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Everything posted by VCH

  1. VCH

    E3 Group

    Party Names: Human---> UuMan Nephilim--> Nephilher Slith------> Slurms Mackenzie Human ----> Whomin
  2. I ended at level 40 after taking Greta along until the docks leaving the second Island. What levels have others reached?
  3. Creations are useless for a guardian. The only one needed is a Thahd. Cannon fodder iz us. By end game my guardian has around 200 essence but only the ability to shape a Fyora, and Thahd. Who needs them? A sword works better.
  4. Yes pretty much. As a guardian your endurance and parry reach up to around 20 so nothing really does any damage. Although I did have a problem dealing out damage. Gf3 has a serious lack of high powered melee weapons. I had 3 extra action points which when hasted gave me 16. But even that only allowed for my pitiful melee attacks to finish off an opponent. In some ways it was more realistic. Slowing is the greatest danger for a single guardian. The Rothogroth were ****ing terrible. I had to hit and run every time I came across one. Even Glaahks were annoying. Unlike G1 and G2 a guardian will not crush all opponents in one hit. Magic attacks on mass are also a hazard. Servile Cultists ahhh, stop running away from me!
  5. I don't think Jeff explained how having either along affects the XP system. I was scared off by not gaining levels. Anybody play a guardian traveling alone? That's what I used.
  6. The whole XP sharing thing was the reason I did not take either along. If the XP system had been better perhaps I would have. Although, I actually did take Greta with me until leaving the rebel Island. Stupid slag though she was too good for me.
  7. I too wonder were the Ur-Drakon Skin is hidden.
  8. Sure the guardian looks really "gay". Walks like a gimp definitely. But I don't think asexual is an accurate description.
  9. Are the endings in some script in the GF3 files folder? I would like to take a look at the endings without playing through again.
  10. I just want an inventory system that allows a single click to pick an item up. That along with the current letter system would be great.
  11. Damn I always wondered about that. I just killed the mind instantly. Oh well
  12. More polish. GF3 did some really cool things. But perhaps not enough times. I want real cut scenes not just a walk up to some creature. Less stupid inventory system. Do I really have to click a letter to pick that up? More ways that a guardian could increase shaping skills for money. I usually don't shape but towards the end game that's because I have like level one in all shaping skills. I really like the cold isolated atmosphere of the isle of spears. Some Replication in GF4 would be cool. Portals, a new shaper creation would be sweet, perhaps between major cities. I now if the area is green that's basically what happens. But if you could take a portal far into unexplored lands it it would add an element of extreme exploration to the game. G OUT.
  13. Where exactly are the two bracelets? I found one with the goelom thing. The other I'm sure I saw a creation drop but then I didn't pick it up. What area are they in?
  14. Quote: This superimposition of graphics could have been used in Putidus, for example. (And, all things considered, probably should have been.) T.M. once again proves he's a complete tool.
  15. Too funny! I think all the main leaders should whack some gazers before lunch. "Oh there goes Stange, he was a shopkeeper yesterday. Now he's a super hero taking on whole armies of shapers, killing drakons in one swing, more health than an entire town".
  16. Oh nice! I never shape any way. So beyond the challenge its pointless.
  17. Those stupid notes. I collected them all the whole game thinking somebody would want them. I had like 100 by the end. My whole house was covered in bookz ahh!
  18. I have not been a shaper. In GF2 I was a gurdian. Perhaps I shaped 3 times in the course of the game. No, no its much better to play a knight sticking things with your sword.
  19. If you have any archer ability, spell-casters can be shot down in short order.
  20. Please no BOG please no. I can just imagine the garbage people would turn out ahhhhhhh!
  21. Funny I would trade 1,000 spring breaks to see High School again. What You don't like me cuze of my car any more? I play soccer and wear prada doesn't that mean anything to you? The real world is lacking a level of shallow I had perfected.
  22. I bought the book for E3. But they have probably changed since then. All I remember is a plain boring book aiiii.
  23. If I remember right you can join them. Then steal their treasure. Or use the fake rings to get in. The anama just take away some of your priest skills that way. Your whole party ends up more powerful in both priest and mage skillz.
  24. The link in designer FAQs, for "scripting for beginners" doesn't work.
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