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Everything posted by Icshi

  1. Hmmm… I see that Forum 20 has made its appearance— All gloom and doom aside, though: Congrats, Delicious Vlish! You're a great asset to these boards, and I'm delighted that you're going to be one of this forum's moderators. I'm sure you'll do an excellent job!
  2. This topic is beginning to sound like the legendary Xian Skull topic of long ago. And yes, Virginia. There really is a tank in the Hedgemaze.
  3. That's a very intriguing suggestion you have there, goldenking. I'll have to give that a try next time I play A3. I've always loved the doodads and trinkets you get from the Anama, but since I balk at their anti-mage stance, I've always had to procure said trinkets using, shall we say, less than honorable methods.
  4. I forgot to mention that my spearman also weilds a crossbow. Handy for the occasional strategic shot into thick enemy ranks, especially when hasted. But as far as make-up goes — well, only my lady cleric wears any. It would look silly on my barbarian swordsman, and my mage was teased badly enough at the Tower without that kind of thing going on.
  5. I use one swordsman, one spearman (with one of these two also good with mechanics), one priest/archer, and one mage.
  6. Or you could wait, and leave it there until TM is banned again. You'd probably save yourself quite a bit of effort if you just left it there.
  7. I prefer melee to distance attacks. It's much more satisfying!
  8. I like the varieties of "regular" goblins. They look dirtier than the others somehow, which all good goblins should be. Maybe it's those yellow tunics and misshapen clubs which make them mangier?
  9. I've always loved the Avernum graphics. And I've never had trouble telling the monsters apart. I like smaller graphics, for one thing, less smooth and less hyper-realistic. Leaves more to the imagination, I think. I like feeling that I'm looking at a color drawing rather than a bunch of computer graphics. I guess I'm just terribly old-fashioned. And the elevation in Avernum was one of its finest points. I hate the flatness of Geneforge.
  10. Accidental? Bah! He's nearing the big 10000 and getting compulsively desperate. I bet he was foaming at the mouth as he frantically typed it, then typed it up again.
  11. Nifty. That sounds like a very nice blend of the two movement systems. I prefer the classic Avernum system of movement, but always rather liked being able to click a destination and having the person move there without me baby-stepping him. I look forward to using it when Avernum 4 comes out.
  12. The nearest analogy I can think of is Orthodox Jews hiring gentiles to do work for them on the Sabbath. You know, cooking, cleaning— Work is a terrible sin on the Sabbath, but it's gentiles doing it so it's all right...
  13. Maybe it would be worthwhile to get the Three Crones to model for the Hagfen ads... That should get people to thinking. [Yes, I know the Three Crones don't live at Hagfen, but I'm sure that's where they get their ciggies.]
  14. In that case, maybe we need only one smoking regulation: Every brand has to be named Hagfen. Since, if you say, no one would smoke anything called Hagfens, I see Big Tobacco being felled with one sharp blow.
  15. No — no vast conspiracy here, I'm afraid. Just plain idiocy. Still, all that said, I can't believe nobody else has had at least the fleeting thought that Hagfen sounds like a brand of cigarettes... Surely somebody has had a similar thought? Anybody? Anybody at all? EDIT: To be perfectly frank, I must admit that it sounds more like a cigarette brand around midnight than it does around noon. Things are so much funnier and make more sense when your mind isn't working quite as it should...
  16. There are a number of conclusions that can be inferred from the stony silence that has greeted my previous post: (1.) Nobody visits the Nethergate forum. Nobody cares about Nethergate. Nobody even looks at the line on the main page that has "Nethergate" written on it. Nobody appreciates true greatness. This finest of fine games undeservedly languishes in a dungeon of its own obscurity. (2.) Don't over-react, Icshi. This forum has always been quiet. All the other Nethergate fans are probably doing something meaningful and productive with their lives right now as you sit and simmer in your own claustrophobic little world. (3.) You're fooling yourself, Icshi. Everybody read your previous post. Everybody thinks you're outta yer rotty lil' mind. The connection between "Hagfen" and "cigarette brand" is not a natural one, and is a strong indication that strong treatment is called for. I should know better by now not to post anything after 10 o'clock at night...
  17. I know this is seriously and ludicrously off-topic, but... Does anyone else think "Hagfen" sounds like a cigarette brand? As in the phrase "Oi, I just smokeda packa Hagfens!"
  18. Those are both very good ideas. I was hoping Geneforge 3 would allow you to create a golem or at least have one along as a pick-up companion. But no. I concur with Alex that GF3 was very disappointing in the creation department. I can understand Jeff not wanting to fool around with a bunch of new sprites for each game—and I am thankful for the new variety of unanimated foliage and whatnot—but new creations were sorely missed.
  19. <gives him a comforting pat on the shoulder> That's all right. We all have days like that. Don't take it too hard. After all, far worse things will happen to you in your life—I can think of at least a dozen off the top of my head! Cheer up, and look on the bright side!
  20. Quote: Originally written by :Slash:: I thought it was a bug It was a bug!
  21. Just go back to the temple where you found the first one. Each time you visit the temple, you have the option of taking another bug. You can do this an infinite number of times as far as I know. I ended up with a backpack with about 50 of them before I stopped!
  22. Somebody in Dharmon wanted those. Can't remember who, though. Just walk up to people on the street asking if they'd like some stolen tools, and I'm sure somebody will speak up!
  23. I've played through Avernum 3 several times, each with a different approach to the game. I joined the Anama once just to see what it was like, but after struggling quite a bit, I chucked it in and revoked my membership. It made me unwelcome on the island, but I was done there anyway.
  24. I love bugs like this. In the first Geneforge, one of the earlier versions of the game had a nice glitch in The Sentinels zone. Heustess would ask you to kill Goettsch, and give you a nice reward when you do and tell him—something like increased Endurance. I would just tell him over and over that I killed Goettsch, and would get stronger and stronger. Still, Heustess was there for quite a long time, and I guess his ghostly memory was really unreliable. I feel a little guilty for takng advantage of a senile senior citizen like that—even if he was already dead—but it didn't do him any harm to help me.
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