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Stuck in the electrical field


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I think he means the Electrified Field.


Anyway, basically you have to follow the south and east wall of the zone all the way round to the north, using all the spore boxes as you go to disable some of the pylons. And don't walk between two pylons if there are little balls of energy going between them.

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Alternatively you can brute force your way through an electric field with enough health and use all the appropriate buffing spells: augmentation, essence armor, protection, and elemental cloak. Just heal after being damaged.


This is the only way to loot the body in the Warded Sea Cave, and reach the spore control box for the field in the Shaper Camp in the Forsaken Lands.


For all other ones you just have to be very careful and don't get within 2 squares or a pylon.

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Originally written by Randomizer:
This is the only way to loot the body in the Warded Sea Cave
The one in the middle of a triangle of pylons? I've looted that body without setting them off. You have to approach at exactly the right angle and be a little lucky, but it's possible.
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