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Everything posted by Icshi

  1. I'm probably overlooking something terribly obvious here, but I'm going to ask anyway. How do custom items created for one scenario carry over into another scenario? For instance, I got Morog's Scepter in the Za-Khazi Run (whose properties are defined in the Run's scenario script), yet can bring it into other scenarios where its properties are not defined in the scenario script. How does this work? How are the various custom items' unique numbers reconciled? Morog's Scepter is item 455 in the Run, yet item 455 in Diplomacy is the Master Pike.
  2. Quote: Originally written by jackstraw: The cross-check design or pattern of a kilt is not "plaid", but "tartan"; depending on how technical you want to get, the plaid is either the entire garment (the earlier version from which the kilt evolved) or the sash worn with the kilt (in the modern version). Thanks for that interesting tidbit of information — I stand corrected. It's been a while since I've been to a Scottish festival (used to go to one in the wonderful Estes Park in Colorado, when I lived there), so I'm very rusty with such things. By the way, these kilts will be used on the surface world. It's far in the north, though, so pretty much the same conditions under which the Scots live. So the same mystery of "who the heck got that crazy idea in a cold, damp climate?" remains unanswered...
  3. Righto. I'm back in town and ready to receive any bagpipes and/or kilts that may be ready to be shipped hither! icshi@earthlink.net Many thanks.
  4. I'm in no hurry. For one thing, I'll be out of town and delinked from my internet umbilical for the next two weeks... Besides, I can work on the plot and dialogue of the scenario WITHOUT kilt and bagpipes graphics! Imagine that!
  5. Lacking the artisitic talent to create such items for myself, I was wondering if somebody out there could fix up a couple of custom item graphics for me. 1. Kilt — nice plaid design, maybe red and black. Need two graphics, one for the floor, one for the get/inventory windows. 2. Bagpipes — similar plaid design, maybe a different color scheme than the kilt. Also needs two graphics. You can go ahead and put these four graphics in their own sheet. The sheet number doesn't matter, I can fix that later with ResEdit. Much obliged! PS - Don't worry, my scenario does NOT take place in the Scottish highlands. That would be silly. The scenario takes place in a region where kilts and pipes were used hundreds of years previously.
  6. Yes, you're correct, and I was mistaken. I'm pretty new to this whole graphics-tinkering business, and I just realized that I had no trouble with custom scenario icons in dialogue situations, and haven' t yet tested it when trying to enter a scenario My sincerest apologies! EDIT: And I also apologize for the double-posting. This has been happening a lot to me lately when I only push the button once, and I have no idea why.
  7. Yes, you're correct, and I was mistaken. I'm pretty new to this whole graphics-tinkering business, and I just realized that I had no trouble with custom scenario icons in dialogue situations, and haven' t yet tested it when trying to enter a scenario My sincerest apologies!
  8. Hmmm. That's peculiar. I was tinkering around with ResEdit and put in a few "custom" graphics into the scenario's .cmg file just to test if I understood how to do it correctly, and it worked out fine. Did you make sure the scenario icon was 64x64? If it's of the wrong dimensions, BoA won't process it.
  9. Thanks for both of your helpful and illuminating responses. I've made it a bit further reading through the main editor documentation PDF, and just finished reading the section on graphic sheets. I even followed his suggestion of looking at the graphics files in ResEdit — wow! It's great to be able to see all the graphics in the game! I'm amazed at the number and variety of them — looks like I won't have to create any graphics of my own for my scenario, which is very good since I have no artistic talent. I also dug around in the stealth.cmg, valley.cmg, etc. files in ResEdit, and sure enough, there were the pictures for Jaen and Stalker, and that delicious apple pie. Boy, that pie looks good! I also took a look at the Nethergate graphics files. It's nice just to look at all the items and terrains, if nothing else. I see that there are quite a few Geneforge graphics in Blades, apart from those pesky mines. Yes, Andrew Hunter's work on these games is great — I've written him two or three times and he's been able to give me picture files of the startup screens from various Spiderweb games. They make for excellent desktop pictures. Phil Foglio's art, especially on the character statistics screen, is also excellent, and I always look forward to seeing his drawings for various skills with each game. EDIT: Sorry about the double-post. I have no idea how that happened!
  10. Thanks for both of your helpful and illuminating responses. I've made it a bit further reading through the main editor documentation PDF, and just finished reading the section on graphic sheets. I even followed his suggestion of looking at the graphics files in ResEdit — wow! It's great to be able to see all the graphics in the game! I'm amazed at the number and variety of them — looks like I won't have to create any graphics of my own for my scenario, which is very good since I have no artistic talent. I also dug around in the stealth.cmg, valley.cmg, etc. files in ResEdit, and sure enough, there were the pictures for Jaen and Stalker, and that delicious apple pie. Boy, that pie looks good! I also took a look at the Nethergate graphics files. It's nice just to look at all the items and terrains, if nothing else. I see that there are quite a few Geneforge graphics in Blades, apart from those pesky mines. Yes, Andrew Hunter's work on these games is great — I've written him two or three times and he's been able to give me picture files of the startup screens from various Spiderweb games. They make for excellent desktop pictures. Phil Foglio's art, especially on the character statistics screen, is also excellent, and I always look forward to seeing his drawings for various skills with each game.
  11. I think the scenario icons and icons for special characters (seen on pages 14-15 of the BoA Editor Docs Appendices.pdf), are a great addition to the Avernum games, and look forward to using the character ones in my scenario. However, in the scenario "A Small Rebellion" both Stalker and Jaen have these character graphics, but I don't see them shown in the Appendix. Are there graphics above #1967, that are not listed there for some reason? Or did Jeff cook these up just for this scenario?
  12. I'm still hoping that Easss summoned Cthulhu, or maybe even the Crawling Chaos Nyarlathotep, and in his power-crazed state merely boasted to his friends that *he* created the Stygian Lovecraftian pantheon.
  13. I've had the same feeling myself. I'm not sure. Maybe it has something to do with it being a historical adventure? Recognizable period details, rather than styles created from scratch?
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