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G4-another analysis

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Hey Thuryl, would you like some bread with your whine?


I've never really played a hybrid game before. Since you can just make the final decision whatever you want at the end of the game, I usually play as a purist. Playing as a Shaper loyalist seems the easiest, involving the least fighting, but then it's hard for me to tell since I always cheat.

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Muffin, what was the point of that post? You've been acting noobish and arrogant lately. No offense, and it could just be Nalyd, but he's keeping an eye on you.


Edit- In response to Muffin(below). Yes, Nalyd is more mini-moddish than usual. But this is a genuine trend he has noticed. Nalyd is moderately sure than others have as well. And where in Tully's post does it refer to what Nalyd mentioned? Tully was commenting on Thuryl's post, in regards to the poll.


Oh, and Nalyd almost forgot. He has played as. . . Well, everything. Cheating and not. Of them all, Nalyd certainly liked pure Shaper the most. But the easiest was Shaper-Rebel mix with the Rebel ending.

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Originally written by An Iffy Muffin:
Check ET's post, minimod. :p
Yes, the Emperor asked if he wanted bread with his whine. That doesn't mean you can image spam a picture of bread.

Now, the easiest is definitly leaning towards the Shapers. Canisters, and maybe not giving away the specs to keep the Grayghost region from killing on sight. Really though, I haven't tried loyal without giving the specs away.
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