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  1. As to the ton of spell points thing, ya, or you could go get some iron weapons in FS. I love Demon Island. I'm stuck trying to figure out how to get into the northern and southwestern caves, but being stuck is a good thing. If there's no challenge figuring stuff out there isn't much fun. Knocking a scenario called Demon Island because it invovles fighting lots of demons is kinda silly. If you don't like fighting demons, or resent they sometimes threaten to eat your party is also kinda silly (being as polite as I can.) But it's not like there's nothing to be done. Get iron weapons in FS, equip everyone with 1 or 2 of them (tank or casters) and go stomp on em. But for the 3 chest fight with Lord Hakaai, iron weapons will see you through everything. Lord has a perm Martyr's Shield so whacking on him isn't the best tactic. Bring your Priests up and Ravage it down. Unfortunately I can't give a full review as I haven't figured out how to get past the statue blocking the SW cave, or through that red magical door in the cave to the North. Hunt hint please As to designed for very high parties, as with FS it's doable in your 20s. More a high resists thing than level or hp matters. Get rings of fire resist n ruby charms, cloaks of magi and rings of resistance or onyx charms and you're good to go.
  2. Well no, some stacking works. Rings of Fire Res with a Ruby Charm gives you the 75% reduction. And the Cloaks of the Magi and Ring of Resistance stacks for the Fire, Magic and presumedly the other two (haven't seen cold enough to say if it does with certainty, but since the other two do work I'm assuming.) It's only (so far) the Vulcan Gloves which wont then stack with a 2nd item of either the rings or charms. Is there a "stacks with others of its kind" switch he chose not to set or something? Also, if making a BoE 2 sorta thing, making ranged physical attacks as with bows, xbows, slings, and throwers a viable weapon choice would be nice. As it is, the lack of damage makes them little more than a once in a very great while solution. But if we're to have Nephil racial bonuses for archery, how about we give them a significant boost in damage with such things so they actually make kills on par with their melee brethren? Admittedly, a ranged attack has the advantage of striking from range so the damage shouldn't be exactly equal to a sword like, but it should be enough to actually kill things before they can close in to melee the archer. Dunno if it's possible, but some sort of 'repeat last command' would be nice. Especially in the case of archery attacks. Having to mouse down to the arrow button and pick your target makes archery attacks quite tedious when melee you just 'move into' the target. And for things like alchemy, a hotkey to make last potion would be cool. Pretty fast as it is, but the inconvenience of 4 or so keys isn't preventing me from maxxing gold when needed so may as well make a hotkey for it.
  3. Noticed some protection from items in the Rubacus scenario either don't work, or something else. The Vulcan Gloves with Fire Protection for example I've noticed don't stack with another Fire Prot item for -75% damage. It's either the gloves or whatever other Fire Prot item you have, but equipping both wont do anything for ya (discover walking through lavas in Demon Island.) BoE doesn't show the bonuses for various things like Giant Str or items with extra stats like Str so it's hard to know what things are doing, which is better, etc. Skill Rings ya kinda can guess Golds are +15%, Silver +10% etc, but the large number of Giant Str, and +Str items have ya scratching your head. Exile 3 would show the bonus equipping things like this. Issue being, is FS' 'Gauntlets of Power' better bonus-wise than another scenarios' standard 'Gloves of Giant Strength' or whatever? Is the 12 def GoP a higher bonus than the 8 def 0 Encumb versions? The Boots of Speed in the New Market scenario are +2 movement points, the version in Demon Island is only +1. And Boots and a Ring of Speed don't add together like they did in E3. I assume the variability of item bonuses are set by the designer of the scenario and not a pre-decided thing so uniform across all scenarios, but it's really annoying.
  4. Ok, I'm ready for some help. Looking at the hints file proved fruitless beyond revealing a ton of content besides the wilds, and the 3 caves, only one of which is do'able, one to the sw has that statue blocking the way, other to the north a 'red magical door.' I figured there might be a key to the north dungeon as a reward for turning in orbs, but I can only find 1 from the 1 doable cave (in middle chest where left check has Lightning Sword.) The clue file doesn't offer anything for getting beyond the statue or red door and skimming it quickly so as not to get too many spoilers it's like it's not even written for this scenario. Have filled in every space in the wild, been all through the underground section of the town throughly exploring all those little empty rooms, I'm stuck. - How do I get into the 'statue blocking the way' cave (used Magic Map and saw there's a lot more to the thing, had wondered if it was just that entry fight minus melee or something.) - How do I get through the 'red magic doorway' to the north?
  5. Playing through FS more of late I've noticed the Crystal Sword is the only non-perm special item. So far. Everything else is persistant including custom special weapon like Mithril Sword, Runesword, and the other Auction House sword with the Fear proc (good offhand with Runesword since little survives the Runesword anyway, having it run off isn't as much of a problem since ya get the 'running away' whack when it does.) So if everything else could be made persistant, having one thing not suggest bad day of coding more than 'the custom graphic's so boss and bodacious'
  6. Playing through Falling Stars, Demon Island, and started Demon Island II, I've found in Falling Stars the Death Arrows, Shockwave, Mindduel, and whatever the 4th spell was. Wont say where, try and minimize the spoilers here. Get hit by Divine Thud and see Avatar getting cast the demons in Demon Island though. Kinda hoping it's available in there, but I"m kinda stuck scratching my head right now in the scenario. Can't figure how to get through the locked red magical door to the north, or the SW dungeon past that statue. No hints please. Currently have a great party going (after the ast 'great party' got wiped unexpectedly, need to quit playing when tired and not thinking optimally hehe,) maxxed out Runesword from FS, Lightning Sword from Demon Island, and party stomping around and even making the Seraphins in FS quake with fear. That said, I cast Scry Monster rather a lot too, especially on New Things which is a good habit when you get to Demon Island II and see how hard those 'just a normal ogre' can hit for.
  7. I retract my above request for level bonus damage. Maxxed the Runesword from Falling Stars recently and not hungry for more damage any more.
  8. Playing a new party atm after my best-ever got wiped in the opening fight of Demon Island. Ironically had done the 'Captain rescue' fight a few time prior so knew it was coming. But walking onto his pile of bones, as opposed to clicking to look at it seems to have given up intiative and the demons who pop attacked first. And HARD! Mid 40s party, lost 4 with their opening attack, remaining two two were tanks and popped their Invulnerabilities but bereft of Bless, Haste, or anything else died in short order when Inv's wore off. Fun scenario though. Answered my bloodlust for epic battles Ironically, as I knew, but didn't think I had to, you can pre-buff before tough fights. Bless, Haste, Resist Magic don't last long outside of combat mode, but if a big fight is one step or click away, doing all that first can be worthwhile. As did Falling Stars playing it through with this same party. Unbeknowst to me when I wrote it before, the Runesword ya get from the rescue mission early on is not only perm, but the best weapon I've yet seen. Wont spoil it for others, but sufficed to say hunting Rokkas is worthwhile. Think I had it maxxed as I can't imagine it getting more powerful... Seraphins btw count as Rokkas... Had fun in both the Ambush fights. The Seraphins are high hitpoints by mortal, wail on them long enough they die like everything else. Stock up on invulnerability potions (DI has a merchant with strong pots for this.) Valley of Dying Things right now with new party. Knowing what's ahead of me helps plan their creation and roles. Last party had been maxxing Luck, but given how it only helps once then you're dead anyway, think with how hard Seraphins melee, raising Defense is a more worthwhile expenditure. Also, in FS for hunting Rokkas, the raod outside that Fort/City where one of the Seraphin fights is is great to stand around on, passing time until the next wandering Rokka skirmish comes along. Progresses the days of course which is finite, but maxxing the sword then restarting the scenario works. Minor exploit I suppose but what are ya gonna do.
  9. Had to comment on your "I"m not the traditional gamer..." thing. Let me guess, you're the sort who playing Diablo 2 says "Ugh, can't we talk about this? Do we have to fight every time?" Why are you playing a hack n slash game if you don't like hack n slash? I'd imagine there's pleanty of your kind of games in the world where you're not gearing up, seeking better gear n spells all designed to keep you alive, and do the opposite for you "political opposition." If you don't like the sugar, fat, salt, and other bad-for-stuff, don't eat the junk food.
  10. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. This game's very simplistic and straight-foward. It's a hack and slash character development roleplaying game. It's not Myst in 2D with lots of walking around and admiring the scenery with lots of puzzle-solving in-between. It's about fighting. So don't add reams of text and that novella you've been wanting to write. Keep it simple. Some Big Bad Thing threatening your way of life you need to fight your way through lots of little bad things to reach, big fight at the end, reward and all is right with the world. Also, don't do all that but forget to populate your wilderness areas with random encounters to level up on or simply have fun. Nothing worse than a big new world to explore completely devoid of all life. To say nothing of how some of the 'Very High' difficulty sceanrios have perplexingly low-level fights (at least early on before I quit in frustration.) If you're making a 'Very High' level scenario I expect to be fighting for my life with 20-something level parties when I get out of bed from then on. Not to be fighting Goblins and Goblin Fighters...
  11. Rather have a Crystal Sword with Dsgger stock graphic than no Crystal Sword at all. Lose the custom stuff if that doesn't persist out of the scenario, that's a no-brainer. Or should be.
  12. Playing Blades atm. Have Exile 3 installed and ready to lay, but Blades has some things I prefer. Ironically, 3 has some things I prefer too. The all-inclusive, all-in-one world vs lots of little ones mostly. But a big part fo the allure of these games is exploration and discovery. Now that I've played through 3 so many times it's like ya need an Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind service to zap those memories from ya so you can re-discover it all. Why Blades is more alluring. User-made content's great, new, if frustrating. Only knock about it might be how much of what's in the game isn't in the stock 3 missions. Highest level spells for example, and some of the glitches about inpermanance of items in some of the best scenarios (FS this means you.)
  13. ...What, the Alpha version of your re-work? I saw it. When you get something working you'd attach you name to let us all know.
  14. Using an artifical 'twinked' party for higher level scenario is an alien concept to me. Of course you use one party across many different scenarios...What else would you do? The 'world' is so obviously unnaturally small that that's what you're supposed to be doing. At least comparing it to E3. Playing daily my usual pattern's Dying Things to about 8th level, then the 'medium' scenario to about 10th (mostly just fighting Areneas for loot n coin,) then Shadow of the Stranger for the Alchemy trainer going in with about 8 or 9k and the rest from the freebie gear, taking enough to do some Strong Curing for maxxing gold, picking up Revive All, and Ravage Spirit and other spells, then with re-maxxed gold zipping in to FS for Fine Weps, then to the main city for shopping going back n forth from the two variable item merchants to about day 31 (dunno what max is but usually a month is enough to get some decent armor and items,) then on to Rubacus for grinding to around 22 or 23rd on each of 6 party members. From here I usually try FS and actually doing it but as of now have gotten just the Crystal Sword, and the 'Rescue' mission with Mage Slayer sword. But then that roadway 'Amubush' wipes us out. Rinse, lather, repat. Hate reloading and other 'cheats.' If my party wipes I make a new party.
  15. Thanks for at least a non-answer answer. Should say I'm stoked people are still into such an old game.
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