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Ok, I am having a lot of trouble with the unbound. I have gotten to the Dera Reaches by avoiding them all. I keep trying to kill them, thinking with the experience I've gained I can beat them, but no such luck. Is there a trick or strategy to killing them? I'd really like to clear as many areas as possible. Thanks.

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No. They're tough, and you may need to leave them until very late in the game. The one real trick is that their ranged attacks are much more brutal than their melee attacks. Pinning one against a wall with your character or a creation will keep them from breathing, making the battle a little bit less grueling. Unbound are tough anyway, though.


—Alorael, who thinks avoiding them is generally a good idea until you can take them in the time and place of your choosing with all your buffs in place. Walls are a good place!

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What character are you playing? That might make a lot of difference. I'm thinking it might be more easily accomplished with a Lifecrafter. Having a lot of creations, with at least a couple of them pretty powerful, really helps. When I was able to make rotgroths, I was able to clear out Gorash-Kel and then the Talis-Eye in Lerman's Pass. Before then, I kept going back and trying but failing. I was level 38 before I could get them.

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Daze and strong daze rarely affect Unbound. Close to melee and use essence shackles or ensnaring fibers to slow it down while you pile on damage. Essence lances, lightning aura, searer, burning spray all do some damage every round and wrack will increase it.


Outside of the fen patrol ones and Dera Bridge Unbounds, they all have scripted area attacks so you will need plenty of armor or a high level creation.

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Glass cannon is a character build more than a tactic for killing specific monsters. G4 and G5 make glass cannons much harder to run, and Unbound in particular spray out enough damage and are hard enough to lock down that glass characters will have trouble surviving. A glass shaper has better chances simply by virtue of being able to stay out of the fight while creations take the brunt of the Unbound's offensive output.


—Alorael, who didn't notice a particular Unbound weakness to cold or resistance to fire. If it's there, it's slight. He'd check the scripts, but he doesn't have access to them right now.

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There's nothing really wrong with offering secondhand advice. I'd just recommend it more for factual information (Where is something, how do I do this, and son on) rather than subjective and tactical information. The simple reason is that it's easier to report facts and there's no room for ambiguity. Tactics often become something of a survey in how people play, and it's nice to get accurate information there.


—Alorael, who normally would advise not getting secondhand advice in the first place so you can enjoy the surprises of the game more. Since he's already picked up a fair amount of G1-3 through osmosis, though, he'd be a terrible hypocrite. Feel free to keep reading.

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Originally Posted By: Yerviz
As far as soloing one without creations I'm now so sure, my service character hasn't seen much play thus far.

I'm not quite sure if kiling an Unbound *with* creations can even be considered "soloing" it.

On normal difficulty, it is certainly possible to kill an Unbound without creations. You might have to wait a little longer than you'd have to wait with support from creations, since you have to be able to survive one combat round in which it is concentrating on damaging you without the meatshields.

I currently play a Trakovite infiltrator without creations and canisters, and I seem to have an easier time killing them than I had the first time around, when I was playing as a Sorceress in Astoria's faction. That's probably due to knowing the game better by now, though. But generally, since they don't stun you, I consider them easier opponents than some others.

Typically, I dump as much poison, acid and lightning on them as I can, then keep healing myself. The regenerative aura is also helpful, and of course I use all the blessing that I have. Occassionally, I will get an extra hit in, or if there are other creations around, a charm. Something else that works sometimes is acid and lightning while the Unbound is busy whacking some unfortunate other creature that I charmed before, then hiding around some corners and waiting until it tracks me down or dies from the DoT spells. (When I was playing the sorceress with creations before, I basically followed the same strategy, except that I'd take less damage since I had a bunch of battle creations between me and the Unbound. But I wasn't really playing that one very well, so it was still hard, and my creations kept dying.)

By now, of course, I'm fairly late in the game, level 45 or 46 I think, so the Unbound aren't a problem anymore, but there are still some opponents that are really really tough without creations, e.g. Talis-Eye. Although you can at least get that one to follow you around the corner in the stunlock-free part of his home. But generally, I'd say the Unbound aren't going to be the hardest part of the game if you play without creations, not even by far.

Another thing is that they don't seem to have the same strength, so if you didn't kill any until Dera and then failed to kill one there, that doesn't mean you can't kill those back at the beginning in the Mera Fens. Those in Gorash-Kel also seemed a tiny bit harder than those in the fens.
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