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Agent Miranda


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Just after the Western Pass I get to the Gamma Outpost and there is an Agent Miranda in there.


I can't kill her. She's got 1 out of like 1300 hit points, and I just keep pounding her and she never dies. Just keeps creating those nasty Wingbolts.


What's up with that? I don't see any power lines, crytal pylons, or platforms that are keeping her alive. I killed all the Wingbolts then hit her hard, and no...any ideas?

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Well that explains why she won't die. I wondered then if she was important, so I exitzoned myself out before I died (I fought a pitched battle I wasn't sure I could fight again, so I didn't want to die and have to start again).


Yes, I'm playing Rebel. It's my first time playing, so I'm going with the flow...

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The same is if you attack Greta during the first area she wont die but if you use the kill cheat she will die but the following will happen.


Greta will be at the base

Both prospectives will be dead

when you kill Greta any one travleing with you will go to the base gate


For miranda like above she is an important npc so you can not kill her.

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