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Damage + other related things


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I'm just preparing to play Avernum 5 and I need some information to start:


In terms of damage:

Are dexterity, bows/thrown and sharpshooter the same?

Are strength, melee/pole, blademaster, anatomy and assasination the same?

Are intelligence, mage/priest and magery the same?


Lethal blow, anatomy and assasination effect neither, bows nor spells, right? But battle disciplines do?



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1) Yes: all the missile skills appear to have the same effect on damage.

2) No. There's no Assassination skill in Avernum 5, and Lethal Blow doesn't affect damage unless you actually land a lethal blow. The others are the same, but Anatomy only works against humanoid opponents.

3) No. Intelligence has no effect on spell power, only on spell points. Mage Spells, Priest Spells, Magery and Spellcraft all have the same effect on spell power.

4) Yes: you can't land a lethal blow with a ranged attack, but you can use a battle discipline with one.

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Thuryl -- are you sure the Anatomy simply adds to the attack bonus against humanoids? We know it increases damage somehow, but that's about it, I think. Also, I thought it worked on missile attacks as well.


Thrown Rock is a missile attack used by a monster, I'm assuming. Either that or a leftover from the war trall in G4.

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Originally Posted By: Slarty
Thuryl -- are you sure the Anatomy simply adds to the attack bonus against humanoids? We know it increases damage somehow, but that's about it, I think. Also, I thought it worked on missile attacks as well.

Thrown Rock is a missile attack used by a monster, I'm assuming. Either that or a leftover from the war trall in G4.

For ranged attacks, tested against a human brigand:

Anatomy No anatomy

21 16
23 19
21 22
22 17
15 14
22 15
12 17
19 18
24 17
18 21
20 21
18 21
24 15
20 24
23 24
24 22
22 26
20 19
18 27
26 20

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Variable 1 Variable 2
Mean 20.6 19.75
Variance 11.09473684 13.77631579
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.450627419

p = 0.45, so there is no statistical significance between the mean (average) damage for both data sets.

Ergo. It looks like anatomy doesn't do squat in regards to ranged attacks.

However, 20 anatomy caused a huge increase in melee damage (over double!).
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While I was at it, I experimented with lethal blow a little, comparing damage between 0 lethal blow and 30 lethal blow.




103 173

90 140

116 151

89 143

100 157

87 163

103 136

96 156

101 145

110 149

96 137

108 142

86 139

96 130

96 142

113 150

103 135

96 148

102 149

107 150

105 150


Average: 100.1428571 Average: 146.9047619


t test revealed clear statistical significance.


So apparently landing a lethal blow has the same affect as 'Well Aimed Blow', giving a 50% increase to damage. Note that if you hit with quick action, the lethal blow damage bonus is applied to both strikes. The amount of points of lethal blow you have doesn't appear to affect damage.


Two things appear to affect your chance to land a lethal blow: The level of your target, and the number of points you have in lethal blow.


So I wouldn't consider lethal blow worth investing in, although I wouldn't begrude getting a free point or two from items. It's certainly more useful than Gymnastics.

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Edit: I can't read. tongue


A flat 50% damage bonus makes more sense I think, but it's possible the bonus is applied in some other way. I mention this mainly because that's how Exile did it. Was it consistently 50% across other enemies / attack powers?


Also, does high enough Lethal Blow skill allow you to land lethal blows on targets of a higher level than you are?

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Also, does high enough Lethal Blow skill allow you to land lethal blows on targets of a higher level than you are?


Haha, that's wayyy beyond me. I don't even know how to accurately gauge the opponent's level, I'm just guessing based on opponent difficulty.


What I did notice is that Lethal Blow functions in a fashion similar to the Terror and Charm Foe spells, in regards to the 'threshold'. That is, you need a certain spell strength/amount of lethal blow and/or PC level before you even have a chance of success.



Was it consistently 50% across other enemies / attack powers?


I'll generate some data later on. I actually want to complete Avernum 5 first!

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