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Greta? What happened to her?[G5]

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She survived just fine. She's still leading the rebellion, or at least a part of it. She's still not a huge fan of the Ghaldring or the drakons, but beating the Shapers comes first.


—Alorael, who can add that you will meet her briefly in the second "chapter" of the game and get to speak to her as more of a permanent fixture somewhat later.

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Alwan survived with grievous injuries and is permanently attached to scaffolding and equipment to keep him alive and functional. He isn't mobile, but he's still commanding armies. Miranda died, and Alwan is rather unhappy about it.


—Alorael, who would be careful about considering endgame canonicity. After all, only one ending can be right, and often it seems like Jeff puts a few of them together to come out with a kind of blended ending.

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He's also really the only rebel leader. He's one of three on the rebel end of the rebel/Shapers reputation scale, but the Trakovites certainly aren't the rebels and, well, a member of the Shaper Council makes a less than convincing rebel, even as a secret traitor to the Shapers rebel.


—Alorael, who sees the retention of old characters as a sign of continuity and series maturity. It's not overloaded like the later Avernums were, in a way, but it would be odd to have the rebels and Shapers get entirely new leadership for each game.

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Wiser? Ghaldring?


He doesn't want to blow up the world. He doesn't even want to slaughter all the Shapers. He just wants to make sure they go from Shapers to shapers, and just one among the many who have access to that power.


—Alorael, who doesn't think drakons do moderate. That's also not terribly suprising, considering it's an entire species of geneforge/canister/self-shaping junkies.

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It's possible to get almost to the end of the game before deciding which faction to join, so as long as you keep a couple of backup savefiles and don't mess up, it should only take two playthroughs (one for Shaper reputation, one for Rebel) to see just about everything there is to see in G5.

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Or only one, if you're willing to set the reputation flag and then do a few extra quests. I think you'd have to start from a save file considerably farther back, but at the very least you can avoid the beginning of the game.


—Alorael, who also recommends not going into certain areas that you are told not to go into until you are told to ignore that and go ahead. It's possible to fail a faction before joining it. (Thanks for the heads-up, Thuryl!)

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You can do a little bit for many factions, but only sometimes. Mostly they'll have a reputation requirement, and it would require careful tracking and work to ensure that you can do the pre-commitment quests for both rebellious and loyalist factions.


—Alorael, who would guess, from what he's seen, that Rawal's quests are unlikely to cause the sweeping hostilities of the major factions but can quite possibly cause local dissatisfaction and distaste. Since he makes a policy of dissociating from Rawal early and often, he has little evidence to back up his beliefs.

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Originally Posted By: *i
While I haven't taken the Rebel path yet, but I've gathered Ghaldring turns into another boring version of Bob.

Jeff isn't a good enough writer to avoid this over the course of an entire game, I don't think. He really shouldn't have let the player meet Ghaldring so early in the plot; having to receive quests through his servants rather than dealing with Ghaldring directly would have kept an air of mystery about him, and been quite appropriate for his character. Oh well.
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Originally Posted By: Thuryl
Every point of leadership counts as 1 reputation point toward the requirement -- so the further away you are from meeting the reputation requirement, the more leadership you'll need.

It varys with the faction, but moderate factions only use half of your leadership and extemist factions use a third of your leadership to modify reputation.

Conason in Lethia Pass and Greta in Gazaki-Uss have the largest reputation change.
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I do think that the PC isn't supposed to be a character who appeared previously. From an in-game perspective I don't find the evidence compelling, and from a meta-game perspective I doubt both that Jeff would explicitly make a non-generic PC and that, if he did, he would cunningly conceal the PC's backstory.


—Alorael, who sees more evidence in the large variety of possible classes. The G5 PC is generic, but he/she is generic only because there are a tragically large number of reshaped and mindwashed people left by the rebellion. He would have been happy to see more of them appear in the game, actually. Why does Rawal get the only neat person-tool? It could even have been set up in a Nethergate-like fashion where whatever you're trying to do your counterpart is trying to undo. Join Astoria and he/she/it joins Taygen! Join Alwan and you're facing a staunch Trakovite!

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