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Everything posted by VCH

  1. It seems like everyone has already played A4. I want my chance.
  2. Excellent. Isn't A4 due like now. It is December.
  3. Yes search the office in general. Desk or picture perhaps.
  4. I think I'll still rush straight into fights swords out. Arrows are for cute little kitties, not true adventurers.
  5. I'd rather have a mage that can handle themselves without spells on occasion. Edit Quote: Originally written by Line Left: The battle in front of the Ornotha Ziggurat is definitely large, but there are battles that struck me as far more interesting in A4. A certain place that shall not be named with many monsters of unspecified characters, which must be defeated for Quest X comes to mind. Yes, this is very specific. Oh hell yea! Quest X yo.
  6. I like having both my priest and mage capable of using crossbows. So that when spell energy runs low they aren't completely useless. Oh, and I carry no extra gear. Usually I sell anything extra.
  7. Always: 1. Human- Knight, full armor shield plate etc, with long sword. 2. Slith- Pole wielder, full armor but no shield. 3. Human- Mage & Archer. 4. Nephilim- Priest, Archer, Trap disarming.
  8. It looks perfect to me. I just want to see a screenshot using the actual char graphics not Mr. Shaper(s).
  9. The strange thing is the secret passage, through the mountains, to the East of the camp. The passage gets you to within 2 spaces of the camp-valley.
  10. I still use the prefab names that came with E1. Anybody remeber what they were?
  11. I use four human boxers. They have no weapons no armour and no magic of any kind. Fists of Fury.
  12. The fact that miles are used points to a primitive society. They have yet to develop any accurate standards for measurement.
  13. Are there any references in A1-A3 pertaining to what the sky actually looks like. The sun close objects etc.
  14. Why does the planet require a name? Maybe there is no name. Perhaps they are not even on a planet, a moon maybe.
  15. 40. The ability to play the Empire side or whatever supposed enemy happens to be present.
  16. I want to play on the Empire side in A4. Crush the wormz.
  17. I vote for French. I didn't spend 13 years taking French classes for nothing I hope. Maybe I did. Probably.
  18. Then kill the Mages too. If they want some they can come and get it.
  19. No I meant tea-totting. Just like gun-totting, book-totting, note-totting, and whatever else can be totted aii.
  20. Can't one just kill Mortrax then theif hiz stuff?
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