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Everything posted by Mab

  1. Mab


    Clint's Sword is in a box (at 36,20) in the Slith Village (40,406 on the outdoors). When fighting archers (or groups of spell-casters), this strategy works fine for my parties: 1. Every PC steps 3 tiles back. Warriors wait or stop, while spell-casters bless and haste the whole party. 2. Warriors wait (only fighting if the enemy has reached them) while the spell-casters launch their best area spells (Firestorm, Wall of Blades ... anything) centered in enemy archers (or spell-casters). After they are done, the warriors run to reach and kill any survivors. 3. Individual melees. Spell-casters may join (if strong enough) and so save spell-points for next encounter.
  2. Mab


    Mr. Simms not. But entering the Thieves Guild ...
  3. Mab


    I can't remember anything like that. There was lots of traps, dead ends and secret doors, and a last trick sealing thieves in the final treasury vault. But I can't remember anything about Nephil-whatevers. Unless ... did you go back to Independence City, and bring Meirinkaprr with you?
  4. Mab


    1. From Al, in W. Independence City. 2. In a cave in the Catsclaw Mountains. IIRC the one at 148,225. 3. The passing of Events does. And, in case you need a map for West Zinlasia ...
  5. Try Agent O'Rourke, at Fort Dranlon.
  6. Almost forgot. Xen added recently some goblin pics to his Just curious; are people still interested in new BOE style graphics? topic.
  7. Sadly, not only many of the pics in Motrax's Lair are lost, but also Khoth's graphics arhive has closed. I sent you a mail with some rescued goblins from this site, but in case it doesn't work you can try downloading any of the "Goblins" previous scenarios: both Deadly Goblins and The Goblin Attacks have custom graphics, though possibly the very same ones.
  8. Sent. Did you get the e-mail?
  9. The Runed Halberd, with its 19+4 points of damage, may be the most damaging weapon in all of Exile. You can find it in the outdoors, on an island north of the Tower of Patrick. Other weapons have higher bonuses, like the Ravage Knife, which does 4+10 damage. I have an Excel database with the stats of most (if not every) items in Exile. And monsters, and shops ... If you have any use for it, just tell me. There are five sages in Exile, though I can't remember their identification prizes (I didn't list them as shops). They are: Walner (Fort Duvno), Brantford (Tower of the Magi), Julio (Almaria), Leith (Blosk) and Cynthia (Bargha).
  10. New graphics are always welcome, specially when they look as great as these.
  11. The keys are the colored orbs you found here and there. Each barrier needs a certain orb (green, or blue, or red ...), put on the nearby platform. I haven't made a real hint map for this dungeon at my site, but try looking at these maps , where the platforms show the orb color they require.
  12. Try at the marshy point SW of Meikaprr Forest (at 152,369, IIRC). From The Lyceum - BoE Scenario Help
  13. Bonk! Thanks Drakefyre. All three maps for Exile III have been updated.
  14. I'm working to update the map of Valorim at my site, adding the locations of EVERY town with outdoors entry on Valorim. To make this sure, I got a text dump of the game, and made an index of towns. So far, I've visited them all, checking stairs, connecting tunnels and even ferrys. I've found the artifacts, investigated the New Formello murders, solved minor quests and finished all plagues. But there's a town I can't find, though I know it's there, and I'd like to know if anyone of you knows it: it's the Crystal Tunnel, which is supposed to have a "secret storage" area inside. Could this town be some red herring? Anyone knows about it, please?
  15. Ask Josie about "Defenses", or just "defe".
  16. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that corner is a red herring, at least I can't remember ever opening the portcullis. Try better the next test, to the east.
  17. Mab


    Do you have any Figurine? I think you could find one somewhere in the spiders' caves.
  18. The only ones done so far, IIRC, are the Nephil Child (with no attacking pose) and a pair of talk pics. They're lost somewhere here . To find them amongst the rest of the graphics, search for "The townsfolk you always wanted" (last row) and "Aiechiewowa" (4th row, right end).
  19. You'll get the ritual for the Tomb of San-Racku only after defeating the three plag... er, menaces. As for the Slith Castle, what portculli are you facing now) Did you enter the castle via Section 4 (S4), using a Slith Key? Also, the walkthrough uses the town names, are you sure you're at the 'Castle' and not the 'Fortress'?.
  20. Do you play chess? The stones must mark the path for a chess knight. I can't recall now which exact tiles they are, but IIRC the 4th stone goes on the altar itself. In case you don't play chess, the knight must always jump in angles, this way: K _ _ _ _ K or _ _ K K _ _ or K _ _ _ _ K or _ K _ _ K _
  21. Right, that's true. Try my site . If you scroll down the page, there's a list of most BoE graphics sites. Oh, yes, most of my monsters are actually at Misc
  22. In case you haven't still figured it out by yourself, try searching for secret passages. Just see this .
  23. Some parts can be entered, if you got the right type of Empire Pass. Others... well, just see the second map at this site and see.
  24. This site has a walkthrough of the Empire Archives , complete with maps.
  25. Drizzt, did R. Martin send you a finished EXS file too? I've crawled across the entire scenario, searching for pic descriptions and bugs, just to find the last (final?) dungeon is to be completed, and so the main quest. Which is a pity, because what's actually finished looks pretty good for a first effort.
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