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Posts posted by VCH

  1. Yes, yes, you're an oldbie. However, I ran the math, and your rate is still higher than mine. Not higher than Alorael or Randomizer, but...




    You are confused. There are far more than two Tyrans, although none (that I know of) contain an apostrophe.


    You are right. But I dislike that brought math into this; I like words; stick to words. haha.

  2. Stars wink and grin.

    Some are yellow some are white;

    Some are dull and some are bright.

    If I were blind would they still shine?

    Or would all such beauty be left behind?


    This doesn't follow any pattern, it's just something I wrote to pass some time. (Although I suppose stars aren't yellow, are they. haha)


    I suppose this isn't poetry, but what else am I going to do with it?

    Don’t quit before you’ve begun,

    Because as your life spins,

    Sometimes its in the mud, sometimes its in sun.

    But the wheel comes around;

    So wait for the wheel.

  3. Another benefit of dating, or even talking to someone who has learned english second, is that they will be much more honest with you (at least in what they say). You ask them how they are they say bad, good or great. There's no subtext, everything is out in the open. I think most guys would agree that english girls (and guys too) hide behind wimpy-whiswashy words. (Or that's my XP anyway; you XP may vary :p)

  4. I'll just add this: You should all go to this if you can. There is no better place to meet girls than an international party of some sort. The number one pickup line is "your english is great". For whatever reason that's like the best compliment you can give a girl. But only do it if her english is actually good (or good enough)—don't lie.

  5. Thank You, I appreciate your kind words.


    They are poems I found among my old school work. I guess at that time they gave us some kind of plan to follow. I have one about Wild horses too, but that's not on me at the moment.


    btw: Am I the only person that has kept every piece of school work from Kindergarten through university? haha

  6. Drip, drip

    The icicles grow

    Like fingers of glass all hung in a row

    They shimmer and shine

    Like a princess's crown;

    Then drip, drip, drip

    They all fall down.

  7. VCH looks up from his mobile phone.


    VCH: "Wow, maybe i should invest in a better phone, texting sucks on this antique"


    "Wait, is Dikiyoba on fire?"


    "Well, I don't want to get involved with that. Always be the one to run away while the hero dies; that's my motto"


    VCH gets back on the bus.


    VCH: Are there any heros on board? Does anyone want to be a fool?

  8. I am the most attractive member by far. Judge for yourself:



    —Alorael, who is sure that deep down you all know you should have voted for Alcritas as most attractive.


    I believe we settled this way back when: Kelandon was the most attractive.

  9. I wander about,

    In and out.

    Up and down

    And all around.


    I walk in sunshine

    I walk in rain,

    Over the mountains,

    Over the plains.


    I’ll travel ‘till my day is done

    Even in the scorching sun.

    For I am a wanderer,

    --And I shall wander.

  10. You are only partially correct, Slarty. I did make my own custom title. It was Puck stop. My avatar at the time was a hockey goalie. But then Drakefyre changed it to Puck Finn. This happened.


    Any way, I don't know why you can't find it. But by checking the PPP one would come to the conclusion that I never had a custom title. In fact, the PPP shows me having the title Shaper, constantly, from 2008–2003. Thus, while you are correct that I had a custom title that was removed in 2011 it does not show up on the PPP. Strange, No?


    Also, if I'm fabricating I really don't know why I PMed this to i* in 2011 if I never had said custom title.





    Edit: Looking back at the PPP, my goodness, I started the dumbest topics (spam) ever, wow.

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