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Posts posted by VCH

  1. Thanks for the advise; I'll give it a try.


    I tend to increase things sorta in parallel to each other. That has worked in the previous games, but apparently not here.




    It works! This game is super easy now. I feel so powerful!


    I am now hitting Slith Warriors at 85-95% after taking 4 points out of endurance and putting them into strength, and also transfering all quick action and dual wield points over to blade-master.

  2. So should I take some points out of endurance and put them into strength, and also take points out or hardiness/parry and put them into melee skill?



    As I said above, I have trouble hitting not just bosses, but the midlevel characters in a dungeon—for example, SLITH WARRIORS.


    I would appreciate it if someone that played on TORMENT posted a screen-shot of a ~level 17 character's stat sheet.



  3. I'm really getting tired of not being able to hit anything but the lowest level monsters in a dungeon. My characters are now level 17 and the only reason I am getting anywhere on Torment is because my mage and priest do reliable damage to enemies.


    I have chest armour on my two fighters with -15% to hit penalty, and also the penalty that comes from duel wielding, but no other penalties. Oh yeah, and I'm playing on Torment.


    I realize that Torment is supposed to be hard, and I wouldn't mind it if my fighters did only minimal damage to enemies, but I can't stand not hitting at all. The game really sucks, and is boring at times because my fighters are nothing more than meat shields, waving blades in the faces of their enemies.


    So, what I'm asking for is directions to posts, or advise on how to maximize hit chance.


    Here are my combat stats (both fighters are the same):

    Click to reveal..
  4. Originally Posted By: grasshopper
    Thanks for the critique of my defensive comment Dikiyoba. I'm very aware of all the points you raised.

    I waste not only your time here, but my time too, so I'm now going to post publicly the request I made to you privately a couple of days ago:

    Hi there Dikiyoba,

    I was wondering if you could be so kind as to ban me. I really need to learn to stay away from these forums, and I think only a firm banning will do.



    Omnia in opinione sita: manifesta enim sunt

    I suggest you do something offensive if you want to get banned.
  5. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
    Originally Posted By: Iucounu the Laughing Magician
    I do not care to listen; obloquy injures my self-esteem, and I am skeptical of praise.

    Maybe I've lived up to this quote more than I thought, because I can't remember much in the way of either compliment or insult.

    Nor can I. I don't seem to remember the little things that everyone else dwells on, or at the least is able to recall fairly easily.
  6. Originally Posted By: madrigan
    Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    Originally Posted By: madrigan
    I'd like it if the game would warn me when I try to use a Battle Discipline not suitable for the weapon I'm holding.

    It uses the default weapon for the battle discipline which is really irritating when it's an archer suddenly moved into melee.

    Exactly. I couldn't figure out why my archer kept running towards the enemy. I was composing an email to support -- because the forum was down -- when I suddenly realized what the problem was.

    Also, why can't I set the default attack to magic for my priest or Mage?

    And, on initial thoughts, being expelled from the portal to some boring cavern under Fort Avernum was not all that great a change for Jeff to make. Does he really need these tutorial sections; I mean, the tutorials aren't even that informative.
  7. Originally Posted By: ...on sale now! 50% off!
    As part of an argument with an acquaintance about climate change and Climategate I've been reading up on academic literature that I am not qualified to understand, government documents that aren't written for human consumption, and very angry blogs. It's been educational.

    —Alorael, who has mostly learned that one should never bring science to a political fight.

    You are qualified to understand it. However, scientists are not qualified to write in way that the majority of us will understand without effort. A good scientists is only good if they can actually communicate what they discover.

  8. Originally Posted By: Dantius
    People on the Internet sure get offended easily. It's like the offhand comments of a random stranger who lives thousands of miles away who you interact with for five minutes a day is all that matters to us.

    I find internet insults more hurtful than the ones delivered in person. I don't know why that is, but it is. Perhaps, it's the lack of facial cues or context that makes the insult worse. You don't know what the person really meant or didn't—whether they are really a jerk or not.
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