful, because creations are the most powerful mechanic in G5, bar none. And they are better costed than in G4, now that they are at 30 with 2 Intelligence rather than 41. Remember how much you whined about the supposed fragility of wingbolts? Well, guess what -- vlish are even more fragile. If you make any 7 creations with reasoning shaping skill, and either keep them around or update creation types, you will roll over everything just as you are experiencing here! It's not the vlish.
  17. Awesome work Milla! Year 4133-Fyora 103rd Generation, 17th Design Year 4133-War Trall 5th Generation, 2nd Design Year 4133-Kyshakk 23rd Generation, 5th Design
  18. Given the rather massive list of names that have appeared in SW games, it doesn't seem very unlikely at all.
  19. Bjorn Lynne's earliest SW credit is G4, which was released 11 years after the Halls of Chaos were created. So this seems unlikely.
  20. Yes, she mentions it several times in multiple games, as recent quoted in several threads.
  21. Monoroe is fairly obvious after Krizsan. I suspect that somebody noticed those two, posted about them which specifying "two", and then somebody else leapt to the conclusion that it applied to all six and posted it. I mean, "Bigail"? That's a crappy name.
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