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Making A Melee Weapon into Ranged

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Kinda like the Unbound attacks? Well I think if you gave a Soulblade the reaper ability then enhanced it with acid, which I think you already did. Brainwave. Try finding the reaper attack in the scripts then changing it to the Unbound attack, then add a whole bunch of enhancements to the soulblade in the scripts to make the soulblade shoot unboud attack that does fire, cold, acid damage, slows, drains life, and curses. That would be amazingly scary.

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  • 3 months later...
Originally written by Haakai-Tender Valcrist:
It's possible..well, with script editing it is..
I managed to make the Puresteel Soulblade a missile weapon..a Reaper Baton to be exact..

Since I'm nice I'll show the edited script:

begindefineitem 83;
import = 68;
it_name = "Puresteel Soulblade";
it_graphic_coloradj = 64;
it_level = 15;
it_value = 5000;
it_stats_to_affect 0 = 7;
it_stats_addition 0 = 2;
it_stats_to_affect 1 = 6;
it_stats_addition 1 = 1;
it_ability = 58;

Note the "it_ability = 58;” it is a part of the "Reaper Baton" script which makes a “Reaper Baton” a "Reaper Baton"...Get the picture? Additionally, the "Puresteel Soulblade/Reaper Baton" hybrid has unlimited ammo..Yep, you read it right..UNLIMITED AMMO..

Also..the Bonuses the PSSB gives is still retained..so my wish of a Missile Weaon with Stat Bonus has come true..=)

Also...the damage of the Reaper Baton is added to the damage of the PSSB...or so it seems...
Cool idea! I couldn't get it to work properly on PC. It still acted like a sword and would splash
over effect on me and any of my party who were nearby until I made the following changes:

begindefineitem 83;
import = 68;
it_name = "Puresteel Soulblade";
it_graphic_coloradj = 64;
it_level = 15;
it_ability = 58;
it_value = 5000;
it_stats_to_affect 0 = 7;
it_stats_addition 0 = 2;
it_stats_to_affect 1 = 6;
it_stats_addition 1 = 1;

It now acts like a missile weapon and doesn't even need reapers in inventory. Great weapon!
All I did with your script is change position of 1 line.
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Originally written by Dikiyoba:
Uh, no. Reviving old topics is perfectly acceptable (and in fact encouraged) if the new post directly relates to the subject being discussed. Micro Phage's post is fine.

Thanks Diki! Seemed I was on topic considering the content of many of the posts here. Also, somehow when I quoted the 1st post in this forum it gave a different name than "Azuma". Thought I was quoting Azuma. Anyhow, the weapon hybrid rocks! And it almost appears to act like a sword at close range. Though you'll get splashed a bit by the reaper effect! Thanks Azuma for great idea!

And The Ratt, no problem. The thread is called Geneforge 4 and is titled "Making a Melee Weapon into Ranged" after the title of the 1st post. I'll look for some Necromancer posts and reply if I have something interesting to add.
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Originally by Micro Phage:


Also, somehow when I quoted the 1st post in this forum it gave a different name than "Azuma". Thought I was quoting Azuma.
Heh. A fascinating look at the inner workings of UBB. (To clarify, Azuma's display name at the time he made the post was probably Haakai-Tender Valcrist, so even though he's changed his name since then, that name is still connected to that post.)


I'll look for some Necromancer posts and reply if I have something interesting to add.
Dikiyoba doesn't think that's sarcasm, so necromancy is a term for (usually unwarranted) topic revivals, not a Geneforge-related discussion.


Edit: Fixed quote.

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Originally written by Dikiyoba:
Originally by Micro Phage:

Also, somehow when I quoted the 1st post in this forum it gave a different name than "Azuma". Thought I was quoting Azuma.
Heh. A fascinating look at the inner workings of UBB. (To clarify, Azuma's display name at the time he made the post was probably Haakai-Tender Valcrist, so even though he's changed his name since then, that name is still connected to that post.)

Edit: Fixed quote.
All praise UBB.. eek

And you can do much, much, much more with script editing..creating a "Mage Blade" for example..instead of attacking opponents..when you use it..you restore Essence and SP!
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Originally written by Dikiyoba:
Originally by Micro Phage:

I'll look for some Necromancer posts and reply if I have something interesting to add.

"Dikiyoba doesn't think that's sarcasm, so necromancy is a term for (usually unwarranted) topic revivals, not a Geneforge-related discussion."
You're right. It wasn't sarcasm. I've been playing so many different RPG's this year that I was actually wondering if there were Necromancers in this game and I'd missed something! Duh. Not to mention an occasional need for sleep after a gaming marathon! Yawn...
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Originally written by Azuma:
And you can do much, much, much more with script editing..creating a "Mage Blade" for example..instead of attacking opponents..when you use it..you restore Essence and SP!
Very cool! I've had a lot of fun playing around with some of the ideas on this thread. Really glad you started it! You may have seen in the A4 forum a post about Strategy Central that mentioned an A4 Editor by Micro Phage. I'm not a total noob to these forums though it's been a while since I've played with UBB or the Spiderweb Forums. (I think an early version of UBB predated the WWW in the old Bulletin Board days before everyone was able to get web access.?.?)
Anyhow, I'm knocking some rust and dust off UBB and scripting skills. I'm finishing up a GF4 Editor. Seems fairly clean at this point. I think it's about ready to post it in the GF4 forum but if you want a peek the link is http://www.freewebs.com/microphage/index.htm I've gotten some ideas here that leave a mark in some of the custom items in it. I spend more time playing with scripts than playing a game. Then of course you need to test out the scripts and play the game again so I get a lot of mileage out of a game!

Also, I'm doing a test run on a PC program called XLnow OnScript Editor that is somewhat helpful in locating where a certain line is if you're getting crazy with script modding. I think you have to multiply the error line number in the game error message by 2 in this prog and it'll help you track where a mistake is. So there is something out there besides Notepad but it's way over powered for this. But... a try before you buy version got me past a screaming hair puller bug on the GF4 editor.

Is there anything out there besides Notepad and this for scripting? Ah, well. I'm going to sleep. The sun is starting to come up. Later!
Micro Phage
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Originally written by The Ratt:
I hate to sound like a stickler but generally double posting is frown upon, though in your case it is fine.
Then why on earth did you mention it at all? This is a good example of what bothers me about football (American) announcers. They'll run off at the mouth about how the actions not taken were so spectacular, and we miss the next play altogether.

Here, you never bothered to identify what about double posting is bad. (Spiderweb has a limited amount of server space, but unlimited bandwidth, and double posting consumes more server space than just editing and lengthening a post.) You also gave the person a thumbs up for the action, without explaining why. (Occasionally it is simpler to respond to separate posts in separate posts, as long as they cover separate points. Mostly though it is better (sexier) to combine all your separate points into one post, which then becomes a huge monstrosity that can be quoted for posteriority.)

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  • 2 months later...

You have to do a little script editor dance that includes a solo number with a spiky fluffy turtle in your back while eating the Ctulhu fruit..then you have to withdraw your sanity and go back to the fluffy turtle pit and stay there for three days and five nights..


Or you could do the easy way in..go to the Geneforge Folder, then Data, then Scripts..voila!

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  • 6 months later...

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