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shaper training

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I thought just popped into my head, if shapers are so secretive and have so much to hide then how do you become a shaper in the first place!

In geneforge four i only used the geneforge,i got all the ability from learning, helped them win the war and still they dont accept me as a shaper.This happened to the non-shaper non-rebel soilders that were with me too.

So what i am basicly asking is, how in the world do you become a shaper? and please don't say birth.

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Originally Posted By: Mr.hollow_shell
In geneforge four i only used the geneforge,i got all the ability from learning, helped them win the war and still they dont accept me as a shaper.This happened to the non-shaper non-rebel soilders that were with me too.

Well, they're certainly not going to trust anyone who used the Geneforge. Remember what Shaper Grim thought of you? There's a lot more Shapers like him...

G1 made it sound like the Shapers would allow anyone who was sufficiently loyal, talented, and dedicated to become a Shaper, but only after years and years of study to prove it.

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I'd imagine there's an application process to your area's Shaper, and a certain regional quota, such as one for every other village, three for cities, etc. The local Shaper probably narrows it down based on general guidelines, and specialised tinkering.


There are probably prerequisites, too, such as innate magical ability, as well as loyalty to the Shapers. Your parents being Shapers would probably help a lot, as well.


After being selected, you're whisked away to the closest academy, such as Greenwood, to begin studying how to learn quickly, basic magic tricks, how to take in essence, the actual creations, and finally real magic and Shaping. Eventually, after finishing studies there, you get whisked away as an apprentice of a real Shaper, like Shanti, to get some experience with your skills. Finally, probably with approval from your master, you take a test, such as the one on Greenwood Isle, and if you pass, you are sent to the Council. The Council probably further tests you, but eventually they affirm you as a Shaper in some way, and send you out to work in the hierarchy.

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