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Infiltrator making a small investment in Creations

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Most of the game the infiltrator/agent can run solo. It helps at the end to make one powerful creation. In Geneforge 4 you can make most creations without having to invest any skill points in shaping skills if you wait until at least chapter 3, the Fens of Aziraph.


Synergy showed how lopsided a strong battle magic infiltrator can be since items will allow for a decent combat ability when you need it.

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Shaping is by far the most powerful ability for any class IMO.

I'm not entirely sure about that. Melee and normal missile do indeed suck, but a magic user can cast several powerful spells which none of the PC's creations can (Terror, Dominate, Mass Madness, Essence Orbs, Haste, Bless.)


For example, I was attempting to fight Shaft-toe with several Drayks, and he kept whipping me with his nasty servant golem. However, one 'Dominate' turned the golem to my side, and cleaned Shaftoe's clock (while soaking up all the damage that my Drayks would have received).



I run infiltrators/serviles with at least one or two creations at all times. I might even use 3.

Yes, Creations kick ass. I find playing an infiltrator without creations quite awkward at times.


It would be absurd for an agent/infiltrator with so much essence (due to the huge investment in intelligence to cast spells) to let it go to waste.


Quite simply, magic is extraordinary, and Shaping removes the dangers inherent in playing solo. As one cannot cast effective spells without making a large investment in magic skills, whereas one can make fantastic creations with a minimal investment in Creations, the infiltrator is by far the best character.


In otherwords, I've jumped from Servile to Lifecrafter to Infiltrator.

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The best skill depends on how you play. Shaping has the odd position of giving fairly limited returns on skill point investment and being obtainable through items alone. You can be a perfectly good shaper without spending your hard-earned skill points on it.


—Alorael, who puts points in shaping anyway. Sometimes he has to bite the bullet and play sub-optimally.

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Originally written by Nepharim:
I've found it a struggle to play a shock trooper, since you need to put most points in Shaping, the 'average' combat skills fall behind, and high cost on magic makes it even harder, it's not impossible, but I've had quite alot of problems with shock troopers.
Putting points in Shaping is almost completely unnecessary. You need, at the absolute most, 4 Fire Shaping and 6 Magic Shaping -- you can get bonuses from items to bring you up to 10 from there, and going above 10 is a waste. Better still, either forget about fire shaping and go magic shaping for the whole game, or vice versa.

Ignore magic completely, except for maybe Healing Craft. Rely exclusively on pods and spores. I did a no-magic Shock Trooper once and it was easier than my first attempt at a Lifecrafter.

Pump Intelligence a lot and Endurance a little. Ignore strength and melee weapons for the most part; you get enough points in those without investing skill points. Dexterity and missile weapons are a worthwhile investment, but you can ignore them if you need the skill points elsewhere.
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Originally written by Thuryl:
Originally written by Nepharim:
I've found it a struggle to play a shock trooper, since you need to put most points in Shaping, the 'average' combat skills fall behind, and high cost on magic makes it even harder, it's not impossible, but I've had quite alot of problems with shock troopers.
Putting points in Shaping is almost completely unnecessary. You need, at the absolute most, 4 Fire Shaping and 6 Magic Shaping -- you can get bonuses from items to bring you up to 10 from there, and going above 10 is a waste. Better still, either forget about fire shaping and go magic shaping for the whole game, or vice versa.

Ignore magic completely, except for maybe Healing Craft. Rely exclusively on pods and spores. I did a no-magic Shock Trooper once and it was easier than my first attempt at a Lifecrafter.

Pump Intelligence a lot and Endurance a little. Ignore strength and melee weapons for the most part; you get enough points in those without investing skill points. Dexterity and missile weapons are a worthwhile investment, but you can ignore them if you need the skill points elsewhere.
For the record, I heart Drayks- I pretty much skull all battle creations though.

Oh man, if only you could play a Drayk and/or Drakon creator, that's all the game could use to make it more interesting for me.
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