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Percieved Sympothies

Retlaw May

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I have recently played through all the Geneforge series (all loyalist, no canisters except in G1 and no magic or shaping in G4) and was just wondering the general concensious was on who you sympotized with and who you may think Jeff sypothizes with based on the script. I know that Jeff can't comment on who he may or may not like more, but I'd like to see how people think based off the script.

P.S. I think that Jeff did a good job at making it controversal as to who you favor and doesn't obviously favor one or the other. I'm just wonding how people feel.

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I tend to sympathize with the Shapers. They pretty much keep everything nice and peaceful, but then the rebels come along and start blowing everything up. The Shapers may be cruel but at least they didn't butcher innocent civilians. Furthermore, because of the rebels, the Trakovites have risen up in the carnage and started sending people on a crusade against Shaping in general.


I think Jeff sympathizes with the rebels. It feels like he is constantly trying to hold the rebels up in a good light. So I think we differ in opinion there.

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Jeff seemed to split the Rebels into different factions with Drakons representing the most extreme and Litalia now part of the group that thinks they went too far. There is now a more moderate Rebel force that wants to be left alone somewhere safe from Shaper control.


The Trakovites are the voice of reason in Shaping has gotten completely out of control. There are eliminated for spreading the truth.

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It's strange because I always thought Jeff sympathized with the Awakened, given that they were the most moderate and easiest to sympathize with in the first two games. But then they were gone...


I was going to say that now Jeff sympathized with the rebels, the human rebels like Greta, not the drakons, because they are the ones truely struggling for a cause they beleive in. Then I realized you left out the Trakovites. Jeff is clearly a Trakovite. He is writing the games to make shaping look bad, and he is succeeding. People hesitate to side with either the Shapers or the Rebels, because both seem to have more flaws than good points. He made the Trakovites seems life a noble moderate sect that wanted to save the world when really they are just terrorists who will doom it. He is favoring these radicals but by making them a 'hidden sect' it is not so obvious.

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I can sympathize with the Trakovites, but that's about it. There might be revelations later in the game that prove me wrong, but I doubt you can put the genie back in the bottle. All it took was one apprentice coming across Sucia Island to undo the attempt to bury the Geneforge and the canisters after all. Having a philosophy that can easily be undone by a young lad or lass wandering the ruins of the world searching for that next point of experience seems like a poor way to try to remake society.


I've traditionally sided with the Shapers in G1-3 (including the unaligned rather than Loyalist approach in G2) albeit with Khyrkk like viewpoints (ie, don't screw up the world but don't be a jerk either) but in G4 it's been harder to really choose a side. Perhaps it's because many of the early chances to help the Shapers don't really give you a motivation as to why you would betray the Rebellion outside of bettering your standing with the Shapers. Usually when I have so far, it's because the Shapers ask me to help someone who the Rebels want to just kill or it's a servile that likes the Shapers and wants to return to them. I'll see how things stand further on in the game, but given the lack of real sympathy for either side up to the Fens, the "I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process," approach seems to be the most appealing. If everyone's crazy, I might as well just stab them until loot comes out.

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I'm not so sure Jeff has a side, or that it hasn't changed. I agree that he portrays the Shapesr and Rebels largely as equally evil, but the Trakovites struck me as hopeless idealists and borderline political nutjobs. They are, in a way, arch-conservatives. They want to turn back time, and that's not possible.


—Alorael, who thinks Jeff sympathizes with creation rights, limited shaping, and probably no self-shaping. That faction doesn't exist, and with good reason. Rational or moderate sects have no place in Geneforge.

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