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Against all odds [May contain spoiler]

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[May contain a spoiler, I don't know]


Okay, don't know if it's relevant to the storyline and you have to kill it, but I may have ran ahead a little bit.


So... Before even reaching Northforge I already took a shortcut into that big machine room it has, and found this corrupted unbound in the basement. With just short of 4000 hit points and the ability to kill 4 Drayks with a little over 450 health in a single hit I have absolutely no idea if it's even possible to eradicate this mutated creep.


Do I come back for it later, or stop pushing and wasting my time and instead leave it on the side?


(I doubt this is a big secret, knowing everyone loves to explore, don't you? But still, this seems like a big thing to me. If I ruined a possible secret you should have read the spoiler warning. Don't sue me, I don't have any money to sue out of me anyhow right now)

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The easiest way to beat that unbound is to have a high health creation attack it and hang back out of range and heal your creation. Drakons, gazers, and kyshakks work best.


Did you use all the protection spells that you could on your drayks? You need to also try to get close enough to use essence shackles to slow it down so you have more time. It does more damage the longer you fight it.


The machinery to the south puts up an extremely tempoary damping field to help keep it from fighting you, but I never found it that useful.

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