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Strongest Weapon


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The Viper's Touch isn't a bad endgame weapon for a melee character; damage equivalent to a Shaped Blade, plus a poison effect that does very significant damage after a few hits. And you can still enchant it with a Golden Crystal for even more damage.


Of course, the quest to get it is non-trivial.


For a lifecrafter or other character with many creations, the Guardian Claymore is good enough to use as an endgame weapon; fairly high damage (not that a lifecrafter should be attacking in melee), and a bonus to both your own Strength and that of your creations. The Charmed Falchion is a similar weapon that's also a decent choice, although you don't get it until later in the game. Keeping the Captain's Shiv around as a swap-in weapon for when you need to cast a high-level blessing spell isn't a bad idea either.

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My guess is that it depends on class. eek


As a lifecrafter, definitely favor weapons that buff your creations.


As an infiltrator, I just finished the game, and I beat most of it with the Guardian Claymore with acid effect enchanted on it. Also, look below.


As a heavy melee class, either pure damage weapons or weapons that give you ancillary effects (Oozing Blade)

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