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Mea Tulpa

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Everything posted by Mea Tulpa

  1. Are you sure you tried it after using *fifteen* canisters? The script certainly looks like it forces you to attack.
  2. War Tralls actually resist all sorts of damage, and they have one of the strongest missile attacks in the game. Gazers are *not* immune to mental effects, either, although they do have high mental resistance. Tralls have mental resistance too.
  3. To clarify, the scripts do have item drop information, but only for generic creatures, not uniques.
  4. I don't know about the ending (which is not in scripts), but there are only three places where the scripts check canister use. One is dialogue only and checks for 8 or more. The others are forced combat checks: at the Dera Bridge for 15 or more and in Outer Gazaki-Uss for 10 or more.
  5. Yup. The stat descriptions can be a tad misleading at times. Battle Magic, Spellcraft, and training in the spell itself help with missile-like spells. (Items that give a flat bonus to hit also help with spells, I believe.)
  6. I haven't gone there, so I don't know. That's why I'm asking. :-D
  7. Something I've been contemplating recently. Is it possible to dash through the Depository in the demo, dropping Fyoras behind you to keep the golems away, and grab the Create Drayk canister at the very beginning? If so Drayks become an option for nearly any build. A Drayk you make at level 10, even with no extra points allocated to Fire Shaping, will be close to maxxing out on levels by the end of the game anyway; and of course it will be absurdly strong early on. At 60 essence, it's actually affordable enough to make early, too. While it will never quite equal a War Trall or Wingbolt in usefulness, it provides a nice secondary option.
  8. This is true. The only time I've found the 2 Int unnecessary is in a very aggressive build that's stronger than necessary. For example, the Broken Vlish in G3.
  9. Those aren't glitches. Unless an AI is capable of adapting to player strategy including from previous reloads, there will always be a way to exploit it.
  10. Ah. I was just confused because you kept saying "better than ever before" and things like that. So I guess you mean, "better than in G4"
  11. Hey Syn - I take it you ended up going back and playing G1-3? What did you think of them?
  12. However, you don't actually have to have JOINED a rebel faction if you have the leadership. Also, joining Trakovites will not work, just Astoria or Ghaldring.
  13. Quothe teaches advanced creations (level 3 and 4 plus War Trall, I think) if you join Astoria and complete 1 additional quest. Ellek'Sss will teach to anyone if you have 8 leadership.
  14. No offense, man, but you need to be a little more patient. If you're looking for instant gratification, this is the wrong place.
  15. That's pretty normal for an internet forum. It's particularly normal here because the game was just released. A lot of people are here looking for information but really it's only the beta testers who have played through the whole game. For example, I didn't answer because I can tell you the factions but not treasure. The factions are: Astoria (peace) Alwan (war) Litalia (Trakovite) Sage Taygen (destroy all creations and start over) Ghaldring (Drakons)
  16. We don't want you to leave. We just don't want lots of spam topics in the game forums. Really, check out General. It's right here.
  17. Yes. Your own level has no impact whatsoever on the level a freshly shaped creation is. However, creations do gain XP and levels along with you (at a slower rate). Creation level affects damage, hit and dodge rate, HP, and energy, in various ways.
  18. The level formula is pretty simple. It is Creation's Base Level + Your Skill in that type of shaping + Your knowledge of "Create ___" For example, if you make a Fyora when you have 1 level of Create Fyora and 2 levels of Fire Shaping, it will be 2 + 2 + 1 = 5. Level 5. All creations have an experience cap of 60,000. This means the level cap is typically 60. 10 is the essence cost, I'll edit the first post to make that more clear.
  19. EZ 7z has been around since at least 2005, and I'm pretty sure there was something before that -- I don't think that's the one I originally had.
  20. Wait, the Gazaki-Uss canisters can be gotten with mechanics instead of by doing Ghaldring's quests? That does make a difference. Gazers, in particular, are now only a little more expensive than Wingbolts. It also may be the fastest path to Tralls.
  21. No, no, no. I know you say you can get betas "early", but you can get plated bugs earlier! Plated bugs were my main point of comparison lately. Rots become available at the same point as wingbolts/tralls, so it's not that much later than betas anyway. Tomorrow I will try it out. I will make a fresh beta and a fresh plated bug and a fresh rot (and a fresh glaahk while I'm at it) and we'll see how they do.
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