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Fire or Magic Shaping

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In G5, personally, I'm looking forward to playing something other than an agent/lifecrafter. I always gravitate toward them because in practice they're the most powerful (or, perhaps, the easiest?) character in the game, and I like magic too much... it's so much more satisfying than beating your foes with sharp objects.


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Jeff always puts in the game that shapers are the easiest and agents are hard, but honestly i think that guardians are the hardest. They're the class I've had the most trouble beating games with. Though quick action and parry are nice, not being able to buff one's self makes playing people who slow indefinitely hard.

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Ah, so you're assuming you have the tactical advantage of being far away while your drakons are closer to him. Seems a bit unfair, but then you would need that advantage, wouldn't you? If all things were equal and he could hit you off the bat, you might be in trouble.


Then again, I'm a fan of shapers myself. I've just noticed how all the really hardcore players here seem to use agents, implying that they are the best out there.


Edit: Oops, didn't see the second page, my comment was directed at Omen.


Edit 2: Hydro, I think shapers are only the easiest because you can trick the AI into fighting the creations. To use a Warcraft analogy (because I know you like it smile ) in pvp players would skip the pets and go right for the hunter/warlock.

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Shapers/lifecrafters are helped by their ability to create powerful creations to help them out, but on their own they're a little outmatched by the agent/infiltrator, whose magic skills are superior. But after all this time I'm still not sure, actually, which is 'easier': a shaper with powerful assistants or a lone agent with more powerful magic who gains level more quickly because their XP isn't reduced by her creations. You might be right: the Shaper-with-assistants might, in the end, be easier.


I suppose I haven't paid enough attention to analyzing and comparing the two.


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Originally Posted By: Hydromedia
Jeff always puts in the game that shapers are the easiest and agents are hard, but honestly i think that guardians are the hardest.

Dikiyoba doesn't think Agents were called the hardest except in G1 (where there were fewer spells). G2 at least stated that Guardians are the most difficult.
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Sorry Sleeping Dragon i think you're going to have to edit again. I'm NOT a World of Warcraft player. I play Warcraft III, an RTS (real time strategy) game, which is a big contrast to the MMORPG.


I don't even know how a test might be made to see which is stronger, as there is no PvP in geneforge. Maybe that'll be a new feature in G5...?



I wasn't aware of that, i thought it was the guardians who were supposedly easy. Good thing diki is here to be our GF wiki (i know).

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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
Dikiyoba doesn't think Agents were called the hardest except in G1 (where there were fewer spells). G2 at least stated that Guardians are the most difficult.

Hilariously, in G2 Guardians are possibly the easiest class because of how overpowered Parry is. It's just in every other game that they're hard to play as.
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Again, i am not saying i am the best, i am just posting the possiblitlies of what would happen in battle. I myself chose the Titans Hall as my "base" in geneforge 4 because it is the most defendable area. But again, we would need PvP to prove it. I am sure Hydra's agent is quite powerful, and it would be cool if we could go coop online.

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I almost always play as a guardian, shapers just seem to die too quickly on me. I like beating stuff with a sword more than magic anyway (and swords don;t need amo ore energy) and have one ore two good creations back me up. I never liked agents because they can't shape well. I've never actually had enough essence to make even UR-Drakon, but even normal drakons are powerful, I just like Gazers better for some reason.

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