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Upon Mars.

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Everything posted by Upon Mars.

  1. New fragment is released: http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps/blog/show/38019522-cities
  2. I wouldn't compare writing to a sport's performance, it's a profession where the players have different styles and where performance (in terms of quality) is never an indicator of skill. For all I know, a good athlete is good at sport because he or she practiced everyday through specific exercises and is good at thinking these exercises in terms of quality. But what I postulate from what I know is that a writer has no measurement to compare his skills to another: there is no thermometer can measure creativity. Yet we say that some stories are better than others.
  3. New fragments: http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps/blog/show/36675464-frair-rat http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps/blog/show/36900842-boats http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps/blog/show/36009310-where-arte-thou- "Where are the heroes of old? The slayers of monsters, the keepers of the peace, the discoverers of treasures and of people unknown? Where have they fled? They have left the countryside, the prairies, the forests and the cities. Their hounds have grow old and weary and die before their masters' return. They had once been pups big enough to scrute their parents hunting wild deer and pigs, when their masters went to battle in war, to adventures and encor. They have taken their hawks, their horses and echanted helms with them, their gold, their bow, arrow, wheat, the trees and the light of the sun. Their heavy armour has rusted away. The knight' shield, the javelin and kopis blade aside have now been laid. Where the hoofs once sparked with fury and might there is only the ring of a thunder without light. It a place blown away by the winds, a feasting halls emptied and forgotten on a whim. Even the spirits have left the temples to counsel and aid elsewhere, the ancient practices of election are held in check in a world smaller turned. The tower of the king skywards grows, the wizards practice their arts in open sight and dragons have bred, growing fat, slow and strong whislt digging themselves deeper underground, oh where arte thou? You once so bold, have now slipped into night as if you have never been." -Damian Deane, writer in Konundrum. In the memory of death kight.
  4. Actually in my theatrical profession we tend to say that literature is also very much ambiguous.
  5. For example the first "novel" ever to be written was Perceval le Gallois by Chrétiens de Troyes, which ended on a huge cliff hanger. This had the effect of authors trying to end his Arthurian legend.
  6. New stories: The rarest gem in all of Konundrum: http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps/blog/show/35443707-books Time enough at last: http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps/blog/show/35471452-evernoon The Yuwi spirits: http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps/blog/show/35502121-quinkins Roads: http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps/blog/show/35835404-roads Komunism in Konundrum: http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps/blog/show/35861399-majnun A green house in Konundrum: http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps/blog/show/35998626-crystal-house Plot holes: http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps/blog/show/35849422-plot-holes Extract: "Captain Thomas Salamander of the royal guard and lord Benedict of Fort Flame are to be seized, stripped of all titles, and trailed for high treason. Trent of Arcadia is to be trailed for heresy. Duke Derna is to replace Benedict of fort Flame in his absence. Cordelia of Fort Saphic is to be stripped of all titles and trailed for treason and conspiracy. Adam Smith of Fort Descent and Clement of fort Sanctum Sanctorum is summoned to court. Chen, Mayor of Metron is to be trailed for conspiracy. Sage Lewin of Castle Konundrum, Yohsua preacher of Cain and Bennet are to be trailed for heresy and seduction of the innocent. Nox More duke of Phlegethon is summoned to court. Mayor Yusuf of lake Crystal is to replace duke Phlegethon in his functions, should he refuse he will be issued a royal warrant. Moroght of Teife is to be trailed for high treason, heresy and conspiracy, and captain Sammuel is to replace him in his stead. Jeff Keith is to be kept indoors and constrained to his chambers at all times. Caius Brutus is to be trailed for conspiracy and arson. Minister Jaffrey is to be trailed for high treason. For now general Hamet is to take office as captain of the royal guard and Captain Edward Pebble to take maters of state in hand. Konundrum is in a state of martial law." -Chewyn, crown of Konundrum at Castle Konundrum, royal decree. Bright twenty of the year six hundred and forty five.
  7. How does Lacan fit in the notion of Doopleganger? I'm very interested.
  8. What I am writing? Scientific reports on psychology (aging, congrency, implicit learning), statistics, short stories (http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps) and more Geneforge chapters. I'm also writing something for death Knight. I just can't get over the fact he just died.
  9. "Never be rude to an Arab" is best. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Never_Be_Rude_to_an_Arab
  10. I first played Avernum 3 when I was a kid in year 3 or 4 something like in 2000 in "games and applications" mac CDrom. Then I played A2 and then A1. then we bought A3, A2, geneforge1, 2 and three and then we bought Nethergate resurrection. But we played the demos of the other games though. I loved every moment of it. Loved spiderweb games ever since that day I played Avernum 1.
  11. He was also a great freind. It's just so unfair.
  12. Upon Mars.


    How about Scottish pies and French and Ozzie Wine to boot?
  13. I have to contact a friend of Ray Harryhausen or Karel Zeman, they must have a kraken in stock somewhere... though I won't guarantee the price.
  14. That's just disgusting. Have you planned to do a speech in his old school perhaps?
  15. Abe, monster killer: http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps/blog/show/34330636-abraham Missing "golden ball" at fort Konundrum: http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps/blog/show/35274132-missing Slugs, the bane of Konundrum: http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps/blog/show/35396108-tyger-tyger- Nox More a Duke in Hades: http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps/blog/show/35400367-nox-more
  16. A little action: http://www.freewebs.com/geneforgeremaker/apps/blog/show/35106794-dry-wastes Pentil east is nearly finished: http://www.freewebs.com/geneforgeremaker/apps/blog/show/35069380-pentil-east
  17. Welcome! I wouldn't say that you "s*@!€" at the game. On spiderweb software forums there are no noobs or any such thing; you're a comrade in posting.
  18. Two more shorts are available and one is coming up: http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps/blog/show/34328143-guns http://shortsstories.webs.com/apps/blog/show/34330122-treasure Treasure: "Dear Leila, I'm very excited! Twelve bags of spices, of forty five pounds each, twenty chickens, five cows, thirteen pigs, at least 1000 pounds of both wheat and hay, about 800 hundered pounds of flower, seven cakes, a hunderd pounds of sugar, two man sized bag of sea-salt, ten filled with fresh greens, four with fruit; golden apples, pears, apples, quince and a hat full of bright orange carrots! Medicine was even sent in three bags! I am relieved that the guards did very well their work; none were shot from above and all of it was recuperated and distributed evenly amongst the new arrivals. The sugar and cakes were however kept and sent to the capital, in exchange for twice it's weight in gold. Wheat and hay will feed the cows, and soon pig roasts and bread shall be served to all, but I have made assurances that the guards will dine in silver dishes. It is a surprise for them. Thank the spirits they did not send a horse, as it is hard enough already to kill the pigs when they come down here; the reason why cows and bulls survive down here is because of their stomachs, they can digest finer material than horses and donkeys, and don't destroy everything like goats and sheep and pigs. I hope you are not too sick to travel. If you are I promise that when the sun goes down in three days, I will give you again the most tender love your lips deserve, your husband and lover, Adam. -Adam Smith, quartermaster and economist of fort Descent." -Short stories, copyright webs.
  19. You mean it was windbattered right? - Angry thahd-rogues eating parents? Wards of the state? This is fun!
  20. Save perhaps for G1. I mean the pro-shaper character is actually quite condescending choices of dialogue. Oh and happy Eid al-Adha to evrey one.
  21. Crag cut is finished: http://www.freewebs.com/geneforgeremaker/apps/blog/show/23620000-crag-cut For those in waiting for more check Stone Circle: http://www.freewebs.com/geneforgeremaker/apps/blog/show/34252331-stone-circles
  22. You might like this story: - - A scorpion in a Russian doll : the hazards of an over-production of consumables. It was Christmas, music was in the air, when the house belonging to the Johns was strucked by tragedy! Whilst they were cleaning the table, the John's four year old girl left the kitchen. When the parents finished clearing the table and entered the living room, they found the small girl lying on the flour; she had opened her present, a russian doll, and was stung by the tiniest of yellow scorpions which had survived the flight from Indonesia, where the doll had been made. @Copyright webs. - French translation: Un scorpion dans une poupée russe: les aléas de la production excessive de biens de consommation. C'était Noël, la musique était dans l'air, lorsque la maison appartenants aux Tartempions fut frappé par la tragédie! Alors qu'on débarassait la table, la fille de quatre ans Tartempion se leva de table sans que nul ne regarda. Lorsque les parents eurent finit, ils se dirigèrent vers la pièce du salon, là où la fille fut trouvé étendue sur le sol; elle avait dépaqueté son cadeau, une poupée russe, et avait été piqué par un tout petit scorpion jaune, qui avait survécu au vol depuis l'Indonésie, là où la poupée avait été fabriqué.
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