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Skribane Sub-plot


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I believe the Darkside Loyalists were also supplying it to Avernum people as a way to lower morale and/or damage us in some way.


But I for one, didn't find out more about it other than the brief references mentioned by Pyro.


And I always stayed clear of it in Avernum 3, other than being a drug mule between the Isle of Bigail and Lorelei.


edited to add Avernum 3 reference

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Wait a minute, Randomizer, are you suggesting the Irish have something to do with this?


If so, I'm about to take umbrage.


...Anyhow, drug addiction can also be an effective way of controlling your otherwise possibly not-so-reliable subjects. I'm sure Dorikas hadn't overlooked this aspect.


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Yeah, I just re-encountered Gormus, in Highground, who attacks you on sight when you open the door to his room in the inn. After dispatching him, you find traces of a green leaf in the jar in his room. Of course, one could make the argument that if four big armed humans, nephils, and sliths burst into your room, while you were chilling in your own room at the inn, you might be inclined to reach for your sword first, and ask questions later. I'm surprised more people don't attack you on sight for nosing around everywhere (as I do) and stealing everything available (as I also do.)



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But they seem so happy about it, and they never seem to even recognize their own property.


Even if they have like 12 endurance and their only method of attack is punching me... they've no qualms about attacking me if I'm brazen enough to steal 4 or 5 things in their (or somebody else's) presence. And yet... if I steal only 2 or 3, or appropriate something in their shop that isn't marked "NY" and then say, "Hi, this is mine; I'd like to sell it to you?", then they're like, "Oh, thank you very much for your business, come again!"


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Well, sometimes they've got something marked NY that's so magnetic that you just have to steal it.


No, I was suggesting a more realistic dialogue system that would necessitate hours and hours, maybe weeks of exhaustive extra programming. Something to really get Jeff overworked and annoyed because he believes so much, as do I, in verisimilitude.


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If there was any sense of a moral issue or actual consequence in the game, theft would be more of a decision. As transparently reduced to basic math as it is, there is absoultely no reason not to steal everything up to the limit to make a town angry or that you can filch out of sight. This bugs me. I think theft should be far less habitual and harder to get away with, perhaps reserved for especially desirable items. And have your thief/Tool Use factor in somehow to the likelihood of your success.


It would also make sense to me that even if you thieve out of sight, people will figure out who did it often enough, and it should hit your reputation. If you still had a reputation.



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I steal when no one can see me, but not in front of people. I figure no one know exactly who's taking all their stuff if I do it in secret, plus I want a little wiggle room in case I accidentally grab something marked NY later on.


Dikiyoba is just very glad no one else is a thief. Storing items right by the pylons may no longer be the wisest idea once people start using them all the time.

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Yeah, Reputation would be cool. And I've always wondered why people don't eventually figure these things out... when they go to look for their stuff, don't they wonder why it's suddenly gone? Shouldn't any of them suspect me?


I'd also like to be able to anger random people enough that they would send out bounty hunters for me. In A4 I was hoping that, after talking to that rich girl with the crazy family near Mertis, one of the brothers would come after me. It never happened, of course.


I was disappointed.



I always find an abandoned room, and/or preferably a chest or box, to keep my stash in, because I have this neurotic idea that, despite the game not being programmed this way, my stuff's going to disappear.


It should, if it's not secured this way.


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The best, of course, was always pushing a barrel or crate into a room, closing the door, and then stealing all the contents and leaving. No one could ever see that coming!


—Alorael, who on the other hand can see how maybe eventually the townsfolk should stop caring. When you're all that stands between civilization and utter destruction by demons/monster plagues/the Empire/crass materialism, you get a little leeway.

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