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Mea Tulpa

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Everything posted by Mea Tulpa

  1. Clawbugs are fine. Clawbugs are better than in previous games, when they sucked. Clawbugs are not amazing. They are not as good as cryoa. They are not as good as vlish either, but they are substantially cheaper than vlish. The myth of clawbugs being amazing spread a lot around the time G5 came out, but it has been pretty thoroughly debunked.
  2. More than just the idea... a number of the Xian items were lifted directly from Sylak items. The Skull being the prime example...
  3. I will also be curious to see if one of the classes ends up being so good, if min/maxxed in just the right way, that it is actually advantegous to have TWO of that class.
  4. Is that really the intention? I know the world map was redone for Avernum, but it wasn't changed at all for Nethergate: Resurrection... and putting the Avernum 1 map into zone form would take an awful lot of effort. You couldn't just use the A6 map, either, without making massive modifications to it. I imagine it would take months to do the converting. I suspect that the redone Avernum will still have outdoors separate from towns.
  5. Karry: We all have criticism for games we play. Criticism of Spiderweb games is certainly tolerated here. Personal attacks are not tolerated, regardless of who the target is. (Please see the Code of Conduct.) It's clear you are frustrated. It's also clear you have let it get the best of you. If you're going to post on these forums, you need to be more respectful of other people. This is your official warning: any further violations of the Code of Conduct, including minor violations, will result in a ban.
  6. Luck does *not* affect item drops at all in any of the later games. This definitely includes A4, A5, A6, G4, and G5, and I believe it includes G2 and G3 as well. This has been the conclusion of everyone who has done rigorous empirical testing, and it is also what Jeff stated to Randomizer in a recent email. I am not sure about G1, though. I know that I -thought- it affected drops back when I played. I have not previously heard the statement that it affects the Crescent Stone drop but not other drops -- I thought it affected all of them.
  7. amen, amen, amen, amen, amen. Sometimes it's the little details that make everything. You know what I REALLY miss? That sort of synthesized harp strum that would play, in most of the Exile series, when you entered a town.
  8. I still fail to see how there would be a market for SW games on an ipad, but hey, whatever.
  9. Pathfinding algorithm fail, maybe.
  10. Not that I want to encourage series syncretism, but that opens up a terrifyingly plausible possibility. Sylak = X...
  11. Originally Posted By: Erica Marceau I have trust that the reason for the main character being chosen will be something other than "Hey, you there, come work for me." I realize I am being a bit trollish about this, so I'm going to stop pushing the issue. However, I do feel the need to say first: Hey, you there, come work for Amtar [and go crawl into that crack the Vahnatai made]. Hey, you there, come work for Anaximander. Hey, you there, come work for this disembodied Vahnatai voice. Hey, you there, come work for Greta. Hey, you there, come work for Redmark. Hey, you there, come work for the Castle. Hey, you there...
  12. Originally Posted By: The Ratt Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES ...the same flimsy justification for having important, powerful people throw fate-of-the-world type quests at nobody adventurers... Well, how else do you do it? Admittedly this is difficult to do for an RPG where none of the PC's are predefined characters. Geneforge 1 did a particularly great job of this. So did Nethergate, I think: it's believable when the Seelie Court or other Powers choose some random mortal as a champion for unknown reasons because, well, that's exactly what supernatural beings have done throughout thousands of years of myths and stories. It's not believable when a king/general/commander chooses random soldiers/adventurers of no particular power or renown for critical missions, because, well, that's exactly what they have never done. I guess once or twice isn't so bad. I just hate the fact that the introductions to these games make me feel like I'm hearing the same story for the eighth time, despite the fact that SW games typically have more genuinely new content than most CRPGs.
  13. What Monroe said, except that I went Kensington instead of Logitech. My model's not made any more, but this one looks quite similar: http://us.kensington.com/html/4011.html
  14. On the one hand, I'm a big Bartok fan, and this sounds like a pretty good premise for a game world. I am also glad to hear that Jeff is aware of the Paper Mario / Dragon Quest Monsters connections so he can prevent it from becoming TOO cliche. On the other hand... Originally Posted By: Spidweb Redbeard wants to see you. He needs a pair of fresh eyes, and it is a bad idea to disappoint him. This is terribly disappointing. It is the same flimsy justification for having important, powerful people throw fate-of-the-world type quests at nobody adventurers that we have seen from Exile 3 all the way through Geneforge 5 and Avernum 6. My expectations were higher, considering that the first games in other series had by far the most believable setups in this regard ("you want to get out of the underworld you were unjustly tossed into" and "you are (almost) the only one who can wield Shaping power on the island").
  15. ...the Terraforming Guild is totally overpowered...
  16. A unique tale. Thanks for sharing it.
  17. In this particular case, I think topic drift occured because nobody had much else to say about the original topic -- it's not as if people weren't interested in it. I'm sure more comments will come as Jeff releases more details about the game and the game world.
  18. I met a member from an antique age Who said: Two vast and gothic asterisks Are in the topic. Near them, on the page, Half sunk, a shattered smiley lies, whose frown And wrinkled brow, and sigh of cold quitclaim Tell that its author well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these ascii things, The hand that typed them and the limp forehead. And in the signature these words are <i>: "My name is Terror's Martyr, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Oldbie, and DIE!!!!!!!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal flame, adroit and dry The overpunned replies go far astray.
  19. Those are out of order, so the whole quotation is misleading.
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