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Posts posted by VCH

  1. Hermione is definitely the hero in that book and movies series. If not for her, Harry and Ron would have been dead long ago. I mean basically the two of them just stumble along, and she saves their asses with simple spells they should have learned in first year.


    For example, wtf Harry Potter, you're falling out of a tram car to your death and you don't think to use a levitation spell?!

  2. Has anyone read the screw-tape letters by C.S. Lewis? I found the book to be full of good advise on how to manipulate people.




    If the gay-rights movement had started in Britain, maybe we would say out of the wardrobe instead of out of the closet. On the other hand, I suspect most people in Britain don't own wardrobes, or use the word all that much any way, so maybe not.






  3. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
    Originally Posted By: Nikki
    Also, the wiki page says that 'Wallace declared his flat to be a sovereign nation on 1 January 2005 and he set about populating the micronation', which would imply he founded the kingdom himself before populating it

    Yes, but he intended to expand it and did so. Adam and Eve just hung out and talked to evil snakes.


    That's not how I interpreted it. If you read it again I'm sure you'll agree that there was a talking lion and then subsequently a whole host of animals that could talk. So Adam and Eve were very much not alone.

    Originally Posted By: Erasmus
    Wasn't the garden of Eden on earth? And if so wasn't it a kingdom of god?

    As for this, well, I had a nice man and his son come to my door on Sunday. After I invited them in, the man proceeded to tell me that god's Kingdom will replace all Earthly government very soon. So I guess we'll know it when we see it.
  4. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES

    Based on your last post it seems like one of your big complaints is that the game doesn't tell you things ahead of time -- about how stats work, about enemy vulnerabilities, etc. I agree that some of this would have been nice, but many players also enjoy finding this stuff out on their own.

    No. I want the game to tell me how things work.
  5. Originally Posted By: Lazarus.
    Ahh well, it was good while it lasted. Thanks for footing the bill for as long as you did.

    I'm glad the scenario reviews were saved at least. I don't know how much people read them anymore but some of them came all the way from the lyceum and it'd be a shame to lose them. It's not like the spidweb board looks to be taking off anytime soon.

    Edit: Now my title is gone as well as my avatar? What a crock....

    Yeah man, welcome to the club. I lost my avatar, then my title. I got the title back for a while but then it left again. I guess It's only a matter of time before all the custom titles are rounded up and deleted.
  6. Originally Posted By: Dantius
    Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES
    There was a... septuagenarian eskimo who swallowed a fly... in his ear... I don't know why he swallowed the fly... perhaps he'll DIE.

    You're a terrible limerick writer. I mean, good god man.

    Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES
    You're a terrible not-a-limerick recognizer.

    The correct reply here is, "you're a terrible limerick writer."

    It makes no sense, yet it almost always deals a fatal blow to your opponent.
  7. Cat string. Every cat, no matter how old or fat, will respond to string with at least passing interest. Believe me, string has a lot of potential. People already buy balls of fluff for their cat, so string priced at a dollar, and marketed as being cat safe, will sell.

  8. Oh I see, Lilith has been modded. I thought this thread was about post count. Maybe you can fix my missing custom title. I lost it when I was banned, then *i was nice enough to give it back, but it's disappeared again, mhh.

  9. *pacific chorus frog tadpoles (pseudacris regilla)


    *pics taken with a camera attached to a stereo dissecting microscope

    *body length without tail (snout-to-vent) is ~8mm









  10. Well, you do walk heel toe, but natural running involves landing on the midfoot, then letting the heel touch down gently.


    So yeah, you will wear your heel down if you walk a lot. But that's not a reason to have excessive heel lift. It's more of a reason to add durable rubber, and perhaps more rubber to the bottom of the shoe, but equally from front to back. I would guess most people don't wear a hole in the bottom of the their shoes in a single year. If you do, perhaps barefoot is the best way to go.


    Wow Dikiyoba, that must suck. Where does all the glass come from?


    When I'm forced to wear shoes I opt for Merrell trail gloves. The Vibram five fingers are too difficult to size correctly when ordering over the internet.








  11. Originally Posted By: FnordCola
    Well, it sounds like either way you're shopping at YouGetWhatYouPayFor.

    @VCH: I think there's something to be said for this idea, but there are also a lot of people who live in areas with substantial amounts of broken glass and other hazardous material on the ground. This a problem that we also ought to address, but wearing fewer shoes probably won't help.

    There's a simple way to avoid the few pieces of refuse out there, pay attention to the ground in front of you. Honestly there isn't that much stuff out there. People seem to think the streets are littered with debris from some overturned garbage truck.

    Your foot has so many muscles that never get a good workout and basically atrophy from underuse. As barefoot running hurting, well in truth it doesn't. All those sensory endings are there to give you accurate feedback on the ground underneath you. When I run barefoot I land much more softly than I do when I run with shoes.

    And what about that heel lift on your shoes? Does your foot naturally have a heel lift? I mean what a crazy way to walk around with your feet constantly sloped downward.

    I'm not against shoes. They have their uses. They are tools to get jobs done. So for example if your streets really are littered with needles and glass, by all means get your shoes on. But I think we really need to question what all that supportive junk is doing on modern shoes, because the shoe companies sure don't know.

    if you're interested

    The effects of habitual footwear use: foot shape and function in native barefoot walkers

  12. Dear Mr Bot,


    Screw the MBT shoes, everyone ought to just chuck their shoes.


    You don't play a piano with gloves do you? So why do you walk or run in restrictive blocks of plastic and foam? Your feet have one of the highest concentrations of nerve endings in your body (similar to the hands and lips). Prior to the 1970s most shoes were pretty simple. Then Nike comes along and decides that our feet are evolutionary screw ups, something that can be improved. Well thank you, but no, my ancestors did quite well with nothing on their feet.


    So I'll have to decline your silly shoes Mr bot.



    (from a barefoot/minimalist runner)

  13. Reincarnation is about as close to the truth as it gets for religion. I mean, after you die most of your carbon etc will be reused by many different living things, many times over.

  14. Here's a long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum)


    I found her near a small ephemeral pond/puddle.





    In my region salamanders are much harder to find than their anuran cousins (frogs and toads).


    the latin name = blunt-mouth long-toe

  15. Originally Posted By: Let me Alorael that for you.
    But, you see, believing in God as an atheist is likely to mean believing in an eternity of torment after that. So for atheists, it's really much more comforting not to believe!

    —Alorael, who personally feels all the security he needs by knowing he has his potato.

    The thing I don't understand is why Santa makes it such a bad place. Shouldn't he reward people that are good?
  16. Originally Posted By: Dantius

    Then again, serious history books and academic papers today do still get titled like "[statement that's not really witty]:[What the paper's actually about]", which is still stupid, so I guess we haven't improved much since the 1600's.

    But don't those papers stick in your mind better than the ones with a small paragraph in place of a title?

    I prefer "witty" over Zzzzzzzz.

  17. I'll be catching tadpoles, and other slimy things over the summer for my grad-school project. But just when summer will start is unknown. At my main study site the frogs and toads haven't even started to call yet. I'd say the timing of most things is roughly two weeks behind the average.

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