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Raising even a stat that costs 1 point to start will cost over around 200 points depending on how many you start with. At level 45 you only have 235 points total. Raising something to 30 means you won't have any other decent skills, let alone powerful ones.


—Alorael, who can't think of anything that is even conceivably useful enough to justify that many points. Intelligence almost comes close, but you'd still be crippled.

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I don't know what you mean by combat levels, so I'm assuming you mean levels.


At level 60 you only get 75 more skill points than you had at level 45, which is still not enough to get another skill even close to 30. At level 45 you can get four of your cheapest skills to 15 (e.g. combat for warriors and serviles) and have some points left over, but that's about it.


Getting to level 80 is the result of either a bug or cheating.


—Alorael, who thinks you might as well cheat if you have your heart set on getting skills that high. It's not necessary, though. You'll be going through everything like a drakon through ornks long before your skills get anywhere near the cap.

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