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Southwest Wasteland: Defeating serviles[G5]

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How do you defeat these guys? I'm playing a Shaper character and can't kill these guys. I have even cheated using the shields up cheat and the healmenow cheat. But they swarm me and kill me in one turn so I never even have the chance to use the heal cheat.


I've tried a variety of creations, but even with the shields up cheat, they get killed in one turn.


And I can't seem to isolate one servile. The minute they turn hostile, they all seem to swarm in, plus they all seem to get 2 attacks each.


So how to you go after these guys?

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I know I didn't have trouble with them, but I was a fairly high level before coming back to these guys. What is your level, stats, and what creations do you have?


Just an FYI, you should probably be around level 30 before going to Ghaldring, and even then, these areas can be difficult depending on how you build your character. It may be best to wait until you have more spells, equipment, and creations.

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You don't have to fight them if I'm thinking of the same ones. Enough leadership, I believe, will get you through.


—Alorael, who of course didn't go through peacefully. Serviles should know their place! High level definitely helps, as do creations to spread the damage around. As a side note, Regeneration Aura is nice, but it becomes ridiculous if you have seven creations and manage to get enemies to attack all of them approximately equally. You can take and heal almost 300 damage per round for free!

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Kill them one at a time. Place your shaper next to the exit point and range your creations in front. Generally all your creations will go first. Buff and kill 1 servile. Your shaper will be badly damaged but alive when your turn comes. Step back and exit the area to a safe place. Rinse, lather repeat.


And yes, I did this. It took forever...

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Originally Posted By: Hellin Daimiel to Helansajar
You don't have to fight them if I'm thinking of the same ones. Enough leadership, I believe, will get you through.

Enough leadership gets them to delay attacking you, buying yourself just about enough time to walk across the zone. But if you get sidetracked at all, they're likely to lose their patience and attack you anyway.
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