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Hyena of Ice

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Posts posted by Hyena of Ice

  1. Eh, current status is that I have writer's block on the battle scene with the syndicate. I have most of the opening and the tedious journey back to Fort Wilton done.


    Been spending most of my fic-related time playing with the sprites. I think I have a semi-passable fur pelt from one of the Avadon pelts on a rack (needed it for the rat silo) Some day I'm going to make sprite maps of some of the locations, including a fuller W. Wilton outskirts. Have most of their stats done too, except for the items (I might redo Alwan's a bit-- he's still not quite pack-mule enough for my liking compared to the girls who aren't equipped with heavy armor, but I still have yet to fill their packs with junk...)

    EDIT: On second look the rat pelt is still too big. I managed to size it down by using the Avernum version and comparing it to the beds from G3 (which are on the same sprite sheet) but it's not finished. Ugh...

  2. Okay, this is what I have so far.





    --The shaper academy, from what I can tell, is like a college. This means that students probably join when they're 18 at the youngest. If I had to wager a guess, I would say that the PC and Greta are at least 20 or 21 (for the purpose of drinking alcohol/it being legal in the American cultural sense)

    --A major difference from the previous two games is that you're still in the academy, whereas in G1 and 2, you were still an apprentice, but had finished your education at the academy and must now undergo several years worth of field work (In G2, I think... Shanti is supposed to be your monitor.)




    --Alwan is your senior; when introduced to him, the narration states that unlike you, he is near graduation/initiation. This means that he is probably 1-2 years older than you. (does this mean that he has performed some amount of field work under a monitor? Seems unlikely, but the two previous games made it clear that one has to go through 4-5 years of post-education field work before they can become initiated. Plot hole, perhaps?)

    --I was initially confused as to why he defers to you as "Shaper" (i.e. acts as a subordinate) due to the above, until I realized that it has to do with his preference to taking orders rather than making them.

    --Alwan tows the official shaper line that outsiders and esp. serviles owe the Shapers for all the good they've done. He does not appear to support the idea that intelligent serviles deserve independence, and in fact tows the official line that those with any sort of rebellious tendences (even if they try to suppress them like Tor) have to be dealt with (though how is not elaborated)

    --Alwan is not actually callous towards the serviles. In the Captured Bridge near the beginning of the game, he voices sympathy for the lost serviles, and unlike the official shaper stance, there's no hint that he has a problem with intelligent serviles so long as they are obedient.

    --He seems to hold a condescending view of outsiders typical of the shapers. In addition, I don't think I've ever seen him shown any indignation over outsiders being killed or harmed.

    --Like a typical shaper, he is completely intolerant of rebels. In one instance on Harmony Isle (Shen dialogue), he dehumanizes a rebel by referring to her as "this creature".

    --Alwan has a very bad temper, though as the game progresses, it evens out a bit and he learns how to control himself a lot better-- he also learns the importance of keeping his mouth shut by the time you reach Gull island.

    --As the story develops, Alwan gradually learns how to think for himself (unlike the typical guardian) His preference for orders is still present by the time you reach San Ru as there is a (possibly dummied) dialogue in the Roamer Marsh where he complains about how hard it is not to have orders to constantly follow.

    The first signs that he begins to think for himself occur just before you leave the Harmony West Docks and comes up again on the outskirts of Fort Wilton after being approached by Kaba.

    On the outskirts of the Southern Gull Docks (Beastmaster Woods) is when he decides to become a part of the shaper council, as he believes that the Shapers' dealings with the rebels and unappreciative outsiders/serviles has been too lenient. After seeing Shaper Agatha's crimes, he also wants to become a council member to route out the corruption he has seen.

    --By the time you reach Dhonal Isle, Alwan goes from warning you not to let outsiders hear your pro-rebel sentiments to recognizing the possible value of tricking the rebels. On Gull Island he fully recognizes the value of doing this.

    --Though he does not say it outright, Alwan seems to allude that he doesn't always like to treat creations so harshly or withhold protection from non-rebel outsiders. This comes up a few times when he responds to pro-rebel sentiments by Greta and the player by responding that being a shaper is hard and requires (inner) strength. Likewise, he attributes Greta's pro-creation sentiments (and the reason she got expelled) to "being weak"

    He uses the same accusation towards the shapers for the existence of the rebellion to begin with (too lenient or inconsistent with punishments and enforcement), along with shaper crimes and allowing Shaper structures to fall into rebel hands (in the former case, that the Shapers like Agatha who went dirty were weak) He views treating creations and rebels with more understanding or compassion as "an invitation to weakness" and to be a contributor to the rebellion in G3.


    --Alwan becomes gradually more accepting of Greta in the party. From the Infested Swamp onward, he is not as mean to her, and seems to think that she is "cleaning up her act"

    --Alwan sometimes makes close/personal contact with the player, usually by placing a hand on his/her shoulder to tell them something, whispering to them, or in the case of Maker's End, looking over their shoulder to read Agatha's Diary. In contrast, Greta never does any of this. (unless you count her response to you about the Essence Shade in the Kentia Mines-- which is identical to Alwan's and clearly his line)

    --Alwan has a tendency to mutter or grumble to himself when annoyed. If the player addresses this in a purely inquisitive or casual manner, he apologizes for doing so, sometimes becoming embarrassed.

    --Alwan is superstitious-- he believes in an afterlife, and his superstition may also have played a role in his sheer terror at the sight of the mindeater shade that possessed General Greiner.

    --When travelling, Alwan is described as keeping silent while vigilantly looking around for enemies, like you do.

    --He never addresses (or speaks to you about) Greta by name. In contrast, there is one instance during one of the few times she addresses him where she says his name.

    --He also has a bad habit of frequently butting into conversations between Greta and the PC, mostly prior to Dhonal Isle.


    Alwan is described as wearing a cloak when you reach the Isle of Spears, though it's unknown whether he wore one through the entire game or not.




    --When introduced to Greta, she is described as a fellow student. Thus she is likely the same age as the PC, and of the same class year.

    --Greta's character development does not undergo the same degree of changes that Alwan's does.

    --Greta is a bleeding heart, egalitarian, and idealist which is at the core of her personality and motives. As such, she doesn't actually want to see shapers get killed outside of direct defense for self or others. However, as the story progresses, she tends to see no other alternative.

    --As an adjunct to the above, Greta voices many times that she likes little about the individuals heading the rebellion, often labelling them as monsters or savages, but she sees no other choice but to support them. Her concern is primarily for the downtrodden innocents among them.

    --Greta has a problem with not thinking her ideas through. You often see this with extended dialogues if you talk her down from pro-rebel stances that conflict with her non-violent beliefs. Likewise, her idealism leads to reckless stances, such as her support for secrets to shaping in untrained non-shaper hands.

    --Greta fails to recognize the danger that shaping poses in inexperienced hands.

    --At times Greta is seduced by rebels into extreme stances, usually temporarily. You see this primarily when you talk to Kaba, Litalia at the Gull South Docks along with Benerii-Eo and in the Creator's Hall when she is enthralled by The Creator.

    --At no point in the game does Greta consider herself a Shaper. However, this schism gradually deepens as the story progresses, to the point that she eventually believes it necessary for the Shapers as an organization to be eliminated.



    --Greta appears to be the same age/class year as the shaper.

    --Alwan sometimes makes close/personal contact with the player (usually whispering to them or placing a hand on their shoulder when speaking) In contrast, Greta never does this.

    --Greta is described as usually engaging in idle chat with the PC even on the field (in contrast to Alwan, who is more often quiet and preoccupied with vigilance/watching for enemies)

    --Greta rarely responds to Alwan's hostility towards her directly. Usually when he insults her she turns away or ignores him completely. She will snap at him however if he angers her severely enough.

    --When travelling, Greta usually engages in idle chat with you. This is in contrast to Alwan, who is quiet and vigilantly looks around for lurking enemies. It seems likely that this would be an additional source of contention between the two.

    --She possesses a reckless curiosity, as evident when she wants you to use the Kentia canister to "see what happens"

    --Greta likewise tends to turn or look away from things that upset her. Though this disappears later in the game.

    --She often voices open agreement with pro-creation or pro-rebel sentiments the NPC convos

    --Greta is characterized as being a "slob", an unacceptable trait for a Shaper.

    --Unlike vice-versa, Greta does not become gradually more accepting of Alwan in the party.

    --Greta never speaks to Alwan unless either spoken to or as a quip about something he says (e.g. the Acidic Valley)


    Greta is described as wearing the typical Agent's uniform. She is armed with a dagger, at least early in the game.



    --The strength of their friendships with the player do develop over the course of the game. There is a huge contrast in departure dialogue between the Harmony North Docks vs the Dhonal West Docks and Khor's Deeps. In the former they react with extreme anger while in the latter two they are sad and regretful.

    --Entering the Infested Shore seems to be a turning point in the relationship between Alwan and Greta-- for the first time they find themselves united. After this (provided you didn't aid or kill the rebels), Alwan becomes grudgingly accepting of her (the reverse does not appear to be true) He also seems to mistakenly believe (until the end of Dhonal Isle) that she is beginning to "clean up her act". (This coincides with Greta's farewell speeches about the PC's influence being too strong, and how she ended up aiding the Shapers as a result)

  3. U mean the graphic_coloradj values? They cycle through about 8 different colours, with each colour a different hue, and if the value is above about 50 or 60 then it goes fluorescent (like in the shaper trueweave or lodestone equipment)


    Actually that not an accurate description. It goes through a value (brightness) invert. (in lay terms, the dark becomes bright, and the bright becomes dark, but the hue *color* remains the same.)

  4. I've often wondered if perhaps the Geneforge world and Avernum world are actually connected. After all, Archmage Erika had to basically Shape almost all of the things that made life possible in the caves: the glowing fungus on the walls to provide light, mushrooms that were nutritive, trees that could survive in the low light, and all of it growing fast enough that it reached distant parts of the cavern before the Avernumites tried to settle in a region. Being that necessity is the mother of invention, is it possible that Erika invented Shaping, making Avernum come before Geneforge?


    Or perhaps the other way around, that the empire on the surface was established because of Shaping, either as a Shaper empire or as an anti-Shaper rebellion that won and outlawed Shaping entirely. Either would explain why they were so tight with knowledge of magic, and Erika had to teach herself via illegal and stolen books (and probably canisters, given how she comes across as more than a bit crazy and power-mad).


    In Avadon2, Yannik has a line when you first meet him about looking for ancient magic to "raise castles from the ground, or even shape life" I've wondered if this was an easter egg or if they're actually the same world/universe.


    And LOL, Erika (remember the shaper by that name at the Main Army Camp in G3?). I wish I knew what random name generator Jeff uses for er... fic-related reasons. >_>


    When generic fantasy demons pop up later in the series, they feel very out of place. I was never really comfortable with Drakons, either, although the transhumanist transdraykist angle helped me to accept them.

    I was going to disagree with you, but I think I recall initially finding the demons odd as well-- it quickly grew on me, though. It's no more out of place than ghosts and necromancy, which I've come to love having in the series. I haven't played G4 or 5 yet, but I hope they followed their predecessors in keeping the demon world mysterious and not-touched-upon at all.

  5. Wow, I just now found this thread. This is awesome. I can give Alwan and Greta some resistances later in the game.


    As for me, I never placed much stock in melee combat (except when using Alwan). I've always been a ranged attack person. (exception being when fighting golems with the oozing blade)

    I'm surprised anyone can afford to pump enough into their agent's strength to afford an iron sword. Then again, I use most of my skill points on leadership and mechanics until mid or late Harmony Isle... Leadership at 12 and mechanics... I think at 13.... and 7-8 luck...


    Also, who in their right mind would want to give essence orbs to Greta? Multi-target attacks interfere with the daze spell (love spamming that), plus essence orbs = no acid. NO ACID Granted, I ALWAYS use the Agent.


    You know what I hate though? No poison attacks. No, I'm not talking about dousing something in poison, I'm talking about an attack that actually inflicts poison damage. Some of the monsters late into the game have no poison resist. Unfortunately, covering something in poison does negligible damage (useful on the first half of Harmony Isle and earlier)

  6. Bah, wasn't thinking about how hard this would be.


    Edit: Managed to muster something up by combining two different sprites in Gimp then running the result through various filter forge filters and combining various results until it wept into its pillow. Looks cruddy, but it'll do. (I needed a metal table)


    Hmm, what else do I need?

  7. Hmm... Actually, on second thought, I could possibly see wanting a skill tree in certain forms. Class based for the player, provided nothing is removed from the regular stats and abilities (e.g. battle magic, fire shaping, etc.)

    Note that these all apply to G3.



    Some class-based skill tree similar (but not the same as) to the one in the Avadon series. This would be in addition to the base stats and abilities, and would be class-based.

    Aside from some extra abilities, it would have to be some minor boosts. I hope the overall mechanics (missile weapon damage being much more effective primarily) remains the same. With the exception of making the vlish physically weaker like it is in previous games.


    Examples: (note: ones that say "functions as a spell" at the end mean that they use up SP and possibly also essence)



    --Shima's Whirlwind (Blade Training) *Functions as a spell*

    --Nathalie's Ward Mastery or something similar

    --Ability that removes mind-affecting statuses on an ally (since one does not exist in G3), at higher levels, affects all allies. *functions as a spell, uses both SP and EP*

    --Sevilin's lv. 1 and 6 War Cry *Functions as a spell*

    --Sevilin's Path of the Shield

    --The +5%/level to hit one adjacent enemy from Sevilin's Melee Training

    --Multi-target baton attack *functions as a spell*

    --5% chance/level to add slow status to lance attack

    --Shield Bash (+5%/level chance to damage enemy when parrying a melee attack)

    --maybe something like Mirror Shield (+5%/level chance to reflect parried missile damage back at opponent)

    --Spell/ability to remove stat effects on self, using Healing Craft as a base. *functions as a spell, uses both SP and EP*



    --Lockpicking enhancement

    --Bonus SP recovery (minor amount)

    --slight increase to battle magic damage for weaker spells (Ice Bolt and lower or searer and lower)

    --A special poison bolt attack (seriously, if you look at the script, some enemies even late in the game lack a defense against poison, but end-of-round poison damage sucks. *obviously, functions as a spell. Uses both SP and EP*

    --Buff that adds +2% Fire/Cold/Energy defense per level.

    --Multi-target baton attack (same as Guardian) *functions as a spell*



    --meh, can't think of much-- obviously they'd mostly be a healing spell focus and creation boosts.

    --Ability that removes mind-affecting statuses on an ally (since one does not exist in G3), at higher levels, affects all allies. (same as Guardian's ability) *functions as a spell. Uses both SP and EP*

    --Spell that gives all allies the shaper's fire/cold/stun/mind affect/etc. resistances, uses Blessing Magic as a base (mixed blessing obviously-- some creations have high innate defenses to some damage types, and the spell will lower their stun resistance) Most useful in damage zones. *functions as a spell. Uses both SP and EP*

    --Increases to creation stats (via skill points) uses slightly less essence/level (like, 2 or 5 or something) Would have to be pretty high up in the skill tree.


    As you can see, excepting the Guardian (who needs it), most of the skill tree entries I mentioned are fairly minor. How powerful they can get would also depend on the level cap. The guardian is now quite a force to be reckoned with.


    Alwan and Greta would need a different skill tree if they remain as 0-cost creations in the remake I'm drawing a blank right now except that it would include all the stuff from the Agent and Guardian trees. Oh, yeah.,



    --Self-healing ability-- at higher levels, removes status effects on himself.

    --Baton attack (getting enhancements from NPCs at certain points in the game, with the second upgrade being acid thorns. Requires no thorns but uses SP.)

    --Lance attack (doesn't need lances, but uses SP)

    --Buffing ability-- casts war blessing + protection + mental barrier on himself. + haste at higher levels.

    --+5%/level chance to counterattack a melee attack



    --Should keep the weaker spells when she upgrades (e.g. option to switch to firebolt or searer when she upgrades to energy orbs)

    --+ damage/level bonus to attack spells

    --Buff that adds +5% fire/cold/energy/poison/acid/mental resistance per level

    --Baton attack (same as Alwan's)



    --Add 2 or 5% stun/fire/cold/energy/poison/acid/mental resistance per level

    --+2 HP/level regeneration bonus

    --Certain creations add extra damage type to their attacks (e.g. Fyora adds fire damage to melee attack like what weapons get from a runed ruby)

  8. Darn... And it would be that serious an offense that I'd get banned on the spot?

    Unfortunately it does depend on how it's written, and "post it and see if you get banned or not" isn't really reasonable advice to give you. I suppose you could PM a moderator with what you've written when it's done, if you still have doubts.


    Thanks, that actually was something I was hoping I could do, but the ToU mentioned that it applies the same to PMs, so I didn't know if I'd get in trouble for that or not.

  9. Hmm... I can't picture either, but then, I have trouble remembering the details of the games I've played, plus the only Avernum demo I've played so far is 4 (obviously I purchased the Geneforge collection, but I have yet to purchase any other SWS title). I really would like to post the former, though. (I'd probably replace "Before Greta can begin to remove her pants" with "before Greta can begin to undress any further".) Also, as I said earlier, Alwan only sees her bare back-- for crying out loud, the dudes in Avernum 4+ see a lot more than that on a regular basis *points to the barbarian bikini babe character/appearance*. Also, Alwan doesn't react to seeing Greta's bare back/toplessness in an even remotely sexual manner (i.e. he gets angry) I don't know if you are able to weigh in on the ToU-ability of that scene or not.


    FWIW, the "Rule of Thumb" you mentioned is indeed the measuring stick I use as far as gore detail/gross out factor.

  10. ^^I didn't know that non-game discussion would go in there.


    That's a real bummer. Though I wish there was more elaboration on what "sexually explicit" included-- it's very vague and unclear if the first part of that scene would be okay or not (the second part about the lake bathing is probably out, which is a pity because it is also quite hilarious) What does sexually explicit include? Anything of an even remotely sexual nature? Or just things which would be defined as "explicit"? No examples are given, and it's such a vague word.

  11. Really prefer not to import notable features from other SWS franchises. The skill tree belongs in Avadon, only, IMHO, and I'd also rather not see the talents implemented.. Though some class-specific abilities would be nice (make the Guardian a bit more notable, mainly)


    I can't remember what all I've mentioned before, but here's my list:


    --Monster and item encyclopedia, sorta like what's implemented in say-- the Castlevania series (e.g. entries are unlockable once you defeat the monster or pick up the item for the first time-- Item drops are listed after you get at least one from the monster-- in all likelihood, for story purposes, the standard/rogue creation and its stats-- minus item drops-- should already be entered at the start of the game, with variations-- e.g. pit bred cryoa-- being locked until you kill one)


    --Optional Romance options which develop throughout the game, as mentioned above, you'd have to enable it at the beginning of the game. Additional option to enable same-sex romance options (perhaps even more interesting is if, with obvious extreme difficulty, you can possibly end up with a love triangle, LOL. Seems like Greta would be more likely to swing that way than Alwan, so it'd probably be a bit easier to end up with her in a same sex relationship than him.)


    --ABSOLUTE MUST: Ability to choose gender for any class (female guardians, male agents, etc.)


    --A small number of class-specific and gender-specific optional quests. (bonus: Agent one where LOL, it's only an option if both Alwan and Greta are in your party, and they have to distract some people while you sneak into so-and-so's office or something. And by distract, I mean they have to dress formally *going to be a disaster with Greta* And...



    pretend to be a couple.

    Also a second femalePC-only one where you have to infiltrate a harem or some other womens' only place, and if Alwan is with you, he has to dress in drag. Man that would be hilarious!)


    --Ability to chat with party members in a non-annoying/intrusive way (e.g. right click on character to see health/etc., with a small text that says "right click again to chat" or something like that) Would be mostly for flavor-- I could imagine a few rare instances where talking to Alwan or Greta at the right time will get you a special item-- Though my understanding of the code is limited and I'm mostly programming-illiterate, it seems like it wouldn't be difficult to implement some code that affects what they say when you chat with them in certain rooms/within certain areas on the zone (e.g. have them react to the parasitized drayk of the Crumbling Labs when you're in its holding cell. I'm sure both will find the experience quite unpleasant) With most places (outside of towns) giving them one of like 2 default responses (e.g. "you make idle chat with Greta" or "Alwan isn't in a talkative mood right now" or something like that. Maybe as a little goodie have the creations give random mundane responses such as "You get the creation to perform a trick" when you click on one of your creations or "The Fyora snaps at a butterfly as it flutters by" etc)


    --Ability to make deletable edits to the maps-- e.g. if you find a chest that you don't have the living tools for, and you want to mark it on the map so that you'll remember it later, or a mark on the map where you had to dump your junk before battle so that you're not weighed down.


    --Treat Alwan and Greta as full characters rather than 0-cost creations in human form.


    More as I think of them. Definitely the most important of these by far is the choose-your-gender option regardless of class.

  12. I came up with another scene the other night which might also be a problem (this one far more explicit than the other)


    LOL. The group is staying in the home of the alchemist/healer treating Alwan. There are only three other rooms in the house-- one of them is the treatment room which is generally off-limits in order to keep the apprentices from contaminating it and/or moving objedts.

    Then there's the bedroom of the alchemist (also off limits) Then there's the main room/shop.


    At any rate, Alwan awakens at one point (from sleep, not unconsciousness) to the sight of Greta undressing in his room (her back is towards him though) and they both freak out. There aren't any explicit details aside from Greta being at the brink of (as in about to start) removing her pants when Alwan yells at her. He didn't see anything more than her bare back/arms, though.


    Although they mention a past event in the same scene where the three were scrubbing (insert something really nasty) off of themselves in a lake or pond on Harmony Isle (they had their backs turned to each other-- well, they were supposed to/verbally agreed to anyhow.) The only remotely explicit visual description of that scene will be how many leeches Alwan had on his back or something like that (probably 3, if you must know)


    It would be a shame if I can't post it because it's by far the most hilarious thing/scene I've come up with so far for this fic.

  13. ""I think there should be at least a harsh remark Greta should make, or something that would urge Alwan to smash her face in, although it depends if you're planning to make it a T or M fanfic""


    That would be rather pointless since he's not conscious at that point, LOL.

    I'd say it would be T (I don't think an M one could be posted here, anyhow)


    Besides that, if you pay close attention to the dlg scripts, by this point in the game those two are at each other's throats less (and it's not merely the issue of "now that you know them, we won't bother giving them lines as often, there are dialogues both on Dhonal and the last three zones on Harmony Isle that indicate they *Alwan esp.* aren't fighting or making quips about each other as much. The entry dialogue for the Creator's Hall is a bit ambiguous-- it looks like Alwan is responding with a thinly veiled quip, but OTOH it's not clear and could also be an example of Alwan-brand denial) Hmm, perhaps I should make a personality evaluation thread about the two (it would be a good resource for any G3 and G4 fanfic writers here, as well and might spark some dialogue)


    BTW, has anyone ever gotten a dialogue from Alwan in the Roamer Marsh? (the equivalent of the one Greta gives in the Swampy Shore) I never have, so I was wondering if the dialogue is dummied out. (It consists largely of him whining about having to think for himself instead of being given orders, and taking some of his frustrations out on Greta unprovoked) (Alwan has a dialogue where he refuses to join you as well, but AFAIK this is dummied out because the actions that would result in him refusing to join will turn the school hostile)

  14. Oh, and before I write it, I need to rule out any possible rules violations. I don't think most of it will be a problem-- the majority is no worse than what is in the games.

    --When possible, I try to keep the detail low to in-game levels (this goes against my writing style so I'll probably fail in many places) So most of this will not involve a lot of detail. The gross-out type concerns I don't consider any worse than the parasitized drayk in G3 or the general description of rotghoroths (the whole skin sloughing details)

    --Human bad guy's hand gets partially or completely dissolved with a Searer spell

    --Possibly creation dung in a cavern-- at the very worst someone might step in it

    --There's some vomiting in certain scenes, including one where a character is swallowed whole and later vomited up by a large creation.

    --This is the only one that I fear might be a problem-- when Alwan is stripped down/naked, though purely in a medical context and no details/jokes/remakes are made (although Esther and Greta are two of the three people undressing him)


    I even wasted my time on levelling them up (I was level 19 on a re-play by the time I got to the point in the game when this takes place, so they're at level 18) and equipping them. Plus some made up equipment that pertains to realistic elements not covered in the games (namely utility belts/bracers and dealing with noisesome armor) The armor difference between Alwan and the gals is pretty crazy (55 vs. the mid or high 20's, due partly to neither of the agents using shields due to spellcasting logistics)


    Meh, I probably should play G4 in order to get a better grasp of Alwan's and Greta's personalities, but I don't have time right now. One question though, does G4 show B/W pictures of either/both characters or give descriptions of their appearance (e.g. eyecolor, haircolor, height)



    Oh, one final thing-- rather random-- for some reason, I always picture a running gag where Alwan's foot (or entire body) falls through something (rotted floor panels, rickety bridges, pit traps, hollow, compact clay-rich dirt)

  15. I'd like to see Alwan and Greta function more like characters rather than creations (equipment, PC-like statistics and skill increases, etvl)


    Also, an "Item Encyclopedia" like what you see in a lot of JRPGs and similar to Geneforge 1, where basically the item is "unlocked" in your encyclopedia after the first time you pick it up.


    Also a similar "Bestiary" like you see in a lot of JRPGs as well (with a list of some statistics including item drops sans location-specific drops)


    A possible ability to talk to your party members in a non-annoying way (preferrably by right clicking twice or something, like "click character again to talk")


    Finally, the possibility to equip creations with an accessory (rings and necklaces-- like say, collars that raise mind affect resistance)


    Also, headwear.

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