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Posts posted by VCH

  1. Take up running, become fit, then, if provoked, taunt your pursuers into a chase. There's nothing funnier than watching so called tough guys blow up as you stay just out of reach.


    Most animals deal with danger not by fighting but instead by running away.



  2. I take offense to the US killing someone is Pakistan without the government's permission. Sure he is officially a wanted terrorist by most of the world, and the Pakistan government may have tipped him off about the raid, but it's still not right.


    What would happen if Pakistani special forces descended on the US and killed some high profile criminal?


    Typical egotistical American garbage.


    That's why the world hates you.

  3. Originally Posted By: Eldibs
    I dislike the concept of a "dislike button" for one reason only - negative attention is still attention, and thus it won't demotivate any attention seekers. Look at that atrocity of a video that is Rebecca Black's "Friday." Near-universally hated, but still incredibly famous. If everyone who saw it would've been silent about their hatred, it wouldn't have gotten so big. Things that are awful should not be well-known just for being awful, they should be hidden in a corner to die silently.

    I bet she wishes she was enrolled in the youtube partners plan. That video would have made her a lot of money.
  4. Can't you just vote for a single candidate (in AV) and not bother with second or third choices?


    That's what I do for municipal elections. That way I don't waste my vote on somebody I have no interest seeing elected.


    I think a lot of people assume they must rank candidates.



    Originally Posted By: Lilith
    Originally Posted By: Dintiradan

    Off-topic question for our resident Australian(s): What do you think about mandatory voting?


    intuition suggests that it ought to shift the major parties toward the centre, since it means they don't have to work so hard to ensure their own base bothers to vote for them. it's hard to say whether or not this happens in practice


    Some Canadian politicians are playing with the idea of rewarding people with chances to win trucks, beer, or money if they vote. But personally I think a fine will work better.



  5. Originally Posted By: Master1
    Originally Posted By: Impudent Strumpet!
    Originally Posted By: Lt. Sullust
    As some of you are already aware, magic does not exist. If you were not aware, I apologize for crushing your hopes.

    And I never got to take Hermione out for a drink!

    Trust me, she's overrated. It is absolutely impossible to carry on a conversation with her. She thinks that she's some sort of superhero, when Harry did most of the work. And what with Ron sticking his freckled nose in everywhere, it's just a mess.

    Oh god, what I have said? My HP friends aren't even this bad...

    No you're right, she is the only reason those two buffoons get anything done. I mean Ron is completely useless, and Harry is mostly useless. How many times has she saved them from some horrible fate? Too many.

    In short, Harry isn't the hero, she is.
  6. Originally Posted By: *i
    Part of what I've heard about winning the lottery is that it is far more a curse than a blessing. Apparently winners seem to attract a lot of frivolous lawsuits, unsolicited requests for donations, bitterness of family/peers, unwanted attention from unscrupulous individuals, etc. Conversely, after the initial high, lottery winners tend to develop problems such as alcoholism over time. Of course, counterexamples exist, but that appears to be the trend.

    Interesting fact: In Canada Lottery winnings aren't taxed, so we get the whole jackpot.
  7. I disagree, if we're going to argue about how the middle class struggles, we need to know what middle class means. Is my middle class the same as yours? I doubt it.


    And yes, I'm reading the wiki for it. But the views are pretty varied.

  8. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES
    Originally Posted By: madrigan
    The issue is that the middle class struggles while a few people control a ridiculous amount of wealth.
    Whatever definition of "struggle" pertains to something that the American middle class does these days, it is a very different definition of "struggle" than how I know the word!

    What is middle class any way?
  9. University degrees are the new high-school degree because more and more people decide to go to university after high-school just for something to do, or because it's expected of them by their parents.


    Employers then look at a pool of applicants and see that many have university degrees, so they decide that a BSc or BA should be the new minimum standard for employment.

  10. Quote:


    —Alorael, who likes formats that make information relatively clear. Scientific papers tend to have very concise references, but they're often nearly impenetrable if you don't know the journal codes, and it's not always even clear which works are of what importance. Humanities papers seem to do much better in having good bibliographies, but they often mix them in with descriptive footnotes.



    The only journals I have a problem with are the big ones like Science, where they are trying to save space. Then again, Science isn't a traditional science journal, it's more of a pseudo-magazine. But overall, most ecology journals have easily interpreted references.


    For example


    Abdul-Salam, J. & Sreelatha, B. S. 1998 A list of larval digenetic trematodes parasitizing some marine invertebrates in Kuwait Bay. Kuwait Journal of Science & Engineering 25, 409- 434.


    Hechinger, R. F. 2007 Annotated key to the trematode species infecting Batillaria attramentaria (Prosobranchia: Batillariidae) as first intermediate host. Parasitology International 56, 287-296.

  11. "12 quadrats from the survey area were sampled"


    I lose focus when sentences are written like that. My mind tends to turn off and I don't get a clear picture of what the author is trying to communicate. Basically the passive voice makes me work harder to understand the text, which is never a good thing.


    Of course there are other reasons science writing can be boring. This article sums them up nicely.





    Although scientists typically insist that their research is very exciting and adventurous when they talk to laymen and prospective students, the allure of this enthusiasm is too often lost in the predictable, stilted structure and language of their scientific publications. I present here, a top-10 list of recommendations for how to write consistently boring scientific publications. I then discuss why we should and how we could make these contributions more accessible and exciting.


    How to write consistently boring scientific literature




    Originally Posted By: Lilith
    Originally Posted By: VCH
    But for your information all the really hot girls do their sampling with the mark-release-recapture method. Girls that use quadrats are only interested in the small things in life.


    then wouldn't you have better luck pursuing the latter


    lol. You're on fire tonight. laugh


    and you're right, it's better being compared to a beetle than to a moose


    A warning for everyone: don't go looking for a pic of either one.







    ah hell, the beetle pic is just too cool to pass up, so if you're really brave take a look here




  12. Originally Posted By: Lilith
    i think it adds a bit more of a personal, conversational tone

    if the paper's all like "12 quadrats from the survey area were sampled" then you read it and it's like okay, some dude at some point in time sampled some quadrats. whatevs

    but if the paper's all like "we sampled 12 quadrats from the survey area" you're like wow, these same people who wrote this paper were out there in the wild sampling quadrats by their very selves, and they're not afraid to say so. look how multitalented yet approachable they are. i should totally find the lead author and ask her out

    and that's why ecologists get more dates than linguists

    Awesome smile lol

    But for your information, all the really hot girls do their sampling with the mark-release-recapture method. Girls that use quadrats are only interested in the small things in life.

  13. Originally Posted By: *i
    Re: Passive Voice

    The reason to avoid passive voice is that it can lead to confusion about who or what leads to what action, and sentences can become unnecessarily long. Sometimes when you want to purposely deemphasize the subject because it is unimportant or irrelevant, this is fine. As a general rule of thumb, the active voice tends to lead to more crisp writing, which is good.

    Many ecology journals strongly encourage authors to use the active voice, especially in the materials and methods section of a paper. The active voice also makes your writing much more powerful and engaging.

    And I agree that a BA or BSc is now essentially equivalent to a high-school degree.
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