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Everything posted by Aran

  1. Quote: Originally written by Student of Trinity: Well, if everyone up to 5000 had 1000 posts, all together that would be almost as much as Alorael, which is absurd. Therefore there must be many low-numbered members with surprisingly low post counts. 5000*1000 = 5,000,000 Alorael's postcount < 11,000 A nice definition of 'almost'. Also, there are nearly 2500 members who never posted. And iirc, I once calculated how many top posters share how many posts, and I think it was the top 5% sharing 95% of all posts or something.
  2. I've had that happen a few times without knowing what exactly caused it. It might have been "<" and ">" signs (I've just posted them here without trouble though). If they don't work, try & lt ; and & gt ; without the spaces, that results in <>. It might also happen when you use quote tags strangely.
  3. Mh... Given that Avernum is a series, and the "4" stands for a game of that series, not a version number, shouldn't this run "Avernum 4 1.0.1" or "Avernum IV 1.0.1"?
  4. The difference is that the source for the BoA editor is open-source already, and Kel\'s site has a short list of very useful utilities that have been developed already. That they are all in separate applications is not surprising; after all they are separate projects. Presumably, they can all work on the same scenario files though, unlike in BoE, where a utility could not interface with or extend the editor at all.
  5. Quote: Originally written by Poit: Maybe I missed this boat? What do you plan to do to the source code? Bug fixing, presumably. Sadly, BoE is as full of bugs as a foreign embassy. Also, the scenario editor could use some additional tools - such as a larger editing screen than 5*5, a dialogue editor, a node editor, etc. As of now, it is nearly impossible to understand even your own nodework after a few weeks without meticulous notes, let alone someone else's.
  6. Quote: Originally written by Thralni, The flying Dutchmen: I just don't understand why the images don't expand. they should actually. maybe somebody who understands HTML better than I do, would have the time to look at it? (I look at you Aran...). Ephesos, maybe you could PM me about these things that "suggest" bad things of the plot? I'm very curious... The full-size images don't appear to exist, at least not at the place where you link to them from the thumbnails. Have you checked that they are uploaded?
  7. Uttered motivational, optimistic phrases. Except I shouldn't talk, because I haven't even done that much.
  8. Apparently, you believe that to give up your sanity, you need to post large quantities of emoticons. A common misconception. It merely causes insanity in others.
  9. There is a kind of irony in the dilemma that releasing the source could be the single greatest step towards reviving the BoE community, while at the same time Jeff would not want to release the source until he is sure he cannot sell the game anymore...
  10. Where "stuff I no longer want" is, of course, loosely defined depending on the current party level... Mid-game, the trash I need to get rid of tends to consist of things like firebolt wands, scrolls of summoning, steel longswords...
  11. If Jeff would bother at all, he might possibly release the source of the scenario editor, since that is a free tool not connected to the paid program - he did the same for BoA after all. However, since the game is equally buggy, it is not clear how much this would change. Except that editing could become a whole lot more convenient if tools like a better dialogue or node manager were built into the editor.
  12. 2 have been being made since the dawn of time, if you want to go by that. One is mine, and it just passed its fourth anniversary back in October. The other is Drakefyre's, and it was already ancient when I joined this place. So if you go by that, Blades is never going to die. In a manner of speaking.
  13. Quote: Originally written by *i: The time has come. Blades has been host to great minds and innovators, but now the community is moribund. One of the last vessels of creativity and inspiration in cyberspace is but a fleeting memory. The demise of Blades was long foretold and is now at hand. All things must die, all circles must close, and Blades has reached its silent end. This will be the topic of the next (and perhaps the last) Blades Chat on Saturday, February 18 at 6 pm EST. My sarcasm detector is giving me strange signals, but I never knew *i to be sarcastic. Is the detector functioning correctly?
  14. Then Jeff would have an idea for GF 5, except he wouldn't use it, because the plot would suck horrendously. Uh...
  15. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: What, no sig? He's going to change it once he notices, I'm sure. And we will never have seen his post as it was without the sig, because the sig was always there. Meanwhile, for posterity: Quote: Originally written by Sergeant-at-Arms: The beginning of A2's demo is representative, but as soon as you hop on a boat you get an experience very different from just about everything else in any Avernum. Although I suppose I could have subconsciously edited the sig out. Or Alo could consciously edit it in, later.
  16. Indeed. Sometimes I've even taken screenshots, to avoid having to load up that specific save file to read it again.
  17. Whether that is a curse or a blessing is another matter, however.
  18. Quote: Originally written by Dikiyoba: Quote: But no, you will play a mammalian humanoid. I'm not sure I have the guts to design a game where you play something else. I think it would be a tough road to convince a lot of gamers that they want their avatar to be something different. - Jeff Vogel Wait...slithzerikai are mammals? Dikiyoba doesn't particularily like drakons. Or even drayks. Fyoras and cyoras are fine though. They definitely aren't, game-wise - there are hatching pools in the city of Lost Bahssikava in Avernum. I've always felt that rhetorical questions should be answered when possible. Edit: The slithzerikai, naturally. Not the fyoras and cryoras.
  19. Fortunately. Geneforge has been criticized for its plots, but I do hope Jeff does not fall to the level where he makes a game in which you you run around as a mutant dinosaur.
  20. It looks similar to Avernumscript, so by instinct I'd say it needs to go in one of those startup text scripts that come with the game. Where items and creatures are defined, possibly?
  21. Just one more off-topic inquiry, since the other thread was locked: The way Kelandon wrote that last post, it sounded as though he had banned the guy. Can mods really ban people, or did you just give Drakey a shout on AIM, Kel?
  22. Next question: Did you notice this problem by looking at the code, or did you get an email saying: "Hey, your game sucks; if you make like 32000 sparks on the title page the graphics go all wrong!!" The new chitrach looks good. I'm looking a bit more forward to the Windows release now than I did a few weeks ago.
  23. New theory: The reason Vahnatai is spelt so atrociously almost without exception is that everyone who spells it correctly already found the walkthrough with Google. The rest don't find anything under vantihatihaititai and end up asking here.
  24. There aren't many maps on the encyclopedia site, and those that are are usually unrelated to the games - Vantanas and Pralgrad's geography is completely non-canon. But having some maps for specific game areas would be fine, as long as there aren't any walkthrough-related labels on them. I haven't seen Rache's maps, by the way. I'll check them out this evening.
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